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Chapter 4

A laugh rips from my throat with such intensity it almost doesn’t sound like it belongs to me.

“How many margaritas have you had again?” I shake my head, holding three fingers up. “How many fingers am I holding up?”

She laughs, slapping my hand away.

“How else do you explain what happened in there? He shows up, seemingly out of nowhere, threatens the guy you’re dancing with, then turns around and leaves...”

“You don’t know Rome like I do. Trust me, he’s doing this to torture me, not because he harbors feelings for me.”

“But why does he want to torture you?”

“Because it’s his favorite past time, haven’t you heard?”

“There’s more to it, Bex. And you know I’m right.”

“You don’t understand our relationship. I promise, you’re wrong.”

“If you say so,” she concedes. “What do you say we get out of here? The burger place around the corner is still open if you wanna grab some food before we head home.”

“Considering the amount of tequila currently swimming around in my stomach, I’d say that sounds like a pretty good idea,” I agree, looping my arm through hers.

I’m already going to be obsessing over what just happened when I wake up in the morning. Probably best if I’m not doing it while hugging the toilet.

“Heads up!”

I look up from the book I’m reading just in time to be pelted in the shoulder by a football. It doesn’t hit me hard enough to really hurt, per se, but it does startle me.

“Sorry about that, Bex.” Rome leans down to retrieve the ball, looking much more like himself than he did a few nights ago at the bar. And by much more himself, I mean, he’s wearing that I am a God grin he’s perfected over the years.

“Yeah, sure you are,” I grumble, turning my attention back to my book.

“You know, it’s probably not the smartest idea to be sitting out here reading.”

“Well, you don’t own the quad, and it’s a beautiful day, so I’ll do what I want.” I sneer. “Don’t you have class or something?” I ask while keeping my focus on my book.

“Aww, are you keeping tabs on me, Bex?”

“That would imply that I care what you’re doing.” I feign disinterest.

“And for your information, since you seem to care so much, yes, I had class today, but I decided to skip. Thought

I’d enjoy the nice day as well.”

I glance back up when I sense movement, only to find him settling onto the ground in front of me.

“Um, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” I ask, watching as he tosses the football a few yards to a buddy of his before his attention comes back to me.

“Taking a break,” he says like it should be so obvious, wiping his damp forehead with the back of his hand. “And you can’t do that somewhere else?” I grind my back molars together. “I have studying to get done.”

“You always have studying to get done.”

“Because unlike you, I actually care about learning. After all, that is why we’re here. Well, it’s not why you’re here, obviously. But it is why I’m here. So, if you don’t mind.” I shoo him with the back of my book.

“Can I have some of this?” He grabs my water bottle and before I can stop him, he pops open the lid, taking a long pull.

“Do you mind?” I try to take it from him but he leans out of my reach.

“Not at all.” He smacks his lips together as he replaces the cap.

“Keep it.” I shake my head as he attempts to hand me back the bottle.

“Jeez, Bex. You act like you’ve never drank after me before. Do I need to remind you we used to take baths together when we were little?”

“Trust me, I’ll have nightmares about it forever. I don’t need you to remind me.”

“Ouch.” He flattens a palm across his muscular chest, the definition clear under his gray UT baseball t-shirt.

“Are you done tormenting me now? I really need to get this read.”

“I didn’t realize having a conversation with me was such torture for you.” He smirks.

There he goes again, making it out like my issues with him are solely on me. Never mind all the shit he’s put me through.

“Well, now you do. So leave.”

“Relax. There’s no need to get your panties in a twist.” He jumps to his feet with ease, and if he were any other guy I would have been impressed.

“Don’t think for one second you have any effect on my panties.”

“The fact that you felt the need to point that out makes me think that maybe I do.”

“Keep dreaming.”

“I will if you will.”

I don’t justify that with a response, instead turning my attention back to my book for a brief moment.

When I look back up, he’s already walking away.

“Hey, Rome,” I call after him, waiting until he glances back at me before continuing. “The thing with Max the other night, what the hell was that about?”

Normally I don’t question his antics, I’m that used to them. But I’ve never seen him act so aggressively toward someone.

“I did you a favor, trust me.”

“You see, that’s the problem, I don’t trust you.”

“Well, your father does.”

“So that’s what that was? My father asked you to look out for me so you have to scare off every guy that looks my way? And you actually expect me to believe that?”

“Believe what you want.” He shrugs indifferently.

“Is that your excuse for when we were younger, too? You told everyone I liked girls for my own good?”

“No, that one I did for fun.” The asshole actually has the audacity to wink at me before turning and jogging back toward his friends.

I scowl at his back as he crosses the quad, considering taking up voodooism so I can stab little pins into his back and watch the asshole writhe in pain. It wouldn’t be any less than he deserves.

“Hey, Bexley.” I turn at the sound of my name, surprised to find Max leaning against the wall right outside my classroom door.

“Max... Hi.” I smile, looking down the hallway behind him before my gaze makes its way back to his face. “Hey.” I giggle nervously, though I’m not really sure why I suddenly feel nervous when the other day I felt so at ease around him.

Of course, then, I had liquid courage. And, that was before the whole Rome debacle.

And...did he get better looking?

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