Chapter 4: A New Position to Wait in
So what to do that afternoon? After letting my imagination run wild for a while, I came up with a position that hadn’t been used yet and should please John. When we first started, I would wear a pair of really, really tight hot pants and a see-through blouse. After a while, I discarded the blouse but kept the hot pants. Then, when we began to play with more than just the bondage, I left off the pants. I have a very good figure and do like to show it off.
So I stripped down to nothing and set out some ropes on the playroom bed. There are rings screwed into the walls and the floor along the walls, so it was easy to pick two rings on opposite walls. I tied a length of rope to each and stretched it out until they met in the middle, directly under the hoist. Using the remote control, I lowered the cable until the ring was at the level of my hips. Reaching down, I took the rope from one wall and tied it around my ankle, pulling at as taut as I could. Then the same with the other ankle. That left me standing with my legs spread. Not as widely as I would have liked, but as good as I could.
As an accessory, I added a ball gag. I wrapped another rope into a coil I could put my hands in. The remainder of that rope was wrapped three times around the coil, then tied to the ring at the end of the cable. Now I was ready for the final part. A few times I had done this with the hoist pulling my hands over my head. That worked well, but I had something else in mind that day. I let the coiled rope hang behind me while I reached between my legs with both hands. It was a little awkward slipping my hands into the coil, and trying not to drop the remote, but I managed. Taking a deep breath, I pressed the red button and the hoist obediently began to take the cable up its drum. In a few moments, I felt the rope being pulled up. Quickly the rope constricted around the coil and tightened around my wrists.
With the rope tight around my wrists, and the hoist still pulling, I was forced to lean over as my arms were pulled between my legs. I’m fairly slender and flexible, so when I finally had to take my finger off the button because my arms could be lifted no more, I was bent in half with my arms forced up behind me. For a minute I kept the remote in my hand while I tested the restraints. There was no way I could pull my hands out, that was the first thing I tested.
Then I noticed that the ropes from my ankles to the walls had slack. That was not acceptable. I pulled each foot in until those ropes were taut. My legs coming a little closer together had, however, lifted my body slightly. So I pressed the button again to increase the pull on my wrists. When I couldn’t force my hands any higher, I stopped.
It was a very awkward position but it had worked out pretty much as I had envisioned. Then came the moment of truth. The point of no return. I tossed the remote as far away as I could.
I was now officially helpless. Of course, I tested my handiwork. A little more tension on my ankles would have been nice, but a little testing showed that I couldn’t pull my feet much closer and there was no way I could work my feet out of the ropes. And my arms were quite firmly pulled up behind me. I had probably overdone it a bit because the rope around my wrists was very tight, but that’s what I wanted.
I settled down to wait. And enjoy myself. Even before I had tossed the remote, I was feeling a growing heat between my legs. Being helpless always turned me on. As usual, being both helpless and alone was foremost on my mind. Only one person knew that I was going to immobilize myself. If something prevented him from coming, I would stay like that forever.
And it was not a very comfortable position. My inner masochistic side had tricked me again. And I would suffer. At first, I was going to start one hour before John was due. Then I reconsidered and was going to try only thirty minutes. In the end, I comprised and picked forty-five minutes.
Forty-five minutes can be a very long time when you are forced into a contorted, uncomfortable position. I had a few choice words concerning my own stupidity.
Half way through my allotted time, I was regretting it. Muscles in my back and shoulders were aching. So were my feet because I had been standing on my toes to ease the strain elsewhere. And I was horny and frustrated.
When John walked in, he found me moaning softly. Had he delayed any, he probably would have found me weeping.
He looked me over with his usual critical eye and pronounced it a good punishment position. I had to agree.
For once, he didn’t tease me. He found the remote and lowered my arms. I moaned with the pleasure of being able to straighten up.