I curled up on the couch. That fucker had told me to get out of his office, it took everything in me to not slap him hard across the face. I felt a tinge of pain at his harsh words-why, I couldn't tell. I was already in a foul mood as it was.
After I'd left Elijah's office and went back to Lee, she said nothing and we both drove home in silence until we were in our apartment. She paced the room demanding an explanation.
"Alexis! What the actual fuck happened at school? And why is the new professor's name Elijah? The same name you've screamed for a week."
"We'd have to ask his parents why they named him Elijah cause I really don't know." I shrugged.
She eyed me suspiciously "really? And that same Elijah just happened to call you into his office, alone, out of hundreds of students?"
I admit. I couldn't keep her in the dark. She had to know, maybe then she could give me an advice on what to do cause fuck! I really needed one.
"Okay, fine. Dr Elijah Carson is the same Elijah I hooked up with last week but in my defense, I didn't know he was a professor or anything. I only knew his name. I don't even know why the fuck he's at Renville university."
She stared at me, mouth agape, "Christ! You had sex with the professor of neuroscience? That's bad, real bad."
"I didn't know!" I frowned, "what do I do?"
She heaved a burdened sigh, I could tell she was as confused as I was but it wasn't my intentions to be in such a complicated issue. If I'd known he was a professor I really wouldn't have-okay, scratch that. That's an absolute lie.
"It was just a one time thing, so you better end everything clean. That means no fucking between you both, no matter what."
argh not that!
Before I said something else, a knock at the door cut me off. Lee and I glanced at eachother,
"You expecting someone?" She asked, her expression tightening.
"No, you?"
She walked towards the door, after a few hesitation she pulled the door open and was met with the wide grinning face of Kai.
"Hey man." Lee exhaled.
"Hi. I've got goodies for you guys." he peeked inside from the little view through Lee's shoulders, "Alexis?"
"Come on in," Lee shifted from the doorway.
He walked in, shrugging the duffle bag off his shoulders. His somewhat green eyes sparkled as it roamed the apartment and landed on me.
"Hey, Kai." I whispered.
"Alexis, I figured you wouldn't call me so I brought the stuffs instead." He smiled, walking over to sit beside me on the couch.
"Wait, how did you find this place?" Lee asked before sitting on the opposite couch.
She took the words right out of my mouth. How the hell did he find here? We weren't that close, we'd just mostly made business transactions and he was mainly just a supplier and we, the buyer.
"I asked a few bunch of kids. Ya know I've got my ways. That's by the way though, a lot of kid's been talking about how that professor guy took you to his office." He said concerned.
I bit my lips, crossing my legs on the couch, Lee spared me a worried glance. "look, I don't care what you guys say or think. If you find it weird that a professor demands the presence of a student, then you guys are sure as hell fucking retarded."
"Hey, hold up. 'They'. Not me. I really don't see anything wrong with that. I've got coke. Would ya love to try? I'm just giving you samples. If you want crystal meth, you pay for that shit." He chuckled.
We all laughed as we snorted a long line of coke on the table. Fuck! That shit felt right and good. Lee groaned in a quite delightful way as the drug kicked into full effects.
We'd all moved to the floor, making a circle round it. Kai chuckled, amused beside me.
"I think I'm pretty fucked, imma go get some rest," Lee struggled off the floor and dragged her wobbly legs up to her room.
Kai' bright white teeth sparkled when a smile played on his lips. I guess I'd needed a little bit of drugs to have seen how gorgeous he looked.
His brows were arched, his cheekbones sharp his lashes quite long for a guy. He had a blue slack and black tank top on. His ears and nose piercing glinted under the dim light of the living room.
"You're beautiful, you know that." He spoke, breaking me out of my haze. His pupils had dilated completely and I was sure mine was the same, due to the drugs.
"What?" I croaked, startled. Sniffing and cleaning the white powdery substance off my nose.
"I said you're beautiful." He leaned closer and i felt his fresh breath on mine, a hand cupped my chin and he stroked.
My eyelashes fluttered,
"Kai i-" before I could say anymore words, his lips pressed against mine and my eyelids shut close on their own.
I leaned closer towards him and in a swift, he pulled me to straddle him. My hand wrapped around the nape of his neck when he deepened the kiss. His lips explored mine firmly and deliciously and I could catch a faint whiff of weed on his breath.
His hands gripped my ass and I grinded against him, letting out a shaky shallow moan. Suddenly, vivid images of Elijah filled my brain and my eyes snapped open. I tore my lips away from his, rasping for breath.
The fuck was I doing?
Was I that doped up? This was wrong, so wrong. Are you sure? You've did much worse than this. I heard that sneaky voice in my head speak.
And yes,
This was wrong. Wrong was when I was kissing my drug dealer-well, he kissed me first but I shouldn't have let this gone too far. It made me hate myself for the foolish things I'd been doing lately. And why exactly had I needed a memory of Elijah to snap me out of this madness?!
"Hey, what's wrong?" Kai asked confused, his chest heaving.
"This-this isn't right. We barely know eachother, and then, this?" I motioned between the both of us.
"I've sold you drugs for over a year, so I don't think we barely know eachother."
"All the more reason why this is wrong! We've never talked, except a few times when I'd purchased dopes from you." I huffed.
"I like you, Alexis. I really do. I'd liked you since a year ago but that Emmet guy kept telling everyone you were his girlfriend. So I backed off,"
I scoffed, "then why come now?"
"Because I know you're not his, and I can't continue to hide the feeling. I like you. Except of course if you're seeing someone. Are you seeing someone? That's the only reason why I think we cannot be together,"