I felt empty and light. My eyes squeezed tightly as I stretched my hands to feel the warmth of the body I had cuddled up with last night.
I felt nothing just a ruffled duvet. I tapped on it about three times, stretching my hands to touch Raphael but I couldn't feel his body.
I immedately flew my eyes open and sat up straight, eyes roving around the room as if Raphael would immedately appear out of thin air.
I stared at the sheets in blank amazement then my eyes narrowed to the windows, the awe inspiring sun rays dancing in through the curtains.
"Fuck where is Raphael?" I inaudibly grumbled. I came out of the bed and went towards the curtains.
Separating them, I poked my head outside the window observing the beautiful garden behind.
"Hello italy"I murmured with a smile before withdrawing my head back.
I truly can't believe I woke up without meeting Raphael in bed. Did he go out again?
Who does this? Who goes out by eight pm, comes back by four am and wouldn't have the decency to spend the rest of the morning with his wife on bed?
"Yes. my husband" I thought to myself as I entered the bathroom.
God help Raphael if he actually went out for work. I'll definitely give him an earful once he comes back.
* * * * * * * *
"Goodmorning sister in law"Sofia greeted me immedately she spotted me coming down stairs.
The living room was as busy as I expected it. Different workers scurrying about the house, busy with their various duties.
"Goodmorning hunny"I merrily replied before pecking her lightly on the cheek.
She grinned from ear to ear which got me amused.
"Why are you giving me that quirky look?"I asked.
"Guess who is preparing breakfast today?"She cheekily asked with eyebrows going up and down.
"Who? Justin Bieber?"I asked sitting down on the sofa.
"No silly"she giggled. "Raphael is in the kitchen preparing breakfast"
Immediately I gasped and my eyes widened. So he was around.
"Are you serious? He is around?"I asked somewhat hyper.
"Yes. You look so excited"she grinned.
Ofcourse I was.
"I want to see him sofia" I immedately stood up heading for the kitchen.
Their kitchen was huge. It seemed like a dinning room. A long shiny marble kitchen counter laid in the middle, separating the broad kitchen into two parts.
Various cupboards and carved stools of different designs were littered all around. The rays of the sun gave off rainbow specks to the grey tiles of the kitchen wall as it hit them.
About six cooks were all stationed at the kitchen counter, chopping and slicing vegetables whilst Raphael, who had his back turned against me, stood near one of the induction stoves that were built into the kitchen counter.
He had an apron on and a hair net which I really found very amusing.
He was whisking eggs and cream in a bowl.
"Raphael"I called out.
He immedately turned to face me with a beam on his face.
"Bella you are awake. How was your night my love?"
I went over and wrapped my hands around his waist, pressing my head on to his chest.
"It was fine babe and yours?" I asked pulling out.
"And what are you cooking?"my eyes darting to the bowl of whisked egg and cream.
"My night was great and this"He began as he grabbed the bowl from the counter, showing it to me.
"This is frittata. It's just like omelette but garnished with meat, cheese and vegetables. I'm making it specially for you. Remember I told you I'll make it up to you. Well today I'll serve you breakfast and take you on a tour round Rome"
I smiled like a dog with two tails.
"You are amazing Raph"I cried in delight before giving him a surprise kiss on the cheek.
"If you want to kiss me,..."he lowly began with a smirk. "Do it well wife"he added with his one hand snaking around my waist and tugging me closer to him.
My face went beetroot red. "Raph there are people here"i shyly replied, my eyes darting to the ground.
"So?"He replied unfazed.
Just then Aurora walked in on us which got me to quickly free myself from his hold.
"Sei sveglio nicole. Buongiorno" she softly said with a broad smile.
"Um Goodmorning Aurora. I don't understand Italian though"I replied nervously.
"Oh"she exclaimed and rolled her eyes before flashing me her warm smile. "I'm so sorry dear. I totally am use to speaking Italian everyday. I just greeted you" she explained before walking over to Raphael and teasingly grabbing him by the ear.
"Ouch Aurora cosa ho fatto- ouch Aurora what did I do?" Raphael whined.
"Teach your wife Italian Raphael"she chided before letting go off his ear.
I tried suppressing my laughter but I just couldn't.
"I'll once she pays me her dues"He mischievously stated with a lustful glare as he rubbed on the ear Aurora grabbed.
I raised a brow at him and was about speaking up when Luca, Emilio and Lorenzo walked in.
"Goodmorning Aurora and Nicole"Luca and Lorenzo chorused with cheerful smiles.
"Goodmorning sister inlaw"Emilio added before going over to his mother and planting a peck on her cheek.
I gave each of them a polite nod.
"Oh great!"Raphael exclaimed with a sigh. "The entire gang is in the kitchen"he mumbled.
"Frittata. Lorenzo we came at the right time"Luca said to Lorenzo.
"Indeed. Aurora you.."
"Hold up.."Raphael said cutting Lorenzo short.
"I only prepared this for Nicole, Aurora and Sofia. Anybody else should prepare theirs"
I gasped and hit Raphael's shoulder.
"Stop that. The food looks enough for everybody so they can eat it too"I chided.
He huffed at me.
"Dontworry sister inlaw. We know how to get things from Raphael"Emilio coyly replied.
"Right?"He asked facing Lorenzo and Luca.
They nodded their head in affirmative whilst Raphael hissed.
"As we all wait for Raphael's dish, Emilio, Luca and Lorenzo come help me select these grains"Aurora butted in.
I saw the frowns that appeared on each of their faces.
"Um speaking of work..I think I need to get back to my girlfriend.."Luca said, scratching his head nervously.
"Yeah exactly. I think Sofia asked me to help her with a project"Emilio immediately added.
They all tried making their way out of the kitchen in order to avoid the work Aurora asked them to do.
"Mi state aiutando tutti! Nessuno se ne va!- you all are helping me! Nobody is leaving!"Aurora yelled which got them on their toes.
"Śi Aurora- yes aurora" they reluctantly chorused together before heading out of the kitchen with Aurora.
Bubbles of laughter erupted from within me, watching the scene that just unfolded.
Luca and Lorenzo were men that dealt with guns and blood but Aurora scolded them like they were kids.
"I can't believe I'm making breakfast for everybody"Raphael said with a sigh.
I turned my head towards him and softly pinched his cheek. "Do it. It's beautiful"
"That means we won't leave for our tour as early as I planned"Raphael said.
I nodded and gave him a peck.
"If you want to kiss me, kiss me right wife and stop tempting me"He groaned.
I laughed. "I'll once we go out on our date"
He grinned like a baby given candy and continued making breakfast.
A knock was heard on the door.
"Come in" was the hoarse reply from the Don of the Russian Mafia.
The young man entered inside the poorly lit study room and was greeted by the smoke from a cigar that puffed out of the lungs of the Don.
His eyes narrowed to the five bulky men that stood taunt and still, not daring to face the Don or complain about the foggy cigar smoke. Their frigid eyes rested on the violet rug placed on the ground.
Perspiration covered their foreheads and the young man easily deciphered the Don must have barked and tonguelashed at them.
Ivan Fedorov, was as dangerous
and cold as he was twenty five years ago when he had to take the seat following the passing of his father in the hands of Armani Constanzo.
His glare and the rough edge of his voice were capable of making men tremble in horror.
"Will you just stand there son?"He growled at his son, Maxim.
Maxim walked towards his father, drawing out a seat and sitting down.
He had taken his father's features; tall with frosty green eyes, dirty blonde hair, pointed cheekbones and crimson red lips.
"I've got news"he simply stated.
Ivan's callous eyes shone wickedly, his ears twitching to hear the news.
"He is back"Maxim said with a sly grin.
Ivan roared in laughter, hitting his fists repeatedly on the wooden table.
"The son of a bitch is back. When did you get the news?"Ivan inquired.
"Yesterday night. He came back with a woman. He was spotted in the airport with her"Maxim said as he dropped the envelop he was holding on his father's desk.
Ivan greedily opened it, bringing out the snapshots, eyes scanning the pictures that were taken of Raphael and Nicole in the airport.
"Her face is covered. The bastard covered her face"He gritted.
"It is not a problem boss. We know he is now in Italy"
Ivan sighed with a satisfied smile and flopped his head on his chair, his hands interlocking together.
"The fire has been left unattended for way too long. Now we will ignite it and watch it burn Raphael down"
"And as for you five"He authoritatively stated to the five men who stood as still as statues.
"If the arabs don't want to bargain with us, kidnap their families and threaten them. Slaughter a scapegoat and make sure those goods must pass through the boarders!"Ivan yelled and the men nodded before dashing out of the room.
"Imbeciles"He scowled before putting back his cigarette in between his lips.
He turned to face his son, his cold lips breaking to a smile.
"I'm so eager for my bullets to kiss his body"
A rapid knock on the door caught their attention and interrupted their conversation.
A beautiful girl pushed open the door and happily walked over to the Don and Maxim.
"Father"She exclaimed as she hugged him by the neck, planting multiple kisses on his specks of grey hair.
"Child what are you doing here?"Ivan asked, his tone soft towards his daughter, Alina.
She was his weakness. She took so much of her mother, his late wife's features; her dishevelled and packed coffee brown hair, hazel eyes and peach lips.
"I just arrived from the airport dear father. My internship program is complete so I came back as soon as possible"Alina happily replied.
She went over to her elder brother, Maxim and nudged him on his shoulder. "What did you bring back for me sis?"he asked.
"I should be asking you. I deserve a party and a welcome gift. By the way what are you two discussing?"Alina asked before loosing her hair and letting it fall.
"The Italians"was her brother evasive reply.
Her face wore a frown and she exhaled, she knew what he meant.
"Again with that? Dad what is your deal with these people. I mean Raphael wasn't even the one that hurt us. His grandfather was the one so why are you planning on destroying him"
"Enough Alina"Her father barked which got her startled.
"Armani and his lineage will pay for what they did to us. Child I lost your mother because of him. Not only your mother, your grandfather and your uncle. Three good lives were lost all because of those good for nothing Italians. Your grandfather just wanted peace. He wanted to strike a marriage alliance with Armani. But what did Armani do? He stabbed him in the back. Both literally and figuratively! He killed my father and my only brother. Your mother got into premature labour as a result of the news and died. Then the useless cunt got his daughter married off to a foreigner. Do I have to remind you of this story every single time!?"He yelled, his veins throbbing.
Tears pooled in Alina's eyes and she shook her head, her mouth slightly ajar as his bloodshot eyes scared the wits out of her.
"Exactly my child. Be like your brother. Old scores need to be settled. I swore on their graves that I would avenge their death and I would"Ivan grimaced, his eyes flashing with anger and resentment.
"You know what to do son"Ivan gritted his teeth.
Maxim nodded and stood up, heading outside the room. He sauntered towards his men who were waiting on his orders.
Ivan let out a breathy laughter before his face was masked by a cold glare.
"The game has begun Armani. Raphael the flame has been sparked. Come out of your hiding place and play. The hyenas would love to feed on your flesh"
* * * * * * * * *
Leila roughly pushed open the door to Thomas' office to his surprise, distracting him from his work.
His brows wrinkled at the lady standing in front of him, eyes dancing in fury.
"What do you want Leila?"He cooly asked.
"How could Raphael do that to me? How could he go get another woman from God knows where and bring her as his wife!?"Leila yelled, a blaze of wrath burning furiously in her.
Thomas chuckled and leaned back in his seat.
He opened a drawer in the desk in front of him and brought out a gun, dropping it on the table.
"Then take"he jutted with his chin towards the gun.
"Take and go shoot Nicole"he added.
Leila glared at him, her furrowed eye brows hinting anger raging within her.
"Are you mocking me?"
"No I am giving you the solution to your problem. If you have the guts go touch her"Thomas taunted.
Leila chest heaved with anger, her fist clenching.
"Leila don't be a fool. You lived in a fools paradise with your castle on air plans. Did you actually think by giving Raphael your body, he would accept you as his? Leila, Raphael loves Nicole. The sooner you under stand that the better"
"Oh shut the fuck up! I gave him everything. Every inch of me. I sacrificed myself and put my life on the line countless times for him. Only for him to come back with a total foreigner! How could he!"Leila scoffed as she felt the air in the room becoming tight for her.
Thomas reached for the glass of liquor on his table and sculled it down.
"He never loved you. You should have known what you were getting yourself into when you began sleeping with him. He only loves Nicole. Don't do anything that you would regret Leila. You are an assassin, don't fall into your own trap"Thomas advised.
Leila gave him one last frosty glare before exiting out.
"You are mine Raphael. I can't let you go so easily not after everything I did for you. You belong to me. And as for your new wife, I'll make sure she leaves your life for good"