*Kanika Pov*
“We can see that the graduation course you have taken is not related to the designing. What are your merits to prove that you are eligible for this course?” I nodded hearing the question.
I calmly explained all the courses I have done relating to designing from drawing, painting, stitching to even the fabrics for the past five years which includes during the graduation time and two years after the graduation.
They checked the certificates and the recommendation letters I passed before checking my knowledge about the designing details.
“I want to have proper guidance to collectively learn everything and enter this field completely.” I added after which they nodded and asked me to wait for their response.
I took a deep breath after stepping out of the academy in relief. I just need to study here and intern for two years and then my dream will come true.
I smiled properly after a long time and called Anitha to ask her when she will come to our place today or will she be late due to other schedules.
“I will be there early today. I don’t have any shoots for this whole week and I will tell you the reason after reaching home.” I smiled cutting the call and took a bus to reach home.
It’s been two years since we shifted to Mumbai after finishing our graduation as Anitha got offers from a good agency. It was due to her signing up with an advertisement agency after they saw her performance in the contest where she didn’t win the first prize but definitely got recognition.
Then they recommended her to this agency and even asked her to go for an audition and she ended up getting selected. So, we shifted to this city two years back.
To my luck, I was able to find work immediately and it was not that of a serious crisis for us as even Anitha started earning more than in the past and with that confidence, I was lucky to enroll in some courses which definitely helped me with today’s interview.
I smiled reaching a grocery store to pick the needed ones so that I can celebrate with her as I am confident to get accepted into this academy.
When I reached our home, I already found her waiting in the small living room anxiously making me frown.
“What happened?” I asked rushing towards her.
I am worried every day regarding the profession she is in as we don’t know what kind of trouble she could get into. However, she knows to be careful and all I can do is to lend an ear no matter what she wants to discuss.
“Did you find out that your crush… that Prathik or Prathap got married or what?” I tried to joke wishing this is not a huge matter.
“How was the interview?” she asked ignoring my question.
“It was okay! Now, tell me what happened.” I repeated feeling worried about the tears that are forming in her eyes.
“Kani! Our… our problems are all solved, Kani.” She mumbled along with the tears rolling down her cheeks.
“Don’t cry! Tell me what happened.” I requested and she nodded before explaining how she went for an audition last week but didn’t tell me as she went only for the experience.
“And?” I am not mad that she didn’t say that before as we both need not share every single moment in our lives and need our own privacy.
“Today I got the call that I am selected for the lead role.” She replied hugging me and I stilled for a second before laughing.
“You scared me for such good news?” I asked hugging her back.
“I was not sure whether it is true or not. Our Agency CEO asked me to meet him this weekend regarding this matter too. I am so excited and scared and feeling confused at the same time.” She replied and continued to talk while I nodded smiling but she suddenly stopped smiling.
“I think I need to take a loan soon.” She mumbled making me frown.
“Why?” I asked staring at her.
“I don’t have any proper portfolio for actors as I was just a model until now and I need some money to get good pictures and for the attires also. Anyway, I am going to earn from this movie and so it is fine to take a loan. But then I am worried to take one at the same time as anything can happen.” She explained and I shook my head before opening my purse and passed her a card.
“Take this and do whatever you need to. Pay me back after you get your payment.” I mumbled placing it in her lap but definitely paused a second before doing it.
“Are you mad?” she shouted throwing it back into my lap.
“Those are your savings which you are going to use for the academy, right? How can you give that to me?” she asked scolding me.
“You can add more after getting your payment. Right now there is time till I get any confirmation for my seat and by that time you will get money, right?” I pointed out but she still shook her head.
“I am trying to earn more here. Are you going to not fulfill my wish?” I asked folding my hands.
“You will spend it for the needed things only and it is not a waste. Unless you have this portfolio, it will be a problem for you to go ahead. So, don’t worry and take it.” I continued.
“You know that I will think the money I earn to be ours. No need to give me your card. I will think of some other way or will request Mr. Nitish itself. I met him a few times and he seems to be a good person.” She smiled and I sighed taking her hand before placing the card in it.
“You are going to be a star, Anitha. I am not asking you to spend on unnecessary things. These are the needed ones you need for your growth and need for them to take you seriously. You will not be buying any luxury items as I don’t have that kind of money but just the needed attires. We both were saving all these years for this kind of needed times, remember?” I asked and after some time she finally accepted but promised to spend it only after signing the contract.
However, she ended up getting an appointment with the director and the producer within a few days before she could meet her CEO and spent some for that day’s attire while I calmly waited for my letter of acceptance from the academy.
I felt content holding the letter from the academy which states that I got selected and can join from next month and immediately called Anitha to find whether her final meeting with the director and producers is done regarding the shooting schedule and other things.
When her phone didn’t get connected, I thought she must be in the meeting and tried to cook her favorites while repeating to check the letter again and again.
I am closer to my dream now and then I will… I shook my head and checked the time to see it is already late and she still didn’t return.
I got worried and tried calling her friend Shalini who gave a rude answer that she doesn’t know before cutting the call.
Right! Anitha mentioned how she became distant from the moment her crush proposed Anitha. I sighed thinking of calling someone else and then I heard the door opening.
“Where were you?” I asked turning around only to find her face drenched with tears.
“What happened?” I asked feeling scared and immediately rushed closer to her while she suddenly knelt down and started crying.
“Don’t scare me, Ani! Did anyone misbehave with you? What happened?” I continued and she suddenly started chanting ‘Sorry’ without a break.
“Tell me what happened.” I shouted holding her shoulders and she stared at me before explaining what happened today.
“They even gave me a shooting schedule, Kanika. Everything was ready but suddenly they announced that they are changing the lead actor and I will be given a small five-minute role and started discussing the schedule for that part.” She explained and didn’t stop crying.
“It’s okay! You will get another role and you just started your career.” I mumbled consoling her but my chest hardened realizing why she apologized.
“Your money… you need that for joining this academy. I didn’t even want to come home but I know you will be worried and that’s why I came. I will… I will ask… no! Blackmail that Nitish saying I will go to the media about their fraud by taking away the chance from new talents. I… I will do something.” She became hysteric and started spouting nonsense.
“Stop it, Anitha! You are still an artist under his agency for the next two years. And no need to think about money right now as I didn’t get selected.” I explained but she didn’t calm down.
“Anitha! Do you want to stay there for the next two years and lose your options?” I asked looking at her and she shook her head in negative.
“So, work harder than before from tomorrow and make sure to get another good agency to sign you up. Stop trusting this agency anymore and start looking for other options. You are just twenty-four and your life is not over.” I pointed out while she stared at me in silence.
“Your money…” I cut her off saying, “Pay me back ten times after you get to succeed and show to these people your worth. For now, get freshen up and have dinner.”
She stayed there for a few minutes before saying, “I will make them regret it, Kani. I will pay you back ten times.”
When she finally walked into our room, I took out the letter from the table and folded it properly before throwing it into my bag under the documents to not open it again.
I can start saving from tomorrow again and get enough money before the admissions start again. I thought nodding to myself but couldn’t help but fist my hands to stop the tears.
No! Don’t cry! If you cry now, Anitha will not be able to handle it. I tried to take deep breaths to control the tears but the pain and the disappointment that it will take longer to achieve my dream is starting to cross the control limit.
I walked out to stand in the small corridor and glanced at the sky. Everything will be fine, right?
After spending a few minutes, I walked inside to find her stepping out of the room with a blank look covering her face.
I didn’t realize until the next few days that she changed. She was always driven to be successful but this time it was ten times more and there was this restlessness in her which even made her not even care much about her only friend in the agency who turn into one of many who taunted her for losing the chance and for being prideful when she got the chance.
She told me everything like in the past but this time it didn’t affect her much. I sighed not saying anything regarding it as she needs this drive to come out of that agency and I don’t want her to be part of that no matter what.
I feel defeated from time to time to work more than before to save enough before the next term starts but I should move on and achieve this no matter what.
#After a Year#
“Kanika! Someone was here waiting for you until now but just left a few minutes back.” The neighbor said looking at me with a smile and I nodded while looking around thinking who would be here.
I shrugged while thinking about the money which I finally reached and already got the appointment letter last week.
Even Anitha is lucky to escape from that stupid agency and will be signing with a new one soon. However, I felt this worry because of what happened last time and tried to be cautious about everything.
“I will be meeting with Mr. Vikranth tomorrow to sign a contract as he already handled the things from my past agency. It seems they really looked down on me as didn’t try to drag it and accepted immediately.” She mumbled shaking her head while I passed the rice to her side.
“Eat more!” I mumbled rubbing my hands still feeling worried but not sure about what.
“Anyway, Mr. Vikranth mentioned a web series outside India.” I paused hearing those words and finally stared at her.
“And?” I asked looking at her.
“And I am worried to leave you alone here.” She replied and I finally smiled shaking my head.
“Anitha! Why did we become friends when we were kids and continue to stay together all these years? To be a blockage for others’ growth? How can you think about me when you got such an opportunity?” I asked showing my disappointment.
“Don’t preach what you don’t follow, Kani. I am still angry at you for lying to me about not getting accepted last year. So, you can’t lecture me anymore.” She pointed out.
Yes! That day her change was not because of what happened to her but she found out the letter that day itself and that was the drive to her.
I wouldn’t have found out if not when she suddenly drank at a yea- end party and spilled everything to me and I ended up asking her the next morning to find about it clearly.
“Okay! You know I already got accepted for this term and even have money to enroll. I will just add the request for a hostel service and it will be fine. I will not be alone and anyway, this is for just two years. You will come before that and I will stay in the hostel until you return.” I explained and she frowned but nodded.
“Okay! But you can’t fool me by staying here alone while saying you are in the hostel.” She pointed out and I nodded smiling.
“You can buy the things I need for the hostel and drop me there before leaving.” She smiled hearing those words and excitedly started praising this new boss of hers or going to be the new boss.
If he is not like her previous boss that is enough for me. I listened calmly and finally, she calmed down but went to bed early to have a good sleep.
When I was about to turn myself in, I frowned hearing a knock on the door and opened it holding a safety rod only to go stiff while looking at the person.
“How have you been, Kanika?” He asked smiling while my hand trembled.
“Dad!” I whispered hiding the rod feeling terrified which I didn’t feel during the past many years.
“I searched for you everywhere but didn’t find you. I even went to all the shops near our old house and finally found you.” He said smirking.
“How…” I couldn’t even get the words out.
“I remember your friend, that orphanage girl… Anitha. I went to the orphanage and asked about her on your behalf and found that she is in this city and even an artist under this Nk agency as she wrote that in her letters. So, I thought you would be with her, and to my luck, you are with her.” He explained patiently and with happiness.
“Why… why are you here?” I asked not sharing his sentiment regarding this matter.
“I am your father, Kanika. We should stay together and help each other. I should protect you and we need to safeguard your money and…” I cut him off saying, “Leave Now!”
“What?” he asked with his expression going frozen.
“Leave now! I will shout and let everyone know that you are attacking me. I will not tell anyone that you are my father. What do you think will happen to you?” I asked stepping forward while showing the rod in my hand.
“You!” he warned lifting his hand and I lifted the hand with which I am holding the safeguard rod.
“Shall I shout? Aunty!” I continued and he scoffed before stepping back when he heard a door sound from the neighboring flat.
Anyway, Anitha will leave this place to go abroad and I will go to the hostel to stay. He will never find that out. I felt a sense of relief thinking that.
“I will come tomorrow and continue this discussion. I am in hurry to get funds as a few people are behind me to make me pay for some gambling stuff for the past few years. So, prepare that for me.” He warned while I didn’t respond.
“Don’t forget that I know where your friend works. You need to know how important it is to have a good view from the public. Just like you, I can go to any media house and say anything about your friend and she will work hard to prove herself.” He threw my words back at me and my hand trembled which nearly made me drop the rod.
He smirked knowing well I got affected before walking away while I closed the door with trembling hands immediately and leaned over it desperately to stop him from coming here again.
What should I do? I thought feeling a sense of terror while remembering his threat regarding Anitha’s career. Why now? Why again? I closed my eyes still feeling the pressure with the memory of all the beatings just by seeing him after all these years.