The three boys split apart, looking behind them and shutting up once they saw a new person had entered the washroom.
It was Asher, William's friend from lunch.
He looked confused for a second, taking in his surroundings. He looked from the three startled boys to the scared looking boy that was fighting with himself on whether to look at the ground or at Asher.
"Come on, " Billy spoke and soon, Cailen heard them shuffle out of the room.
It was quiet for a moment. Cailen thought maybe Asher left with the rest of the boys because why would he want to stick around with him?
He was nothing special. Just an orphan who nobody wanted.
But soon he felt a small hand on his shoulder and then Asher was bending down a little and sticking his face under Cailen's so he could see him.
Cailen turned away, ashamed of the tears evident in his eyes.
"Cailen, are you okay?" Asher asked, his voice soft.
Cailen sniffled and brought his hand up to his eyes to wipe at them.
Asher backed up a step as he did so, obviously sensing Cailen didn't want an audience for this.
"Were they picking on you?" Asher asked.
Cailen didn't answer. He stayed quiet and let the boy think what he wanted. He wasn't a snitch. Cailen knew from previous experience that telling on people only got you called a tattle tale and laughed at.
"It'll be okay. We'll tell Eden-"
"No!" Cailen said immediately, probably the loudest he's spoke in a long time. "No, please don't tell Eden or William or anyone. It's fine. They- they weren't bothering me." He tried but Asher obviously didn't buy it. "Asher, please. If you tell, they'll ship me back to the orphanage."
"Eden wouldn't do that." Asher said immediately but Asher didn't know anything about this stuff.
He's never been through this like Cailen has. Cailen has been through this many times before.
"Yes, they always do. Please, Asher. Just- just forget it happened. They won't do it again." Cailen promised for the boys even though he had no idea if this was a one time thing or not.
"How do you know?" Asher questioned. He was apparently a stubborn little boy.
"Because, this always happens. I'm used to it, it's okay. They get in their words and then they leave me alone." Cailen lied. "It'll be fine. Please don't say anything."
Asher seemed to be at war with himself but eventually nodded.
"Okay." He said quietly then motioned Cailen towards to the door.
Cailen sighed in relief and picked up his bag. Asher explained that Eden usually gave Matthew and Asher a ride home after school and when Cailen hadn't shown up, she sent out a search party for him in case he got lost.
He was a bit surprised that Eden cared enough to do that but was thankful that Asher had come when he did. Cailen was certain those boys had more planned for him than just a few hurtful words.
But maybe Asher had scared them somehow into not attempting it again.
Maybe it was just a one time thing.
It was not a one time thing.
Suddenly, Billy and the two boys were all Cailen saw lately. When he went to the washroom, when he was walking to class or to lunch, they were always there. They were always giving him dirty looks and bumping into him and even spilling his books when passing in the hall.
But he could deal with that.
It was nothing compared to what they did after school on Friday.
Yes, he made it all the way till Friday without being shipped back to the orphanage.
He could barely believe it.
Eden and Dean were nothing but caring towards Cailen. They made him meals, they watched movies with him, they talked about how school was going. They were actually involved in Cailen's life which was weird for him.
William and Stella were nice as well, always asking to play with him. William had even invited him to play video games with Matthew and Asher on Wednesday. But Cailen knew better than to get his hopes up.
Soon, the novelty of having a new kid and a new brother would wear off and Cailen would find himself back in the orphanage. At this point, Cailen was like a new toy, they were all excited right now, eager to use the toy and take care of it but soon, they would get bored or the toy would accidentally be thrown into a fragile vase and they would be done with him.
And Cailen just knew with what the three boys did on Friday, the vase wouldn't survive the fall.
Cailen was walking through the hall, a little later than usual because Mrs. Tinsley asked him to stay and talk to see how he was adjusting.
He, of course told her everything was fine because he knew she really didn't care. She was only asking because it was her job. She made sure that he understood that he could go to her about anything and Cailen of course promised he would but knew he wouldn't actually.
If he went to her about anything that was happening, she would tell Eden and that would be the end of this family.
And Cailen really liked this family. He wanted to make it last as long as he could before they sent him back.
So he was doing his best to make his little legs move as fast as they could when he was suddenly grabbed by the shoulders and yanked backwards.
He let out a surprised squeak as he was dragged backwards into the boy’s washroom. He dropped his bag that he had been just about to put on his shoulders, on the ground outside the door but he didn't care too much for it right now.
He cared more about the hands that were dragging him by the shirt Eden had bought him.
Once inside, Cailen was dropped on the ground, landing on his back and smacking his head on the concrete.
He grunted at the contact and held onto the back of his head with his hands, his eyes instinctively squeezing shut. There was a small burning feeling on the back of his head accompanied with a slight stinging sensation.
Cailen slowly opened his eyes, slightly confused as to what was going on when he saw three blonde boys came into focus in front of him.