If the wedding wasn't suffocating enough, I had to attend the after party. After all, it was my wedding. However, I would rather be anywhere but at Eric's house with a majority of people I wholeheartedly disliked and didn't give a shit about.
I stood around, still in my wedding dress as I kept to myself. My father was deep in conversation with Eric's parents and I watched perplexed as he seemed to have laughed more than he had in the past month. The wrinkles on his forehead and around his eyes creased deeply with every smile.
Sean was currently keeping me company because Eric disappeared to fuck knew where, but I hardly cared about that. Sean returned with two glasses of champagne, one of which he handed to me. I gladly took it from him and drank it in one gulp.
He furrowed his eyebrows. "You good, Sienna?" he asked.
I smiled as I handed my empty glass to a waiter. "I am absolutely perfect," I said as the smile on my face fell. Then I added, "I just want to leave. I am exhausted and starving." I sighed, dropping my facade.
Sean nodded slowly, chewing his bottom lip. He was a good man. "I know you can't leave, not until your father leaves. But perhaps you would like some food?" He smiled.
I smiled as I looked at him. He was so caring and compassionate. How could he be, because he was someone who had grown up in a mafia? That truly made my mind wonder. And Eric, that man seemed to be the opposite. That intrigued me even more so. A mafia was not a place for laughter or kindness.
"Yes." I nodded, agreeing to his suggestion.
He led me through the living room which was not crowded at all. There I was thinking I was popular and people would attend the party. Bottles of wine, champagne and stronger stuff were placed on the tables, while waiters stood around and offered the guests drinks occasionally.
We soon entered the kitchen and Sean switched on the lights. Surprisingly, it was modern and very high tech. I took a seat on a barstool which was placed at the island in the middle. My dress made it slightly uncomfortable but I didn't I care at the moment.
"So what would you like?" Sean asked as he ruffled his dark hair. He seemed so exhausted, but he was also being a good host to me.
I stifled a yawn. "I don't mind. Anything," I replied.
He went looking into the fridge and cupboards. My fingers grazed my tiara as I slowly removed it from my head because the weight was giving me a fucking headache. I placed it down onto the counter and it twinkled in the bright light.
After a few minutes, Sean placed some reheated pasta in front of me. I eyed up the tomato based dish. "Looks lovely." I smiled as I grabbed the fork from him.
Then I began to eat the pasta which tasted mediocre but filled me up so I didn't complain. This was all I had eaten all day.
"Sienna, dear, are you all right?" Martha asked as she entered the kitchen with Arthur in tow.
I nodded and placed my fork down. "I am well, thank you." I smiled gently. This woman whom I didn't know had asked me how I was. She did more than what father could ever do.
"Just grabbing a snack, I see." Martha smiled with her thin lips which were painted pink as she walked over to Sean. But why the fuck did she talk like that?
Then she began to fuss about his untucked shirt and his hair which now resembled a rat's nest. God, this woman was unbearable.
Arthur smiled as he fixed the cuffs of his white shirt. "We hope that Eric doesn't give you too much trouble. I am thrilled that you are a part of our family now." Then he gave me a genuine smile.
But I didn't want to be a part of their family. Fuck!
I smiled back involuntarily. I hardly knew Arthur but he seemed like a decent man. Although he was also known to be brutal and wicked, he seemed to value family, a trait that my father lacked.
Arthur was slightly shorter than Sean and his face was cleanly shaven. His speckled salt and pepper hair was neatly brushed back and he wore a tailored suit, a very expensive one at that. He seemed to be the same age as my father but somehow, he looked younger. Perhaps years of being a sordid vile man made my father age faster.
"Thank you," was all that I could muster.
I smirked when I saw Martha fussing over Sean much to his dismay. One would think that she thought of him as a child. It was still quite sweet.
"Ah there you are. Arthur, I have someone for you to meet." Father smiled as he entered the kitchen, and I noticed that he brought the mood down greatly. I really wished that I wasn't his daughter.
Father scanned the room with a pleasant smile across his lips which fell when his eyes landed on me. That was very typical of him.
Arthur turned to face father. "Sure." He smiled at him.
Father walked towards me and whispered at me harshly. "Stop eating so much. You are already large enough!" he berated me in Italian.
He grinned as he turned and left the room with Arthur. Ah yes, another classic insult I had heard all my life.
I let out a sigh as I began eating again. I never let his fucking comments get to me. That was what he wanted. He wanted to break me. But I was not one to be broken.
"What did your father say?" Sean asked as he leaned on the counter behind him.
I licked my lips before I said, "Nothing." Then I shrugged my shoulders.
He didn't seem satisfied with my answer, but he didn't bother to pursue a better response from me.
I didn't see Martha come up behind me, but before I knew it, she ran her hands through my hair. "Your hair is beautiful," she said, breathing the scent of my hair in.
I could smell her meaty breath. Fuck! I shuffled in my seat trying to resist the urge to cut off her hands. Sean sensed my mood shift and he quickly held his mother's shoulders and pushed her towards the door.
"I am taking my mother outside for some air. Will you be all right, Sienna?" he asked as Martha struggled in his grasp. I nodded and relaxed because I was now alone in the quiet atmosphere of the kitchen.
When I was done with my food, I placed the bowl in the sink and grabbed a glass of water. Then I heard heels clicking as they came towards my direction and I groaned internally before turning around.
"What can I do for you?" I asked the two girls who stood by the door.
One of the girls puckered her heavily injected lips while the other crossed her thin arms. I was unfortunate enough to be related to these bitches since I seemed to hate them.
Bitch one spoke up. "We just came to see your husband. Is he not here? Did you scare him off already?" She sniggered nasally. She must have gotten her nose done, because it did look slightly crooked.
I placed the glass down so I didn't use it as a weapon in case things escalated, which could probably happen. "He is actually upstairs getting our room ready," I said, smirking as I crossed my arms, and that silenced the bitches for a moment.
"In your dreams. Who would want you? We know that you are not a good girl," Bitch two mocked as she twirled her fingers through her mismatched hair extensions.
What she thought was an insult, I thought of as a compliment.
I scoffed. "I never said I was good. Now would you leave, because the stench of your cheap perfume is making me gag."
Bitch one growled as she stomped over to the kitchen island. Then she took a hold of my tiara and I cracked my knuckles.
"Don't you fucking dare, bitch," I spoke slowly with rage in my eyes.
But she did. She threw my tiara across the room and it landed on the kitchen floor where it cracked, making diamonds to spill across the floor. I bit my tongue in an attempt to remain rational because there really was no need for a murder to happen today.
"I told you not to do that and you did it anyway!" I growled as I reached for the fork which still lay on the counter top. I grabbed her wrist roughly and held her hand down on the counter. She squirmed in my grip but I didn't budge.
"Don't fucking move or you are next," I threatened bitch two who was now frozen to the spot.
I smirked as I quickly brought the fork down and drove it into bitch one's hand, not even hesitating. She shrieked irritatingly and started to cry loudly.
"Get the fuck out of my sight and if I ever see you again, I will stab out your fucking eye. Got it?" I threatened.
Now I have a fucking headache, I thought, groaning internally.
She whimpered as I released her. She held her bleeding hand which was still skewered with the fork. Tears spilled from her eyes along with her ugly black mascara, and thick red blood dropped from her hand, staining the white floor of the kitchen.
"Well, what are you waiting for?" I snapped and immediately, the bitches practically jumped out of their skin and quickly ran out.
Then I looked down at my dress which was now stained with blood. "Fuck," I muttered as I attempted to rub the blood away, but that made it to only smear on the dress further.
"Damn, girl," a husky voice called out, startling me, and I looked up to see Eric fucking Connall. "That was... spectacular." He grinned.