"What on earth did I just consent to?"
With the burden of the past several days bearing down on me, I paced about my flat and murmured the question to myself. As I attempted to make sense of the chaotic situation that had become my life, my heart raced.
Yemi. The Mafia Ganza. A criminal empire's successor. Even though this was more than I could have ever imagined, I was in the middle of it. I didn't know how to deal with my feelings, my future, or the terrible world I had just entered.
With my head in my hands, I sunk onto the couch and tried to force myself to breathe through the impending fear.
Yemi had arrived at my door several hours prior. After the first encounter, he had remained silent. But his presence had been sufficient. His secret-filled, dark eyes had spoken louder than words could. I was filled with a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach because of the strength he radiated and the assurance in his words.
He assured me as he was leaving that we would speak soon and that I would eventually grasp everything. But I had to straighten my head for the moment.
But despite my best efforts, my thoughts would not cease. The pictures kept coming back to me: Yemi's expression, the way he had talked about his family, his empire, and my involvement now, whether I liked it or not.
I was unable to avoid it.
My heart skipped a beat when I heard a knock at the door. I knew precisely who it was, but I had to make myself get up.
Before I could second-guess myself, I opened the door and saw him standing there, as serene and as ease as ever.
He said, "Toyosi," in a tone that was almost comforting, but I knew better. "Is it possible for us to speak?"
I moved aside to let him in and nodded. As soon as he walked through the door, the air in my apartment seemed to get heavier, like if everything was shifting gradually and I wasn't sure if I could keep up.
He took a seat in the armchair and watched me while I struggled to speak.
With a raspy voice, I said, "Yemi, I can't just ignore this." "I'm not sure how to handle this situation."
He seems unfazed. "I realize there's a lot to take in. However, you must understand that you are not merely a casual bystander to this situation. All of the events have culminated in this moment.
I was torn between running and sitting down to listen to his comments, which felt like a trap. I chose the latter, but I kept feeling as though I was going further and deeper into a hole that I would never be able to escape.
My voice broke as I said, "I didn't ask for this." "Yemi, I didn't request to be a part of your universe. I have no idea what it is.
I was shocked when he leaned across the table and touched me with his fingers. "Toyosi, I never wanted you to get involved. However, you were already bound to it when you entered my life. Whether you like it or not, you are now a part of this.
As the truth of what he had spoken finally set in, I jerked my hand back. "What is meant by that?" My voice trembled as I asked. "What does it mean to be involved in this?"
With his eyes darkening, he added, "You'll find out soon enough." But Toyosi, I need your trust. Have faith in me to keep you safe.
"Keep me safe?" With a bitter laugh, I repeated. "From what? What sort of defense are you referring to? With you here, I'm not safe. This is insane.
For a brief moment, Yemi's eyes hardened, and he appeared to be someone I didn't recognize rather than the affable, self-assured man I had met.
His voice was low and intense as he said, "Listen to me." People are observing you. People who are aware of us and will do everything it takes to undermine me. And now they are aware of you.
I felt like I was slapped by the words. I felt like I was suffocating as my chest constricted and the space grew smaller.
I got up and started pacing once more in an attempt to regulate my feelings. "Yemi, why me? Why should I get involved with this? You didn't have to involve me in this mayhem; you could have done this without me.
Though his posture remained comfortable, as if he had everything under control, Yemi's gaze followed me.
He whispered, "You were always supposed to be a part of this." "All I needed was time to notice it." Toyosi, you have a place in this world. a location you won't even anticipate.
Even though the words were terrifying, I couldn't help but ask, "Yemi, where do you think I belong? I have no place here. I have no place with you.
"You do now," he said plainly and without hesitation. "And you are powerless to alter that."
I could feel his words weighing me down, oppressively heavy. Even though I had no idea what he meant, I understood enough to realize that I couldn't ignore this. Not right now. Not after all that had transpired.
Head spinning, I fell back into the couch. Yemi sat across from me, intently observing me, as though she was waiting for me to realize something.
I remarked in a tight voice, "I need to know more." "I must know why you are acting in this manner. Why me?
With dark and fierce gaze, Yemi leaned forward. "Because you hold the secret to everything, Toyosi."
The meaning of the words hung in the air. I sensed the weight of his stare, but I had no idea what he meant. His remarks had power. the possibility of something far bigger and riskier than I had anticipated.
My flat door suddenly flew open with such power that I staggered back in disbelief. Before I could even respond, a figure I hadn't anticipated seeing emerged in the doorway. Someone who would only exacerbate the problem.
"Yemi," the man replied in a stern and icy tone. "We must speak. Right now.
My heart thumping in my chest, I glanced between them. This dude was who? What was going on?
Slowly, Yemi got to his feet, his face unreadable. He spoke without even glancing at me.
"Not right now," Yemi said in a menacing tone. "I'll take care of this later. I am concentrating on her at the moment.
As I became aware that I was no longer only a bystander to whatever was going on, the tension in the room increased. I was right in the middle of it. And I didn't know what was going to happen next.
I was unable to think or breathe. However, I felt certain that this was just the start.
And it was too much for me.