"Ring Ring."
Her alarm clock blared. She could barely sleep for five hours without having the same nightmare. Throwing her blanket off, she made her way towards the bathroom. The thing that scared her the most was that it felt so real. Shaking the sleep from her senses, she turned the knobs and undressed. But was soon interrupted by the sound of her cell going off. Rolling her eyes, she walked over to her dresser and answered.
"Mora I know you're probably just getting up, but I called to tell you, class is canceled so don't come in today," Brit explained.
"Wow, that's great! I really didn't feel like hearing Professor Mark’s drone on about algebraic equations today," Mora laughed out. She was relieved that she didn't have class today, she needed time to relax after this latest dream.
"Yes, do you want to go to a party? The Delta Mu is holding their annual frat party tonight."
"I don't know, you know I'm not that into a frat party, well parties," Mora replied.
"Please Mora, Cody will be there! And you know I need my bestie to seal the deal!" Brit half but yelled into the phone.
"All right, all right, relax I'll go the party but if it gets too wild we leave right away understood?"
"Yes, well, leave right away. Thanks best friend. I’ll pick you up tonight at 9, bye."
Brittany had been crushing over Cody for three months and hadn't asked him yet. But there was a lot of heavy flirting going on. They would date soon if they hit off tonight at the party.
Stepping into the shower, she hummed a tune and thought about what she would wear. Yeah, that would go great with her silver flats. Mora did not wear heels. She washed her hair and added deep conditioner once she was finished. Grabbing the blue towel off, she wiped off the steamed covered mirror and looked at her reflection. Her caramel brown skin was covered in a light layer of water. Long dark lashes settled on her face. Her lips were a natural color that complimented her skin and her hair reached her mid back.
After brushing and drying her hair, she placed her brown hair into a messy bun and headed to her desk. Turning on her computer, she skimmed over her latest novel and started to write another chapter. The writing was always a passion for Mora. She enjoyed making words come to life and creating wacky characters. Mora loved creative writing so much that she decided to go to the college learning creative writing. She was lucky enough that she was able to get her own room. Her first roommate couldn't sleep decently. So she was offered her own room.