- We can play a little, make them angry, enough to cause a complication and go crazy to the point of killing and taking it out on an innocent. - Said Riddler.
- Does murder by mistake count? – Asked the Riddler.
- Let's see, the biggest madman who caused chaos to the point of going crazy, would be you. - Said Riddler.
- Since we're not doing anything. - Said Riddler. - Why not? - Questioned Nygma.
- You wouldn't do it for money? - Said. – Did you see that amount? - Questioned Two Face. – That's 700 billion dollars and 30 gold bars. - Said. – That makes anyone greedy. - He said.
- What would we gain from him killing? – Asked Joker. – Besides of course seeing him kill an innocent. - Said. – Come on guys, watch the circus burn.
- He could split the money with us if we found the victim. - Proposed Nygma.
- Since when, would any hero share money with us? - Asked Crocodile.
- Why not? - Questioned Nygma.
- Because if a person kills an innocent, since when, would he care about not killing us? - Questioned Harley Quenn appearing.
- What if we kidnapped a hero's ally. - Proposed Nygma. – If we have any hostages. Tried Riddler.
- He wouldn't mind a villain. - Said Harley Queen. "And he would kill everyone in front of him."
- How about we have fun at least, forget about that part. - Joker said. “How about chaos for chaos' sake. - Joker said.
- Yea. - They said around. - Clinking glasses.
He would try to get the gold.
While the dumbest, in every way, everyone to a lesser and greater degree were turned into animals, in addition to being electrocuted, a mountain of pigs walking back as they tried to get the boxes of money from that pointy tower.
Among the villains, bets on who would kill first began to occur.
Leticia Lane was looking for a story, ignoring most of the hero screams and antics.
During that week, reporters were approaching the heroes about those issues.
There were heights of crime in each of the cities, they took several hostages throughout the week, in itself, every time they appeared and a hero emerged, the villains used children as a shield.
When then, in which there were several cases of kidnappings throughout the week.
Leticia Lane was covering the superhero story about murdering innocents.
- Leticia. - Perry said in front of him in the daily planet's newsroom.
- You are dismissed for the rest of the month. - Said.
- Which...? – Leticia said.
- No... – Leticia said. "No…" He said again. - It's not correct.
- It was the source of all Astro-Star's problems, some stupid villain can use you to force him to kill an innocent. - Said.
- Don't come back here before the end of the month. Perry said.
- Who said Astro-Star kills? - Leticia shouted.
- The informers of the streets. Perry said. – They stole a shipment of Helionite, and fear gas. Perry said.
- Who said that? - Questioned Leticia.
- I. Jimmy said. – I discovered a leaked informant that they stole coming to Golden Valle
“Hallucinating men have done their worst. Perry said.
- About that.
The stories of drugged gods and aliens hallucinate and kill, even if they don't want to. - Said.
“He might think you're the Apocalypse. Perry said.
“In addition to me doing a story on his death, I'll be doing a story supporting Luthor. Perry said.
- The rules are clear, Perry, he can only kill an innocent person by his own free will. – Leticia said. – And no thanks. – Leticia said.
- That's not what I heard. Perry said. “If you stay, I'll call the police and you'll be escorted off the daily planet. - Said. – I will plead national security. Perry said.
- Boss please. – Tried Leticia.
- If you prove it to me. Perry said. – Who will not be killed by Astro-Star. Perry said. "Thinking you're a supervillain." Perry proposed. - I allow. - Said his boss.
Leticia, fuming, went to her desk, grabbed her things, and took the elevator down to the street.
Tsuki Miki, followed Leticia, with her dark glasses, he bumped into her even though he was coughing and feeling sick, almost falling, the woman almost got angry, but turned around in time when she realized that the man was feeling sick, it was a good leper disguise that one, being unrecognizable.
- My God. – Leticia said. - Are you okay? - She questioned.
- I'll get better . - He said, sitting on the bench, a little wobbly and unstable.
She released him when he got up, not realizing that he had placed a tracker on her, watching her, and then following up the next day monitoring her, and watching Artemis's actions, throughout the day, and throughout the week.
Some of them bet on Dark-Dragon, even not seeing him for a long period of time, since the previous month, they would manage to induce him to kill.
There were several press briefings that Luthor did, with almost no one advocating that Astro-Star was as fallible as anyone who would be a danger to the world, and should be arrested throughout the week until the testing period was over.
Miraculous Woman was about to snap a villain's neck and her sword almost pierced the shoulder of an innocent caught in an ambush and used as a shield.
Each of the heroes at some point, got caught in the crossfire between villains that looked like a strike group, they showed up, they took Astro-Star, Miraculous Woman out of their minds, they did an attack, they came and went the moment they acted.
That week, Miraculous Woman was restrained by Astro-Star who was trying to prevent her from killing one of the criminals who used a hostage as a shield, in addition to bombs attached to him.
After they calmed down, Astro-Star also lost control of the revenge and assault group that followed.
- Do you think they would really give money to us if an innocent person dies? Barry questioned.
- Even if they run down money, I wouldn't do that. - Said Astro-Star.
- Even if yes, it is a lot of money, in addition to losing my soul, I would be rich, but my soul is very important to me, Barry. - Said Astro-Star.
- Yea. Barry said. - For me too. Barry said. – But what if it was through other means, like winning the lottery, what would you do with 700 billion dollars, plus 30 gold bars.
- What a dream, Barry. Artemis was laughing. – It's a lot of money, really. - Said Artemis.
- I have no idea. - Said Astro-Star sitting in the tower's leisure room.
– I, at least, would distribute a part. - Said. – There are many hungry and penniless people in the world. - Said Astro-Star.
- Scout as usual. - Said Artemis. - It's a good idea. - Said Artemis.
- You wouldn't do that, with that money. - Said Astro-Star. – If there was another way.
There was the attraction and the seduction of sin itself, once, he was almost tempted, there was the temptation.
All the heroes almost killed an innocent, even if it's an almost, they were lured into a chase.
Investigating and following heroes, it took its toll on his body, everyone thought he was drinking, or feeling sick in corners, but really, he hadn't slept for four days.
They had constant fights, Astro-Star, Wonder Woman, several speedsters, between Hermes representatives, when a contingent of mediators and werewolf representatives were accused.
His lack of sleep was going to five, he was taking energy and eating a lot, which he saw several heroes being cornered, and villains who were surrounding Artemis.
Those bastards were giving some heroes double the trouble, in a matter of the sixth day, Luthor, made an appearance, and invited Tsuki Miki to go out together, the man managed to reschedule three times, four, until he couldn't come up with an excuse to prevent that. meet each other.
Meanwhile, being watched by prying eyes and spies, at that time when Tsuki Miki and the gamblers were watching them...
The heroes were on the watchtower, while the silence was heavy.
After a while in silence they started talking, exchanging reports of a tiring day of humanitarian aid, they almost killed or let children die who were kidnapped by a villain, Astro-Star almost let a child fall towards a cliff.