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Chapter 13

"How is she?" he growled pacing in her room as soon as a nurse walked into the room.

Just then the doors opened much wider as her bed was wheeled in. She lay looking pale and fragile a state he so hated.

"We found something in her blood samples, a well know herb that the older generation used to use to rid of any unwanted pregnancies. Now this dose was more lethal," the doctor informed him. "Luckily she came here just in time to flash the drug out of her system but however the baby did not survive," he stated.

"Thank you," he said turning away from the man as he moved towards her bed taking her hand in his.

Turning her head to face him he reached out to wipe the tears on her face.

"What is happening to me?"

"Ssshhh, I will get to the bottom of this," he said knowing the culprit was most likely among the staff they spent the day with at the cottage. "Whoever did this to you will pay dearly," he murmured bringing her hand to his lips. "All I need you to do is focus on getting your strength back love," he said in a gruff voice.

"Where is my brother?"

"He is outside waiting to see you. I will be right back," he said looking like he was going to murder someone.

Stepping out of her room he saw Nash waiting to see his sister. As soon as Munya stepped out of the room he ran towards him asking about her. After calming the boy down he watched his enter her room.

"From today I will handle all her meals," he told John who looked very worried. "Tell all the staff from the cottage to wait in the quad. No one is to leave," he growled.

"As you wish your highness," John said with a bow as he took out his phone.

"Make all the arrangements as we go to the main office," he said looking at his blood stained clothes before seeing Gareth holding a bag. Pulling out a white shirt and black slacks he walked back to Rudo's room to find her laughing with her brother as he headed for the bathroom. Walking back out in the fresh clothing he accepted the shoes John handed over to him before closing the door.

"I must run off to the office but I will be back very soon. Your phone is on the table," he said putting on the formal leather shoes. Standing up he slowly rolled up his sleeves as he made his way to her bed.

"Nash be a good sport and tell John to ready the car," he said with a smile.

"Okay," the boy said with a smile running out of the room.

"What do you want for dinner?"

"I am not really hungry," she murmured watching his every move as he finished rolling up the sleeve of the other arm revealing his strong arms.

"I see," he simply said sitting on the bed.

"If you won't eat then so will I," he said leaning close to her.


"What do you want for dinner?" he said cutting her off.

"Potatoes. Mashed potatoes," she blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"That's all? No gravy, vegetables or meat?" he asked in mock surprise.

"Of course with some gravy, silly," she chuckled. "The rest is up to you," she said with a sigh looking tired.

"Alright love. I have to go now but in the meantime let me give you something better to think of," he said capturing her lips before she could turn her head away.

He felt her small hand on his chest as she pushed him away.

"Mint," she whispered when he distanced himself from her.

He wore a mischievous smile as he looked down at her licking her lips most likely still tasting the mint.

"Time to go be the big bad wolf," he whispered more to himself.

"Please Munya," she pleaded with him knowing what exactly he meant by those words.

"See you in a few hours love," he smirked.


Walking into his office building everyone could already tell he was pissed off just from his stride and angry expression.

"I want those documents on my desk before I step into my office," he growled at John who was rushing to keep up with him.

"Yes sire," he said already on the phone as they waited for the elevator.

Meeting after meeting he executed every deal with finesse not wasting time like the juniors who had been handling the contracts. Within two hours he had acquired three hotels each on different parts of the globe. The leaders annual meeting plans where underway as all the leaders had been informed all stating they could attend.

By four he was en-route to the palace. Entering the palace gates he saw the cottage staff waiting for him as expected. Stepping out of the vehicle he removed his shades as he stood scanning all their faces. The queen and his mother walked out of the house to find out what exactly was happening.

"She had the decency to cook for you. You had the audacity to sample her cooking and then harm her. How dare you," he said in utter disgust as he walked around the small group. "The culprit knows what they did," he spat as he saw confusion clearly written on most of their faces.

"You, you, you," he said pointing to his most trusted guards. These three men had stayed back to protect his son and keep him up to date with the happenings of his household whenever he was not around.

"You will watch over this lot here. No one is to leave or they will see the true nature of my wrath," he growled angrily.

"You have until tomorrow to own up or else," he said in a loud and clear voice.

"My son you cannot possibly mean to leave these people in the open all night."

"That's exactly what is going to happen mother. Someone hurt someone dear to me, they will have to atone for their sins. The faster that person owns up the better the outcome," he said looking at the group.

"Every one of you stand. No one is to sit," he said before he handed over his glasses and took one of his phones from John. Walking into the kitchen he found it cleared as requested. Walking into the pantry he chose his ingredients before putting on his apron. Having studied abroad he found eating out every day was not to his liking hence he took cooking lessons. Not once did he ever think he would be using those skills to ensure the safety of the one woman who had brought him to his very knees, literally.

Whilst he boiled some potatoes he turned on the grill throwing some seasoned chicken pieces onto it. Cutting up some vegetables he steamed them before setting them aside. Working very fast he prepared the mashed potatoes smiling as he tasted some.

Grabbing his earpiece he called Rudo his smile widening when he heard her laughter over the phone as Nash tried to quieten down. He let out a long sigh before greeting her.

"What did you do?" she asked in a concerned voice.

"Nothing, just attended some meetings and am now cooking for us," he said with a sigh.

"What have you done Munya," she asked in a panicked voice. "Why are you cooking? You are lying to me, I hate lies," she said the last part in a voice that made guilt really sink in at that moment.

"I... I'm handling some problems love. But don't worry no one is hurt, yet," he muttered the last part to himself. "Anyways I wanted to ask if you are allergic to anything," he stated.

"Not that I know of," she said.

"Superb. I will see you in an hour or so," he said with a smile.

"Munya please," she said in a voice that clearly showed she was on the verge of tears.

"See you love," he whispered before ending the call.

Turning back to the grill he flipped the meat over removing the cooked meat into a food warmer basin. Piling up the dirty dishes in the sink he kept hearing her last words over and over again.

"Damnit," he growled throwing the soapy sponge back into the water.

"John!" He growled waiting for his right hand man to come through.

"You called me your highness."

"Get them some chairs. Wooden ones to be precise, no padding. Line them up four by five rows and columns. Each equally distanced apart. Let them sit through the night thinking over their actions," he said dishing the potatoes into a large basin. Have the doctor prepare for them. By noon they will confess after some exposure to the elements," he stated.

"As you wish sire," John replied watching his king pack up the food into the bag. Grabbing several bottles of water he made his way out of the kitchen to the garage. Selecting a car from the lot he packed up their food before sliding into the driver’s seat. Already his security was on high alert a car already leading the way out. Passing the cottage staff he looked over them shaking his head in pity before rolling up his window.


"Wake up love," he whispered into her ear.

Making a disgruntled sound she opened her eyes to see who dared disturb her peaceful slumber. On seeing Munya, pain was evident on her face.

"Now why do you look worried?"

"You know what you did," she mumbled.

"I rectified the punishment. No one is being harmed as we speak love," he said waiting for her response. "My love please, say something," he said in a worried voice.

"Why punish them for what's already done?"

"I want answers," he said his mood darkening.

"You said no one is getting hurt, right?" She asked placing her hand on his cheek making him lean into her touch as he looked at her.

"No one," he said in a gruff voice turning to kiss the inside of her palm.

Whilst they had been talking Nash had been eating his supper but was now fast asleep on the couch. Removing his coat Munya covered the young child up before he dished out some food for her. Sitting up he set down her plate on the table handing her a fork.

"Let us pray," he said surprising her even more as he sat down with his own plate next to her.

Bowing their heads he blessed their meal. But he didn't touch his food in a hurry, but rather watched on as she took her first spoonful.

"Oh my, did you really prepare this?" She said taking another mouthful of the mashed potatoes.

He nodded his head yes, with a satisfied smile watching her slowly eat which prompted him to do the same.

"I love this," she said with a shy smile.

"You are very much welcome," he beamed.

Eating in silence he finished his food before her but upon looking at her plate only half her meal had been eaten.

"If you don't finish your food I will not give you desert," he said with a smirk.

"Well I don't want any I am already too full," she said with a weak smile as she leaned back into her pillows.

"I see this is going to become a habit of yours around me," he said pulling the table away before grabbing her plate and sitting on the bed.

"What are you doing Munya?"

"Feeding my baby of course," he said with a smirk making her look at him in wonder. "Now open up," he said holding some food to her lips.

"I am not your baby," she muttered not pleased at all.

"Well you are acting like one."

"I just don't have an appetite," she said turning her head away from the offered food. "I told you before I didn't want anything, but you had to insist, just to have your way as always," she suddenly snapped. "I can feed myself, I can take care of myself," she spat in a harsh tone her monitor suddenly starting to beep loudly.

"What's wrong love," he said placing the plate aside as he placed his hand on her forehead.

Finding her body burning up he quickly called for her doctor.

"She has a fever," we need to keep her here for further observation he said after careful examination.

Looking at her sedated state Munya knew she would hate having to stay another day in hospital.

"Have all my work forwarded to this room tomorrow. Also find out what is happening with her students from her dance class."


A hushed voice speaking woke her up as she looked around her room to find it filled with gardenias of different colours before her eyes landed on him. Wearing his signature shirt and slacks in a relaxed manner he stopped speaking once his eyes met hers. Speaking into the phone further in another tongue which was clearly French he stood up slowly walking towards her.

Ending the call just as he reached her bed he pocketed the device before leaning down to touch her forehead with his lips.

"Good morning," he whispered seeing her looking better that the last time he saw her.

Sitting on the bed beside her he slowly pulled up the covers ensuring she was warm.

"Good morning," she replied. "I'm sorry for yesterday," she said looking away from him.

"It is I who should apologize. I shouldn't have forced you to eat when you didn't want to. Especially after what you had just gone through. It's just that I need you to get better and leave this place."

She nodded her head in understanding knowing that if she objected he would make a big deal out of it.

"Where did all these come from?" she said asking about the flowers.

"From my garden," he said with a small smile. "Do you like them?"

"Like, I love them," she whispered trying to sit up as he moved to help her do so. "They are lovely," she murmured admiring the bouquet closest to her.

"Yes they are, but you love, outshine even the rarest flower," he said taking her hand in his. "Now I know you find it boring here so I have decided to work from here today. I hope you do not mind," he said just as his phone notified him of a message.

"Not at all," she smiled. "But what of your family. Your wife must be worried sick about your whereabouts," she said reminding him of his family.

"My son is safe and sound, so do not fret about him. Get some rest," he said standing up before she could say anything.


"I will be back soon. The doctor said you can leave this evening if you are stable enough," he said making her happy. Heading to the palace he arrived to find his men still monitoring his staff.

"Has no one confessed yet?" He questioned his guards only to receive a negative response. "Very well, bring each one of them to me separately," he said as he shrugged off his jacket.

Sitting by the kitchen table he welcomed his first guest. The only person who knew what happened with Rudo's food would definitely not eat it. After talking to his chef to create an exact replica of her dish he had the stew dished into a bowl.

"Please eat," he said pointing towards the exact same bowl they had eaten out of at the cottage.

All the women came and ate without any problem oblivious to what was truly happening. It was only until one of the young guards froze looking at the dish did his suspicions kick into overdrive.

"Eat," he commanded. "This might be your last meal after all."

The young men bowed his head refusing to do so which only infuriated Munya.

Grabbing the boy by the collar he dragged him out of the kitchen towards his office.

"I swear, if you do not start speaking now you will not only feel my wrath but truly suffer until you beg for death," he growled.

"I was just doing what I was told to do," he cried out going on his knees as he looked up at Munya.

The traitor did not even see the fist until it made contact with his face.

Balling his hands into fists he ruthlessly hit the man until he started seeing red. In blind rage he did not hear the door swinging open.

"Munya!" He heard before he turned to see her muffling her cries with her hand as she stepped back. Gareth and John were already making their way towards him as he looked down to see his hands covered in blood as he realized what he had done.

Stepping away from the body he wiped his hands on his shirt unable to believe what he had done.

"Is he....is he?"

"He is alive your highness," John stated as the doctor rushed into the room.

Looking back towards the entrance to his office he found her rooted to the same spot.

"I'm sorry," he whispered taking a step towards her.

"Don't," she replied raising a hand to halt him. "Don't," she said turning on her heal slowly walking away from him.

His head hung low in shame as his eyes followed her until she was gone.

"What have I done?" He thought to himself.

There you go lovely people another update. Hope you enjoyed.

What did you think?

Will they survive his anger problems?

Who do you think is behind her poisoning?




Stay blessed!!!

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