Camila had gotten ahead of her son and spoken with her grandchildren about what their father was planning to do. Daniel was furious - this was something that only he should have done. But Camila was very worried about the decision he was about to make and wanted to warn her grandchildren. Things were getting a bit out of control.
"What did you tell my children, mom?" Daniel's jaw was clenched.
"That you're about to do something crazy and bring a woman into your house who's barely old enough to be their mother."
"I should have been the one to talk to them about this, not you."
"They're my grandchildren, Daniel." Camila straightened in her chair, every inch the family matriarch.
"They're my children, and no one can interfere with my decisions or how I raise them, much less get ahead of doing something that's my duty."
Camila didn't have bad intentions; she was distressed about all the scandal that was about to unfold. Daniel Crusher married to a young woman who clearly only wanted his money. No woman her age would marry someone older with three kids. It was well known that the only ones who fit those characteristics were either mistresses or "trophy wives."
"Do you know the social scandal you're going to cause?"
"I don't care about that, mom. I never have."
"That's because you've never done anything as reckless as this."
"I don't want to discuss this anymore. I'm very grateful for everything you've done for me and my children since Emily died. But I'm going to ask you to stop meddling in my private affairs and especially to stop involving the children."
Daniel was known for his harsh and explosive temper when he reached his limit, but this was the first time Camila was the direct target. He had never spoken to her that way, and all to defend a woman who just wanted to fleece him and would probably leave him afterward. In Camila's mind, she had the whole story mapped out: he would marry her, make a fool of himself, after getting a good amount of money she would abandon him, and he would become the laughingstock of society.
No other woman would want to marry someone like that. With his reputation stained by a senseless affair. This was a disaster! And what about Harry and Susan? They would also receive part of this embarrassment and be affected. In reality, Camila had quite outdated concepts and quite an imagination.
"You'll change your mind when you meet her."
"I very much doubt that."
"If you close yourself off like that, you'll just keep believing nonsense."
Due to her unwanted intervention, Daniel decided the children wouldn't attend the meeting. It would be better for them to meet her alone without Camila's influence. Maybe this way they would erase what Daniel was sure she had told them about her. Things were going to be smooth and straightforward; he had everything planned in detail so his children could live with Deanna without major issues. And now he would have to deal with the preconceptions their grandmother had implanted in them.
Lynda had already made sure to spread the gossip that Daniel was about to be "caught" to turn him into an exhibition piece. That woman had no shame. She was convinced there was no better match than him and that she was his ideal partner, but he had changed course and was now chasing younger women. It was obvious he was going through his "midlife crisis." And of course, everyone started talking about it.
The only one who seemed unfazed and serene about his son's decision was Charles. He had a very peculiar relationship with Daniel because they were quite similar in many ways. He trusted his capability and way of handling things, which is why he had given him the CEO position in the company. And it had been completely right, because since Daniel started taking charge of it, they had diversified and expanded rapidly. He was convinced his son knew what he was doing.
"Don't pay attention to what your mother says, son. She always exaggerates." Charles' eyes crinkled with warmth.
"I know, dad, but I'm worried about her habit of getting ahead of things."
"She's always been like that, you just need to stay firm in your decision, with time she'll end up accepting it... So tell me," he leaned forward with a knowing smile, "is my new daughter-in-law pretty?"
"Very..." The word slipped out before Daniel could catch it.
"Ah, good. I'm happy for you, a pretty woman always brightens the days."
What was that? Yes, Deanna was pretty, but "very"? Daniel didn't know when he had reached that conclusion. But if he thought about it a bit, it wasn't entirely wrong. She had many things that made her pretty besides her face, her eyes, especially her hair, the long legs, the pleasant smile, the freckles on her back... She had character and optimism for life, was well-educated although she could also be indolent if she set her mind to it.
Was he seeing her as a woman? No, of course not. How could he? It was just because her appearance served to justify their supposed relationship, and nothing more. It had nothing to do with her distinguished bearing when she was serious, nor how she gestured with her hands when speaking or the expression she made with her eyes when she got angry. Daniel tried to justify himself by saying he had only observed her to learn about her and not make too many mistakes during the meeting.
"Don't lie to me saying you didn't find Daniel attractive," Laura said.
They were having coffee with Harry outside campus.
"Of course he's attractive..."
"I don't know if I want to hear this," Harry slumped in his chair.
"He's very popular with the ladies."
"I don't doubt it, he has a nice smile and expressive eyes."
"No, I don't want to hear this," Harry pressed his hands against his ears.
"Plus he's known for being quite a gentleman."
"...his black hair suits him well... And he does that gesture with his head when he wants to affirm something... his hands are very masculine..."
"When did you look at my brother so much?"
"I didn't look at him, what are you talking about?"
"'He has nice this, nice that' Come on, Dean! You were checking him out from head to toe." Laura gave Harry a light punch on the arm.
It was true. When had she observed him so much? Well, it was natural, he was supposed to be her fiancé and they had been dating for months. It was logical that she would inspect him a bit. That he was attractive made the situation a bit more pleasant; at least she would pretend to be the wife of a handsome man and having to see him daily wouldn't be so tedious. It somewhat balanced out his "special" character.
"You're unbearable sometimes, Harry, you know that?"
"I don't want to hear you talk about my brother like he's a man."
"What is he supposed to be then?"
"My brother... it's grotesque that you see anything 'attractive' about him."
"That happens, Deanna, because for Harry his brother is some kind of supreme deity. We're being blasphemous by referring to him as a mere mortal," Laura explained with amusement.
"You have problems, kid. That man isn't anywhere close to being a God."
And yet, Deanna kept reviewing in her mind all those little things she had noticed about him in just two meetings; the details that characterized him. He had a distinguished bearing and a very peculiar serenity despite always seeming rigid; if it weren't for his way of speaking that sometimes bordered on being dismissive, he would definitely fall into the category of "interesting man."