moved to a stool in the kitchen while trying to strike a conversation with me without even bothering to first ask or check on her patient, Angie
" I see you are cooking.. what are you cooking?" She asked as she sat down on the stool, still smiling
" I'm yet to decide that.. Angie says she wants to take something light excluding tea, golden morn, cornflakes or custard.."
" ..initially I was planning on making Irish potatoes with sauce for her but then her doctor advised against anything tomatoes, yam or potatoes" I continued wishing she could actually suggest something since she is Angie's nurse
" oh! too bad.. So what's your favorite food sir? We could prepare that instead" She asked
" It's chicken stew and rice but that isn't an option too" I said frustratingly
" Why not? I love chicken stew too.. lets prepare it please" she said and I looked at her wondering if she is suffering from few minutes amnesia
" Did you read the manual I gave you on all of Angie's medical dos and don'ts? and where you even listening at all to what I said earlier about the doctor's advise against tomatoes for Angie?" I asked looking intently at her
" Oh! you did?" Oge asked feigning surprise as she continued
" .. I'm sorry sir.. I was just too carried away when I heard chicken stew since it has actually been a while I ate that, and I was also overwhelmed that coincidentally we share the same favourite food!" Oge said remorsefully or so she made it seem
I heaved as I stared at her
" you did not even bother to ask of your patient Angie whom is your main purpose here.. and to be honest I'm not impressed at all Oge" I told her with all sincerity
" Oh! about that.. I checked on her before coming to see you in the kitchen and she was soundly asleep!" She replied but I knew deep down that she was lying because my Angie is in her gym house that is erected at the backyard. I personally took her there few minutes ago before I came to make breakfast for her
" Really?" I asked hoping to hear the truth from her
" Yes sir!" She answered still lying confidently
"Okay" I said as I turned to face the gas cooker to put it on after finally making up my mind to prepare noodles for Angie
" Sir I think I will go back to check on Angie again.. hopefully she will be awake by now!"
" No problem Oge.. Feel free" I said gently. As I watched her leave the kitchen to Angie's bedroom, I kept wondering if I am not making a mistake entrusting Angie's care to someone who is so nonchalant and tells irrelevant lies too
I continued with Angie's noodles preparation and I was almost done when I heard footsteps followed by Oge's worried voice
" I can't seem to find her in the bedroom sir.. I have searched everywhere inside the house but I still can't find Angie anywhere" Oge said as she moved closer to where I stood beside the kitchen cabinet
" That's because Angie is in her gym house.. she sometimes loves going there every morning before breakfast and I personally took her there shortly before you came!" I told her and watched as her mouth open agape in shock that her lies about checking up on Angie earlier, was long detected
" I'm so sorry sir, I lied about checking up on her earlier.. I just didn't want to create a bad impression on my official first work day, please forgive me sir" she said apologetically
I heaved as I responded
" Oge it doesn't change the fact that you just created a bad impression of you and as her personal nurse it's quite discouraging!" I gently said to her as I dished Angie's food into a flat plate and placed it on a food tray
" I'm sorry sir.. please pardon me this once" she continued pleading almost kneeling but I stopped her midway
" It's okay Oge.. I did already that's why I didn't discharge you immediately.. but please note that Angie is your main priority here so try to be more intentional about it, okay?" I asked to be sure what I am saying is sinking in
" Yes sir! Thank you so much" Oge said and slowly took a sit on the kitchen stool
" can you help me take Angie from the gym house please? It's erected at the backyard directly facing the pool.. I want her to come eat her food before it gets cold" I humbly requested from where I stood staring at Oge
" No problem sir" Oge said and wanted going before I halted her with my question
" I forgot to ask.. are you a fan of noodles? or would you rather drink tea and bread instead? Sorry it skipped my mind earlier"
" It's okay sir.. I would prefer to take tea.. thank you for asking" she said formally, I guess she still felt bad over what happened
" Okay Oge.. that makes the two of us then.. I am a tea fan but not the noodles fan" I replied smilingly in an attempt to brighten the tensed atmosphere between us, I sincerely don't want her still feeling bad about what she did
I felt happy when she began laughing heartily before replying
" Ah sir! we are both tea fans then, it's only remaining to be the bread fan.. okay I should get going to Angie's destination now before it will turn to Chelsea fan" She said laughing and then left to bring Angie.
I smiled relieved that the tensed atmosphere is clear now.
In a short while, the three of us; Me, Angie and Oge was done with breakfast and moved to the sitting room.
I sat relaxing