She cruised into the building with a black sparkling BMW XM. It was dark and artificial lights lit up the brown single- storey bungalow which was right in front of her.
She stepped out of the car, elegantly dressed in a black bodycon dress that stopped above her knees. Her beautiful face which was beautified with makeup was glowing in the dark as she proceeded to the door with excitement.
Standing before the door, she tried to catch her breath as the excitement of seeing him again overwhelmed her. He was her everything and she was so glad he was back from his trip.
She had specially brought his favorite meal and wine which they would be using to grace the night. Kelvin was worth everything, she thought with her red thin lips breaking into a smile.
"Oh, I need to go in," she said while adjusting her dress which suited her slender curvy body perfectly. She moved her hand towards the door bell on the wall but a thought struck her and she shook her head while smiling sheepishly.
"Total surprise," she said with a giggle as she dipped her hand into her black purse.
She opened the door and the sound of her silver crystal heels could be heard while rushing into the living room with excitement.
"Baby," she called, looking around the moderate living room which was lavishly furnished. Only the sound of TV was heard in the room and she shook her head and moved over to the dining table where she dropped her shopping bag.
"Is he asleep already?" She asked no one in particular as she made for the stairs.
"Baby," she called while walking into the passage upstairs.
He could have slept off due to stress from the trip, she thought as she walked to the master bedroom door. She could hear slow music coming from his room and she smiled as she imagined his handsome face sleeping peacefully on his bed.
"Baby," she called sedulously while pushing the door open and she stepped into the room.
Her body went numb and her feet froze to the floor as her eyes fell on the king sized bed where she saw a lady riding on top of his body with the duvet shielding their bodies.
"Kelvin!!!" She screamed with her voice as loud as thunder.
Her screams jolted them both from their pleasurable moment and her knees became feeble as she saw the lady who turned quickly with a smirk on her face.
"Kemi..," she cried slowly with the pitch of her voice dropping low.
"Baby, baby, it's not what you think," she heard him speak as he hurried up from the bed immediately.
Her eyes never left Kemi's face for a moment and she could see her smiling on the bed with the duvet wrapped around her body.
"Nat, let me explain," Kelvin's voice broke into her thought and she turned her attention to him slowly.
She opened her mouth to speak but the words wouldn't come out. She felt her whole body vibrate and she began to breathe heavily as she continued staring at his pity face while he walked closer to her.
"Don't!" She signaled him with her right hand and she swallowed hard with her eyes looking away from him.
He stopped and rubbed the back of his neck with his palm while staring at her face anxiously.
"Nat, let me explain. She..she seduced me. I don't know how she got here!" He explained with enthusiasm.
Perspiration dropped from her face as she swallowed hard again with her white round eyes settled on his face. Memories of the past kept pouring in like an avalanche and all she could see was scenes of her mother in bed with several men.
She shut her eyes deeply as the scenes played in her head and her whole body shook violently.
"Nat, don't lose it!" Kelvin pleaded while trying to get close to her.
"Let her be, Kel. She is losing her senses again. She might hurt you," Kemi said from the bed as she stood up immediately.
"Shut up!" He yelled, turning to look at her.
Their conversation broke into her thoughts and she opened her eyes which were now bloodshot. She took a final glance at their faces before stepping out of the room immediately.
"Nat!" Kelvin called anxiously while trying to go after her.
"Let her be," Kemi cut in as she ran over to meet him.
He grabbed his dress on the bed and ran out of the room immediately.
Getting to the living room, he looked around but she was gone already.
" this is not happening to me!" He yelled while hitting his fist into the air.
"Kelvin, stop it!" Kemi called as she hurried down the stairs, dressed in a white nightie.
"Do you know what you've done?!" He yelled with his eyes as red as blood.
She smiled menacingly and tucked her messy short black hair behind her ears.
She walked to the dining table where she saw the shopping bag and her wide lips broke into a smile.
"Oh, food," she said while sitting on the chair with her hands searching the bag.
"Wow, dinner is ready," she said with excitement as she brought out a white plate filled with tomato stew.
"I know Alex prepared this. Nat can't cook, she's always had her brother's wife Alex, who makes everything for her," she said with a smile as she brought the food out one after the other.
"I'm talking about my relationship and you're here talking about damn food!!" He yelled while walking over to her.
She smiled and took a bite of apple.
"Relax, Kel. I know you don't love that insane girl, I mean, what man in his right senses would want to settle for a girl with a mental illness?" She asked with mockery dripping over her tone.
He heaved a sigh and looked away from her slowly.
"Come on, Kel. I know why you're doing this; Your father's political ambition," she continued with a smirk.
He didn't reply and he shot her a death stare while she kept her smile plastered on her lips.
"Get out when you're done!" He slammed and walked out immediately.
She increased the car's speed as she drove on the highway aggressively. The betrayal scene played in her head severally and the only thoughts on her mind was to commit suicide tonight.
Jumping into the car, he looked around the neighborhood carefully as he wore his long sleeve shirt hastily. He was glad to have escaped being caught by Lucy's finance tonight and right now, he felt nothing but hatred for her.
What if he had been caught and the story gets to the company's Manager, Lucy's father? He thought as he began to pant heavily with his hands holding the steering wheels tightly.
That would have meant him losing his job, he thought again while looking out of the car window. He just hopes none of her neighbors had seen him fleeing out of the building with only his underpants.
He gulped and wiped the perspiration off his brows before igniting the car. He hit the road aggressively as he thought of how unfortunate his night had been.
Driving belligerently along the lone highway, he could hear his phone ringing continuously.
"Oh, mother, not again!!" He yelled angrily as he saw her name on the caller ID.
There is no way she would stop until he picks it up, he thought and grabbed the phone angrily.
"Mother," he called grumpily.
"Nosa, I've been calling," she called in his native name.
"Mother, I'm driving!" He said in a rather high tone.
"At this time of the night? I told you to get a wife so you can be responsible…,"
"Mother, cut it!" He snapped with his brows gathered deeply.
"Are you yelling at me? I carried you for nine months, don't forget!" She slammed through the phone.
He rolled his eyes in frustration as she continued ranting on the phone.
She was still speaking when he caught a car driving at great velocity swerving from its lane into his direction.
"No!!" He screamed as he flung the phone away and grabbed his steering wheels immediately.
With experience, he maneuvered the car to avoid a head-to- head clash with the incoming vehicle and the car ran into the small bush at the side of the road.