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Chapter Three

The princess waited in her chambers for her father to return. In a way, she couldn't help but feel responsible for what was transpiring at this very moment. The gargoyles had always been protectors of her father's kingdom. But now, indirectly because of her, her father sought to wipe them all out.

Perhaps if she hadn't befriended the gargoyle king, he wouldn't have misunderstood her feelings for him. He professed his love for her, but she did not return his favor, at least not in that way. When she tried to explain this, he became furious.

"You belong to me!" He exclaimed in anger. "If you will not willingly give your virtue to me, than I shall simply take what is mine!" As he looked at her with strong determination, he picked her up and threw her on the bed. As she laid there terrified, he straddled her, caging her to the bed. She was screaming, and crying as she begged him not to take her.

The lustful beast, ignoring her pleas, grabbed the neckline of her dress. In one fell swoop, he ripped the dress completely in half. A lustful smile soon appeared upon his face.

"You're even more beautiful than I imagined, my lady." He whispered.

"Please, don't do this!" She cried. "If you truly have any feelings for me, than you will not forcefully take my virtue from me!"

"Women should be seen, and not heard." He replied softly, and with that, his lips smashed into hers. She tried to move her head away from him, but it was no use. He was just too strong. He grabbed her breast, causing her to gasp. Taking advantage of her reaction, his tongue slipped between her lips.

As he continued to devour her, he moved his other hand down to her other breast. He began to fondle her, as his lips were continuously press against hers. She wanted to cry out, and beg him to stop. But his mouth continued to keep her silent.

Soon she could feel his member hardening against the entrance to her virgin core, and she knew what was coming. The gargoyle soon released her lips from his oral assault, as he sat up and looked at her with a triumphant smirk. He was a determined predator, about to devour his helpless prey.

"Why?" She asked as she continued to cry.

"Because you belong to me." He answered in a husky whisper. "And I will not be denied." With that he removed the rest of her undergarments, as she cried out in fear, her naked body was now completely exposed.

His hunger showed, as he licked the lips of his evil domineering smile. With great force, he pushed open her thighs, and rammed his harden member into her virgin core. As he did so, she cried out in pain!

"No!" Cried her Uncle Sal. "You have no right! I was the one who cheated your father, not her! If you have any honor, you will send her back to New York and kill me!"

"No!" Cried Cali. "Please don't! You said we have a deal!"

"You heard her old man." The handsome man replied. "We have a deal, that means you are now under my protection. That means that no harm shall come to you, as long as the songbird agrees to remain in my care."

"Maybe I'll just kill myself then." Her uncle replied in anger. "Then she will no longer be beholden to you!"

"True." The handsome man replied. "But she will still be in my possession, and all you'll be is dead. It might be a lot easier on her if she knows that you will be okay. If it makes you feel any better, I promise that no harm shall ever come to her. For she now belongs to me, and I take good care of my most valuable possessions . Especially, one in which could be considered a rare piece of art."

"Uncle Sal please!" She begged. "I will go with him, if it means sparing your life. It is the least I can do. You were there when I needed you the most. Please let me return the favor."

"I'm not worth it Cali!" Her uncle proclaimed as he looked at her with tears in his eyes. She placed both of her hands upon his face, looked at him, and smiled.

"You were my guardian angel once, when I needed one the most." She cried. "Please, let me be yours."

"Cali-", her uncle began to reply.

"Enough of this!" The handsome man exclaimed. “It is time to say your goodbyes. You two won't be seeing each other for awhile. As I stated before, Songbird, your uncle is now under my protection. Not only will he not be harmed, but he will be well provided for. However the debt has not been forgiven, it's just been put on hold. If you renege on the deal my dear, then he will pay for the debt with his blood. You agreed to give your life to me, which means that it belongs to me. And you are mine to do with as I please. So I suggest that you do not displeasure me. Do you understand?"

"Yes." she replied. As she could feel her warm tears stream down her cheeks.

"Good." He replied with a satisfied smile. "Then it’s time for us to go, say goodbye to your uncle my dear." He then ripped her out of her uncles arms and scooped her up into his. She was surprised, as that was hardly what she was expecting. As he started to carry her away with him, she looked back at her uncle.

Her uncle seemed to have an angry look upon his face, and started to step forward. But as soon as he did, two of the handsome man's goons abruptly blocked her uncle's path. It wouldn't have mattered anyway, her uncle would have been no match for them.

"Anton!" The Handsome man ordered. "Take the songbird's suitcase to the car. I seem to have my hands full at the moment." As he said it, he looked at her with an amorous smile.

"Of course sir." Anton replied as he picked up her bag.

"I can-I can walk." She replied.

"Don't be silly." He replied as he continued to carry her. "You just cost me $10 million. That's quite an investment. I can't let my most prized possession become damaged. Now can I?"

"Cali!" She heard her uncle cry.

"Shut up old man!" She heard one of the goons exclaim. "Be grateful you are still alive!"

"You promised me no harm will come to him!" She cried.

"Don't worry." He replied. "I give you my word, that no one will hurt him. My men know better, they know they would feel my wrath if they were to disobey me. As long as you are cooperative my dear, I can assure you that your uncle is likely one of the safest people on the planet."

As they made their way to the limo, Anton had opened the trunk. He was about to put the suitcase in the trunk, but his boss stopped him. "Anton, please put her bag in the back seat with us."

"As you wish sir." Anton replied. He then opened the passenger door for them, as his boss gently put her down.

"Ladies first." Her admirer said as he bowed , and gestured with his hand. As she crawled inside, she was taken aback by the luxurious interior. She had never been in a limo before, let alone one as equipped as this.

Anton got in, and in the seat across from her. His boss sat next to her, looked at her, and smiled. "Well, I suppose we should get the formal introductions out of the way. My name is Gabriel Esposito, and this is my faithful right hand man, Anton."

Anton said nothing, but just looked at her and bowed.

"What is your full name my dear?", Gabriel asked.

"Calliope Russo." She replied, as she started to quiver with fear.

"Please don't be afraid of me, Songbird." Gabriel told her. "As long as there is blood pumping through these veins, no harm will ever befall you. I still can't get over how appropriate the name Calliope is for you. Now then, do you have a question for me?"

"How long are you planning on keeping me?" She asked.

"Well I guess you could say, as long as there is blood pumping through my veins." He replied. "Now then, let's see what's in your bag?”

To her surprise, he grabbed her suitcase, and just opened it up. She felt violated as he started to go through her personal things. Every Time he picked up an article of her clothing, he just kept saying, "No.", and then would throw it on the floor.

"Ooh, I do like these." He said, as he started going through her undergarments. She felt mortified as Anton just stared at her underwear. Gabriel then found her pills, and began to read the labels.

"Anton." He said, as he leaned over and handed her prescriptions to his right hand goon. "Call my doctor, and make sure he gets these filled."

"Right away sir."Anton replied with his usual dead panned expression, "What about the clothes on the floor?"

"Call the good Father of the parish." Gabriel replied. "Tell him that we have some clothes to donate to charity."

"As you wish, sir." Anton replied.

"Wait!" Said Cali. "What am I supposed to wear?" He looked at her with furrowed brows, as she wasn't sure she wanted to even know the answer.

"To be honest my dear, I wouldn't mind if you ran around in nothing at all." He replied. Cali's eyes widened as she was horrified at what he just said. He then looked at her, and laughed.

"That was a joke my little songbird." He replied as he continued to laugh. "You should smile more, I know you have a beautiful smile."

Maybe I will smile, when I finally have something to smile about. Like getting the fuck away from you! She thought as she hid her anger.

"Believe me, your naked body is for my eyes only." He replied. "I would kill any other man, who would ever dare gaze upon you like that."

"Then what am I supposed to wear?" She asked again.

"Don't worry." He replied, as he pulled out his smartphone. "I'm about to take care of it. By the way, what is your favorite color?"

"Umm, red." She replied has she felt confused. Who is he calling?

"Excellent!" he replied, as he began to dial some number with great enthusiasm. "Mine too, you see, we have a lot more in common than you think."

Cali could hear the phone ringing, until someone had eventually picked up.

"Rosalina!" Gabriel exclaimed. "It's your favorite brother...Well yes, I know that I am your only brother...Okay, I admit that is a lame cliche. I suppose I cannot help but act a little giddy at this moment. Guess what sister dear? Your prayers have finally been answered. Your older brother is finally settling down. I'm getting married!"


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