"So you've finally told her."She heard Max say from behind her and spun around to face him,he was looking sexy in his casual navy blue suit and shirt,his hair was neatly fasten up at the back of his head one can't even tell that he has long hair.Their eyes met and held for several minutes then she broke eye contact to look at Diana.
"Diana please ask me anything you want but I cannot marry this man,I don't know him.Marriage is a lifetime commitment and we're world's apart,I can never fit into this lifestyle I don't belong here,please Diana not this...ask anything you want but not this...marriage."The word was a whisper.
"I'm glad the two of us agree on something."He added."God mother I'm sure there has to be another way."
"If Adriana and you don't get married you won't have full control over the company Daniel wanted you and her to get married I'm sure he had a good reason why.The company will stay within this family at all cost,he trusted you and so do I. Adriana my child I'm sure you must be in shock and I understand this was your father's wish and mine too,your marriage will strengthen this family,make it even more harder for outsiders to come in and destroy a legacy your fathers took years to build and make a success.You might not see that now but in future it will benefit the both of you.Your future kids together will take this family and business even further."
Adriana was numb and couldn't move or talk she felt the room was spinning."Diana..."She began when she could find her voice.
"Adriana think about this before you gonna say no,both you and Max will benefit from this marriage it will also secure the adoption of your niece and Max will finally get full control over the company and expand it the way he wants.No one loses here,and you both know I'm telling the truth no matter how hard it might be for you to accept it."Adriana look at the man before her and felt like crying...he her husband.
This wasn't happening,out of all the things that can happen to her never before had she imagined this would be one of them she doesn't have anything against Max but...but this whole situation was absurd.Diana held out her hand to her and she went,she then reached her other hand out to Max and he came together they stood with Diana holding their hands in hers.
"You know I can do anything for you,go any extend for you cross any line for you,but I have to agree with Miss Woods us getting married isn't a solution you know I don't believe in marriage.I'm a bachelor,a playboy I can't possible get married."
"You'll change...for my Adriana."She began to cough and immediately Adriana reached out to her,she lift up a hand to stop her."I'm okay dear,both of you promise me that you'll consider this agreement,think about it.My time is near I can feel it and all I want is for my granddaughter to be taken care of,Max I know you will do a perfect job,the two of you will look after each other I know that."Diana joined their hands together and Adriana looked at how she and Max's fingers were entwined his big hand drowned her small hand,his hand was warm and she felt how heat spread up her arm heating her whole body,she didn't even dare to look at him."Adriana,Max how I wished your fathers had been here to witness this moment,they've always joked about how their kids would end up getting married,finally it will happen."
"Abuelita..."Max began.
"You haven't called me that in years."Diana cut across him her eyes filled up with tears."I know you'll make me proud, promise me that you'll take care of her and not allow anyone to harm her,the same way you haven't brought tears to my eyes I can trust that you won't fill her eyes with tears."
"Promise me Max."She urged.
"I promise."He told her in spanish,Diana was asking such a big thing from him,she must really love this woman next to him if she was handing such a big responsibility unto him.
"Adriana,I'm glad I found and met you,as I said before you remind me of your great great-grandmother a woman who would do anything for her family I know you'll do the right thing,it was an honour to have met you."Was all she told her.
Adriana's eyes filled with tears and unknowingly they rolled down her cheeks."Why do I feel like you saying goodbye."
"Don't cry dear,we all knew this was gonna happen."Adriana bend down to give her a hug.
"I'm glad I got to know you too and thank you for everything." She stroked Adriana's back for a few minutes.
"Your father is proud of the woman you have become and so am I,you'll make a wonderful mother one day.Can you please give me a few minutes alone with my stern godson."
She took Amelia and couldn't help but smile,the day passed in a blur and late that night Diana quietly passed in her sleep somehow Adriana had felt it and now that she was really gone her heart ached with this overwhelming pain she was feeling she had been here before when she had lost her family and it's a feeling that's gonna take time to heal.Max had told her she can stay here until the funeral next week,the following days that passed was so hard for her,family friends came and gave their condolences Adriana learned that all Diana's family members were no longer here and that made her the sole heir to all this fortune and truth be told she wanted nothing to do with it.Luckily no one asked any questions about who she was and Max barely said anything to her,he was keeping a far distance from her something Adriana had noticed was he has alot of female companions and they all clung unto him like he was a piece of meat,there was no way she'll be able to marry him,she can't marry him and yet again she remembers Diana's promise she has a really hard decision to make.
Max was standing inside his bedroom he can't believe tomorrow will be the funeral it felt unreal,it was like she was still here..around him.He looked at the tiny box that was standing on his dresser Diana had given him that ring she had said it was their family heirloom and she wants him to give Adriana the ring on their wedding day.He sighed deeply and walked out to the terrace,he still has his doubts about the woman and if he doesn't marry her he will lose the other fifty percent shares,he has no clue where it will go and he also doesn't want to find out.He feels like his back was up against a wall and he cannot do a damn thing about it he has no idea what his next move will be after the funeral tomorrow they'll read Diana's will and a small part of him was afraid to hear it.
She did tell him on the night of her death that she has amended her will when she had learned about Miss Woods so he shouldn't have any doubts.He unfasten his hair he was beginning to have a headache due to all this thinking,he'll take a shower and afterwards will go look for some painkillers,he was all alone with a stranger in this house,he wonders what she was doing atleast she wasn't bothering him.His mind drifted back to when Diana had joined their hands together he had felt a connection...almost like a spark,instant attraction and that was nonsense he hardly knew the woman so how could he be attracted to her.He definitely needs that shower and pain meds.
Adriana has just put Amelia to bed and it has taken longer then usual she can probably sense Adriana's pain and sadness she made her way over to the kitchen she was hungry but knew food won't go in.She switched on the kettle to make some tea for herself,tomorrow was the funeral and for some reason she was dreading it,she's been here before and it hurts like hell she was completely alone now and the thought was crushing the fear of also losing Amelia was increasing day by day,social services were calling everyday to check up on them and she only has two weeks left and then she'll lose Amelia forever and she won't even know which foster parents she'll go to.
It will be a closed adoption meaning she won't even get to see her niece,tears slid from her eyes and she didn't even try to wipe them.Everyone close to her were slipping away from her and if she has to lose Amelia she doesn't think she'll survive.
Max stepped into the kitchen and saw Adriana crying she was wrapped up in her own grief that she wasn't even aware of his presence.It must be extremely hard for her to have found and then lose her grandmother,especially so soon after her entire family's death she must be going through a hard phase and to think there was a chance that she can lose her niece too Max actually felt sorry for her some part of him wanted to go to her and pull her into his arms.He softly cleared his throat to let her know she wasn't alone anymore quickly wiping her cheeks she met his gaze and put a smile on her face.
"Mr Torrés.Did you need anything?"
"Yes I came to look for some for painkillers I have a headache that refuses to go away."He stepped further into the kitchen and came to stand a few feet away from her behind the kitchen island.
"I saw some in Diana's room a few days ago in her bathroom cupboard,I don't know if they are still there but I can go and look for you."