Lera backed her bike in beside Kori’s Humvee and shut it off. For a moment, she stared at it. I’d like to drive this. I bet it has some awesome power. Then, she transferred her gaze from it to the second floor where the room was. The room she would be sharing with Kori tonight. She couldn’t forget what he had told her in his Humvee. Lord help her, she wanted to experience it with Kori. She knew he would be gentle and amazing. Breathing deeply, she got off the bike and headed up the cement steps, noticing the chips in them. Anything to keep her mind calm. Pushing open the door to the room, she stepped inside.
Kori reclined on the bed, flipping through a magazine. He didn’t get up but his gray eyes stared at her. Lera held out the bag before her.
“Hungry?” she asked.
Heat flared briefly before it was contained. “For something,” he muttered softly, making her wonder if she wasn’t on his menu.
Lera moved to the table and put the bag down before removing her riding gear. “Well, I brought you a burger and fries.” She withdrew two canned drinks and said, “And your choice of drink.”
Her pulse increased when he pushed effortlessly to his feet, left the magazine and prowled toward her. She fought the urge to lick her lips and ask him for another kiss. Instead, she focused on removing the food from the bag and slid his toward him.
“Thank you, Lera.”
He reached out and, with two fingers beneath her chin, he guided and brought her head up so she could see his eyes. For the first time in her life, Lera wasn’t sure about anything. Kori created such a tempest of emotions within her. So she pasted on a smile and tried to pretend he was just a regular guy. It didn’t work.
Toying with her food, Lera looked at him. “What’d you find out?”
His deep sigh did not reassure her in the slightest. “Do you know of a man named Murdock Denton?”
Her heart nearly stopped at the mention of that name. Lera somehow managed to swallow and strove to stay in control. I have to go. I can’t stay here now, not knowing he’s involved. Gathering the rest of her food, she scooped it up and put it in the bag. She no longer had any appetite. Kori watched her with an unflinching gaze.
“I’ve heard the name,” she hedged, devastation filling her more and more with each passing second.
“Tell me what you know, Valera,” he ordered as if knowing she lied.
“What I heard about him was sick perversions.” Her stomach knotted up at the thought of Rissa within his clutches. I have to get to her.
She pushed to her feet. Kori’s gaze sharpened, and she knew he was well aware of her intent. He said, “Not quite, Lera. I want to know all you do about him.”
She was hesitated, unwilling to share it. As if somehow, if she didn’t speak the words, Rissa may not be exposed to such filth. Lera fought back her revulsion and called on her icy composure. Her mind worked fast; if she left now, she could be to where she knew Murdock would be soon. It was less than twenty-four hours away, if one drove the speed limit, and this was one time when she definitely wouldn’t be. And while she didn’t like with how lying to Kori sat with her, she refused to risk her friend’s safety because he would want to keep her safe. This was her only option. Wasn’t it?
“I did tell you, Kori. I just…I’m having a hard time imagining Rissa with him if the rumors are true.”
Glancing at her watch, she saw it was after eleven. Shaking with tremors she could no longer control, Lera stumbled to the bed and curled up on her side. I’m so sorry, Rissa.
Closing her eyes, Lera stifled a whimper as tears threatened. She barely moved when she felt Kori touch her leg, just opened her eyes and watched him pull off her boots. His eyes and hands were gentle, and she experienced a momentary pang of guilt for what she was about to do.
“Rest, mo chara. We’ll figure it out in the morning.”
Not trusting herself to speak, she merely nodded. Her breath caught a few minutes later when the suddenly too-small mattress dipped in the dark room with the addition of Kori’s weight. She stiffened, unsure, but relaxed when he didn’t move. There was space between them, and she thought about curling up to him and soaking up his strength.
“Good night, mo ghrá,” he said softly.
Whatever he called her in Gaeilge made her heart get all soft and mushy. The words made her feel cherished and special. All of them and he used a few phrases.
“Good night, Kori,” she returned.
Two hours of rest and I’ll get going. Lera sighed deeply and tried to rest. Tried to forget the mouthwatering specimen of a man who shared the bed with her. So close she could touch him if she chose. Clasping her fingers together under her chin so she kept them to herself, Lera fell into her usual light sleep.
Her internal clock woke her, and in silence, she slid from bed, grabbed her bag and boots before heading the bathroom. She changed quietly and slipped from that room, heading for the door. Snagging her jacket, Lera crept out the door and down the steps. Securing her bag on the bike, she rolled it a bit before starting it and roared off into the night.
Murdock Denton. The name alone made her sick. How could I have missed it? He even said he would do whatever it took to get at least one of us. Anger seeped in and took over the fear for Rissa. I should have killed him when I had the chance.
Lera revved the engine and shot off even faster. She had barely a day to arrive, buy a dress, and go to the weekly party Murdock threw for himself. Overly self-absorbed motherfucking bastard!
It was early morning when she first stopped for gas. Standing at the pump, she trembled from the force of anger that filled her. Kori had found out she’d left him there.
Lera waited for him to yell at her but he said nothing along the link which existed between them. All she felt was cold, icy cold, fury which moved through her like unfurling tendrils. Despite the miles between them, her hand actually shook when she replaced the gas nozzle. She’d never gotten that emotion from him before. Not to this extent. He was extremely pissed.
Lera paid for her fuel and walked back to her bike. One final glance in the direction she’d come, almost expecting to see Kori standing there, and she continued on her way. She pushed hard and, by the end of the day, had reached her destination. After getting a room in the hotel, Lera walked up the boulevard to a nice boutique and entered. The saleslady looked at her with flat eyes until she pulled out her credit card. A black credit card. Suddenly, the lady and the two others pulled in, couldn’t do enough for Lera.
After finalizing her purchases and ensuring they would deliver them to her room, Lera walked out and headed up the street to get a layout of the area. It had been quite a while since she’d been here. I also need time to gather myself. With Denton involved, the game had changed.
Back in her room, she stood under the set of four overhead, rotating shower panels. The spray as hot as she could take it, Lera let it work away the soreness of her muscles. Clean and almost relaxed, she got out and wrapped herself in the thick dark gray robe the hotel offered.
Kori’s eyes are similar to this.
Shudders overtook her at the thought of Kori waiting for her on the other side of the door. Shaking it off, she wrapped her hair and walked into the bedroom of her suite. With a sigh, she moved to the bed and dug through the purchases she’d made for the bottle of sesame oil. She rubbed it in all over her skin then waited until it all soaked in.
In her matching sapphire blue bra and panties, Lera stood before the mirror and stared at her reflection. She picked up the pendant and kissed it briefly before taking a deep breath. Lera got ready, and after her hair was done, she sat on the side of the bed. Dropping her head, she whispered, “Please let me be on time.”