~A Sensual Seductive Dance To Long For~
I quickly place my order before leaving for the female rest room but the very moment my eyes sights the huge mirror there, I stop feeling pressed.
"You look freaking awful, Beth." I tell myself before reaching for my sling bag to get a lip gloss. But I rarely carry one when going to work so a devastated sigh escapes my chapped lips and I have no idea why.
I shouldn't be this pissed off for not carrying a single makeup item but I'm thinking it's gonna be worse, having to meet Ted with this pale face and chapped lips. Plus, I didn't take a freaking bathe after work.
This insecure feeling makes my headache and I chide myself for being so silly. He's still the Ted that I friendzoned and will never date, even though he looks fresh like he's from the oven.
I just repack my hair into a messy bun as it might make me look better but there's no much change so I simply shrug and rinse my hands in the sink before returning back to my table.
Luckily, the waiter who took my order is walking towards my table in long strides. And before I can attempt to smile back at him, he's already here, dropping the electroplated gold tray on my table.
Just as I'm about digging into my food, my mind quickly flashes back to Ted's words of him meeting me in front of Jel's Restaurant in five minutes time. Dropping my fork, I contemplate on standing up or just sitting down and helping myself with this break up treat.
It's only normal for him to call me if he doesn't see in front of Jel's. His intuition should let him know that I'm either inside or must have found my way home.
"I see that you're already helping yourself out with some food."
Without hesitation, my head quickly tilts towards the direction of that familiar voice and it's Ted walking towards the chair opposite mine.
Not knowing what to say, I laugh monotonously and shoot him a small smile. "I'm sorry but I felt like stuffing up this empty stomach."
Ted says nothing for the next few seconds and just stares at me, making me feel conscious of myself. I'm quite sure he isn't doing this to make me uncomfortable but that's how I feel especially with how messy I look.
I tuck a non existent stray hair behind my ear and proceed to stab some chips with my fork and letting them into my mouth for proper justice.
"Feels like a darn dream, Beth. Like, sitting across a table at a restaurant and watching you eat." He says like it's a 'big thing'.
"I'd rather that you stop cringing me out. This is nothing serious, Ted. We're here by chance cause I'm eating my break up treat and you're here-"
"Break up what?" Ted chuckles with slightly furrowed brows. He looks four years younger than his actual age, making him sexier than he already is.
"It's exactly what you heard, Ted. Mark has been cheating all this while and I've been worrying my poor head about trying to get our relationship going. So, I think I deserve some chicken and chips to toast to a better life ahead."
Ted chuckles as he looks at me with those darkened hazel eyes with golden flakes dancing around it.
"Great toast, indeed." He says, still trapping me with his alluring eyes that I nearly choke on my chips.
He orders same thing I'm eating and it seems a bit weird. For never have I ever imagined hanging out one night with one of the customers at Cassana Club house for whatever reason. But here I am.
"It's quite a shame that he cheated on you. But I should be thankful to him." He retorted after I briefed him on what happened earlier tonight.
I'm really sure why I'm close to Ted but I think it's because his uniqueness is on a whole different level and his mindset is literally everything.
The first time we met at Cassana club house, it was such a dramatic night. I had some squabbles with Mark before coming to work and my colleagues didn't make it any easy for me. But I managed to put that aside and focus on making great moves.
After my fierce inversions and exotic dance, I decided to do some floor work only for some disgusting man to walk up to me and dare to use those fingers of his I would have bitten off to caress me.
As supposed, I should have kept my cool but no such thing happened that night. Quickly standing up, I striked his cheeks so hard that he almost retaliated. That was when Ted one of the customers whose eyes had been fixated on me since he entered, stopped him with a punch. And the rest is history.
We crossed path again after that night, somewhere else and his good manners were quite charming. That when he began coming to Cassana Club house during practice hours before work starts and we'd talk for some time.
He'd tip me when I start dancing and leave almost immediately. Turning blind eye on his green signals, I fail not in letting him knowing that we can't be more than what we already are.
And that's being friends.
"You ain't saying anything, Beth?" He's staring intently at me. Like his eyes were boring holes into my soul, wanting to see the bare of it.
"It won't be hard moving on. And there's nothing for you to be thankful for. " I say, running my tongue over my bottom lip.
His eyes follows that exact movement and even though he utters nothing, I think I feel shivers. That look on his face is darn sinful and I should be more careful around him.
"I know we share mutual feelings and I understand you just want to take your time and avoid getting hurt again."
Oh well, I cock him an amused brow...
"What gives you that impression?"
"I don't know, it's all mixed up. But why did you call after your break up with Mark?"
"Cause you just... crossed my mind. And I thought we were close to have done so o. But I'm doubt it now."
"C'mon Beth, be fucking truthful to me for once! You called me cause you want to have sex with me to make yourself feel better about your breaking up with him."
I let out a short, defeated sigh. "You're half right. The sex part and not that of the mutual feelings shit. "
"I'm not gonna to sleep with you because you want a revenge. When our bodies entangle, it will be as a result of our love for each other." He retorted, looking me straight in the eye.
My heart starts racing, making me gulp hard. But my face is straight and void of expression as I chide myself for feeling that way.
I don't like him, I know it. There's just this good way that his presence do make me feel.
Letting out a small sigh, I proceed to ask him.
"What's that special thing about me that drives you crazy? And no, don't tell me it's my pretty face."
"Beth, falling for you happens to be one of the most natural things that ever happened. I can't say there's this particular thing about you that drew me in. But I'll be truthful to say, that your dance seduced my soul."
My heart finally does a flip. His words are always sweet to the ears. But I've set my heart on guard cause I can't afford to get hurt. Again.