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Chapter 8

Dallas’ lips thinned, but he jutted his thumb in the direction he’d come. “Danny’s about a dozen yards in. If he listens, he’ll probably hear us, but the last I checked he was pretty turned around.” His expression softened. “I think Keiran was trying to guide him through telepathy the way he kept mouthing and waving that boy in the other direction, while staying out of sight.”

With an unimpressed sound, Jared strode out to the middle of the clearing. He brought his fingers to his lips, letting out a loud, sharp whistle. “Danny! Come this way, my boy! Keiran, you can help him now!”

“Sir!” Seconds later, Danny broke out of the trees with Keiran a few steps behind him. Tripping forward, Danny scrambling back to his feet. A long, nasty scratch cut across his cheek, but he hardly seemed aware of it as he ran straight to Jared and grabbed his hand. “Pike’s trapped and the tide is coming and I think there’s something big in the woods. I don’t know what it was—I could’ve sworn it was an elephant except it’s too cold for them—but if it goes after him it could trample him…”

Next to Dallas, Keiran mouthed ‘Moose’.

Danny gave Jared’s hand another tug, then stopped, shaking his head before Jared had a chance to respond to anything he’d said. He headed over to the wood pile Curtis had neatly stacked. “We need something. Maybe the axe—no, we don’t have to chop his leg off...do we?”

Grabbing Danny’s shoulder, Jared pulled him back, turning the sub to face him. “Slow down. Did Pike fall and hurt himself? Quint, get the kit and some blankets.” He rubbed Danny’s arms. “Tell me exactly what happened and where you were so we can go find him.”

Still panting, Danny looked around. “I don’t know, we just started walking and trying to get a cell signal, but it didn’t work. We reached the ocean. His foot went in this hole on the beach and got stuck under a rock.” His teeth chattered. “I’m sorry. He only left because of me. I thought...I thought I could get Shea and Jacks a message so they’d at least know I was all right, even if they can’t get to me. I know it was wrong. I’ll accept all the punishments, just...please find him. Please, sir.”

Before Quint even reached the door, Wren was there, handing him a rucksack with the supplies Jared had asked for. Holding up a finger for Quint to wait, he slipped quickly and quietly upstairs while Quint slung the strap over his shoulder.

From the kitchen, Jamie called out, “Don’t beat Danny until he has some of this hot chocolate! He gets cold really easily!” He made a sound of affront. “Leave it, Matt! I’ve got this!”

“You’re burning the fucking milk!”

“I am not, I’m making it thick, like soup.”

“Hot chocolate isn’t supposed to be like soup, numbskull.”

Lawson’s voice cut over them both. “That’s enough. Matt, make the hot chocolate. Jamie, come help me gather as many blankets as we can for Danny and Pike’s beds. Then you can lie down with Danny and get him warm. Matt will help you.”

“Sir, with all due respect, I’m using my last swear word of the day to say fuck no.” Matt’s tone had a finality to it. “He’ll fucking hump my leg or something. Disasters make him horny.”

The heavy sigh Lawson let out carried down the hall. “Fine. You stay with Reed, I’ll lie down with Jamie and Danny.”

Quint almost managed a smile as Matt stuttered, speaking in a rush. “If it pleases you, sir, I would like to obey your original order. You'll need to stand guard and the bed's too small for you. Besides, you'll need to get as much rest as you can once the search is over and you won't if you're wrestling with blanket thief here.”

“That's very thoughtful of you, my love.” Lawson tipped up Matt's chin, rewarding him with a deep kiss. "Danny's lucky to have such caring friends."

Very well played, without being manipulative.

There were times an order might be enough, and others when one needed to be guided to make the right decision so they'd feel the reward of being unselfish, or supportive, or simply useful all on their own. Lawson's ability to read people made him very good finding the right approach.

Not much different than the skills needed to manage a few headstrong mercs. A shame trying to recruit him again would almost guarantee a bullet between the eyes from any member of the core who could handle a gun.

Before long, Wren returned, carrying three neatly packed kits. “I put these together for everyone. There’s water filters, protein bars, matches, tarps...a lot of things to help you survive out there. Just in case.”

“Thank you, Wren. We won’t be long, but things like this are always good to have on hand.” Quint added the kit to the rucksack. “Keep the porch light on. And come up with some lessons for you and Jamie to teach Pike and Danny. Next time they’re put in a position like this? I want them to be able to manage as well as the two of you have.”

Wren nodded. Then shook his head. “We can teach them, but I’d very much like there not to be a next time.”

“So would I.” Hurrying down the steps, Quint met up with Seth as he came out of the shed with a crowbar, a thick block of wood, and a cordless grinder.

His Dom scanned the treeline. “There’s too much fucking ground to cover and Danny getting lost already made it harder to find the trail.” He audibly gnashed his teeth. “The last thing I want to do is ask that bastard for help, but we need more people.”

“I’ll ask him, sir.” Quint gave his Dom a bracing smile, even though his heart was in his throat. At least Avery was with Pike, but wouldn’t he have brought him back by now? From the sounds of it, Pike could be badly hurt. This fucked up training-exercise-slash-punishment had to end at that point, didn’t it?

With Rhodey, it was hard to tell. Either way, he didn’t mind swallowing his pride to spare his own Dom doing so if it meant getting Pike back faster.

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