Chapter 4: I Go Home with John
Well, that’s how I met John the Russian. It only dawned on me later that he had almost no accent, but he explained later that his family had moved to our country when he was just a little boy. We had dinner that night. He took me to a wonderful restaurant and we ate Italian. He was a true gentleman, polite and educated, and had the rare trait of seeming to be more interested in you than himself. I had pry out of him that he was retired, had been a college professor and was fairly wealthy because of inventions he had patented. It was a pleasant dinner but I was constantly aware of my real mission.
He asked if I would like to go back to his place so we could discuss “mutual interests.” Again I wondered if he had an ulterior motive but dismissed the idea. I’m a big girl; I can take care of myself.
Unless I’m doing something stupid, that nagging little voice inside my head added.
Anyway, I went with John and found he had a delightful house overlooking the Pacific. From the location and size of the place, I knew his claim to be rich was true. The furnishings were not lavish but very tasteful and masculine. We sat on a sofa, he with a rum and coke, and I with a glass of white wine.
“Allow me to show you something,” he said after we had engaged in some small talk. He left the room but returned with an album of photos. Each was a large 8x10 color print and there were many of them. He handed the album to me and sat back while I browsed through it.
I was amazed! Each photo showed a woman in very tight, very secure rope bondage. Most were naked but a few were in skimpy outfits. In some of the photos there was a man either tying the woman or standing by her. Most of the women were really good looking. Most had centerfold bodies to go with the good looks. It didn’t take me long to realize that the man in the photos was a younger version of John. He had been a very good looking man a few years back.
Finally I looked up. “That’s you in these photos, right?” I asked. He nodded, with a faint smile. “And you did the tying in all these?” Again he nodded. “That’s fantastic. These are better than most I’ve seen on the Internet. You’re very good.”
“Thank you,” he said. “I wanted to show you that I am not exaggerating when I say that I know the B&D field very well.”
At that point, I was wondering what it would be like to be tied up by John. Some of those photos were incredibly tight and restrictive positions. I felt an excitement rising inside me. I was almost overwhelmed by emotion. This was what I had been fantasizing about!
“Who are the women?” I asked.
“Two of them were my wives. Many are simply girlfriends of mine. And a few are professional models. I was a photographer for some B&D magazines before the Internet came along.”
“Gee! You’ve been busy.” It was a dumb thing to say, but it was all I could think of.
“May I ask what you are looking for?” he asked politely.
I found myself wanting to explain my interest in such an esoteric field. It only seemed fair since he had shown me some pretty intimate parts of his life. I took a deep breath and launched into a summary of my failed marriage and disappointing sex life. I found myself telling this man I had just met intimate facts that I hadn’t even told Robert or my lawyer. He listened quietly, nodding occasionally. When I ran down, neither of us spoke for a while. I realized that John was giving me time to think. And I needed it. I realized that I hadn’t answered his question.
“What I want is to experience all this,” I ventured. “I want to feel what it is like to be those women in your photos. I want to... to feel real helplessness and see if it is as exciting as it seems. I want to be those women!”
I paused to gather my thoughts for the next part. “And I want to understand what all this has to do with sex,” I said. “Is this the excitement I am looking for to make sex enjoyable again?”
“As I said, you are an intelligent woman. Well, I have a lot of time on my hands. I will take you on this journey for knowledge.” He looked seriously into my eyes. “But you have to trust me.”
I didn’t reply immediately. This was something I had realized early on in my fantasizing. If I were to become one of those girls in the photos, I would have to trust someone. If it is impossible for you to free yourself, you have to depend on someone else to do it. And, of course, not to take advantage of your helpless condition.
“I do trust you. Completely.” And it was the way I felt. I just knew, somehow, that this man would never do me harm.
“Good. And I promise this: I will never hurt you.”
It was as if he were reading my mind.
“Before I go home,” I began, with a healthy dose of nervousness, “will you please tie me up?”
His gentle smile reassured me. “If you have some rope, of course,” I added.
Had I thought about it, I would have not questioned if he had restraints on hand. A minute later he was placing four coiled up lengths of white rope on the coffee table. I looked at them and swallowed hard. I was actually going to be tied up! Wow!
“Do you want me to take my clothes off?” I asked innocently. I mean, most of those women in the photos were naked.
“If you want to,” was all he said as he began to uncoil one of the ropes.
Oddly, I found I had an urge to actually disrobe completely. It’s not like I had never been naked with a man. Hell, I was no virgin. But this was different. I was going to be tied up and that made this a totally different show.
I compromised. I unbuttoned and took off my blouse. Then I stood and pulled down my skirt. I was glad that I had chosen a nice set of underwear. The black lace was sexy but not too slutty.
“You have a very nice body,” he said. I was pleased that he approved. “Now turn around.”
Nervously, I turned around and put my hands behind my back. Seemed the appropriate thing to do. Then I felt his hands taking mine, followed by the feeling of rope being wrapped around the wrists. Wow! It was actually happening!