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A Loner and A Troublemaker Love Story

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A loner Full of secrets trying to live like a 'Normal' person MEET A Trouble maker who is A King and already known by ...

RomanceTrue LoveFemale leadDominantKing


••■ Arshly Red Wrightes POV.. ■••

"This will be your New school!!!"

my brother with His big smile....

Ah.. i dont want to be here.. i want to go home and play games..


My brother called me while holding the door of his Car.

ghad i hate this, this is my 3rd Time transferring school..


I answered and of course I did that without looking at him.

"Well..well, you go now. Im still busy.." My brother said while entering his Ash gray Mercedes Benz.

"Then you should not trouble your self by sending me off." I murmured behind his back, but as expected of my brother's sharp ears, he still heared me.

"What did you just say?"

My brother said with his

'Oh-so-famous' dead look.

"Nothing big bro, just Get Goin' already..." me obviously letting him know that im not happy for his presense infront of me and of course the feelings were mutual thats why he, my brother, as fast as he can, stomp on his car gas and drove away like he's on a car rampage racing event.

Tsk acts like he own the road---Ah!

I mean---yeah, I guess he legaly

owns it.

Aurgh, just forget it. I had my own problems.

"Wish you hit something and die somewhere!" Am still cursing him infront of my new school gate even if he's totally far like maybe... one Mall away. Damn that fast and the furious big brother of mine. I wish am also allowed to drive my car.

Aurgh... damn my life.

Oh thats right! I forgot to Introduce my self----Im Arshly Red Wrightes im the---

BAAAAM! sound of someone bump's towards me. "HURT!" Both of us shouting that we are both hurt, yeah thats Expected but I almost hit my face through the gates wall.

Wow.. bumping to me like im just a pole standing in the middle of the street. how dare you.

"Sorry my bad." He said while smiling to me, offering his hand to help me stand up.

Wow.. he's tooth is bright

making his smile so refreshing.

I bet he uses Colgate

as toothpaste.


I slowly stand up by my own self without accepting his hand that is offering to help me.

Its just-- I dont know why? But instead of falling for he's sweet smile and oh-so-charming and splendid looking face that is specialy look like an angel and want to make you beg for blessing and forgiveness----I more likely irritated, like duuuh!

I felt a Chill Down to my spine.

Just what the heelll..

I was suddenly send back to the real world after thinking to much and that is thanks to this who-you-guy.

"Hey I said, Im Sorry" him repeating what he just say before I daydream.

"Heh... Sorry my ass"

I said then Ran off..

Tsk.. its more better to run away

than getting problems in my first day in school.


Well I was Running Early in The Morning from those fan girls and like heck im so exhausted that I really didn't realize that im going to bump someone.

"Sorry my bad."

I said with a big smile.

Well its my fault so im Sorry.

But she didn't even reply back to me and instead She just continuesly stare at me and that obviously give me Creeps.

But Ill be Honest.

Shes Pretty Cute.


"Hey I said, Im sorry"

Me Kindly Repeating what I just said.

This is the first time someone, a girl to be exact, try to ignore me.

Heh.. you got some guts.

Ignoring me of all people.

"Sorry my ass"

She said while glaring at me with intense, then she suddenly run away.

It is the first time a girl Cursed me

and it feels new to me---agghh what the hell am I thinking.

"Kyaah~ liviuss"

Basically The Fan girls, who always follows me like a disease.

Aren't they Exhausted?--well if they're not I really am. Tsk whatever I need to go Get away...

I was Running all over the Campus then suddenly Her Face Pops Up in my mind.

Why am I thinking of her?

Man.. what's wrong with me.

While I was preoccupied in my mind suddenly I felt a blow from nowhere that hits between my leegs that make me feel like Im totally dying and it literarly cause my body to lose energy to move.

Before everything turns black, I saw a figure of a woman, standing infront of me.


The last thing I shout before I blackout.

why Im still here, just to suffer?

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