Cara yells at me to stop me. "No! Both my daddy and I despise you. You are not welcome here. You don't want them to marry since you are a wicked and terrible person, but Daddy is going to marry Mommy Alia.
You're envious of her because you are so ugly and she's more attractive than you. I will ask the goddess to punish and send you to hell if you refuse to allow my daddy to be happy."
I feel like I've been punched in the body, so I stagger back. She would wish for me to burn in hell not just because she despises me so much, but also because Trevor intends to mate with Alia.
How the fuck is this happening to me? How could I have changed from being her mother to the antagonist in their story?
"You don't know what you're saying, Cara," I exclaim, "I'm your mother." I'm unable to control my tears.
"You are not my mother anymore. She proclaimed angrily, "Mommy Alia is the only mother I have." Then she ran to Alia and left me standing there, embarrassed.
Alia encircles her with her arms, glaring at me while she comforts her in hushed tones. Like I was the other lady and she was her real mother. The one who'd ruined their joyous day.
I was shocked to see that Cara had just denied me in front of everyone. How could she say such things to me? And how could Trevor let her? How could they have preferred Alia to me?
My heart was breaking into smaller and smaller bits. Trevor was there before I could even get up off the floor with my self-respect. With a terrible grip, he took hold of my arm and pulled me away.
"Please don't do this Trevor," I begged as we were almost at the door.
"Stop talking, you stupid asshole!" he yells. He is utterly enraged and outraged. His eyes go from being black to red.
I became silent in disbelief that he would refer to me as an asshole. As if I were just a bothersome hoe who was attempting to ruin his beautiful family.
Not only did I get kicked out of my own daughter's birthday party, but I was also humiliated and insulted by both of them.
It hurts like hell.
His hands slide off my arm and encircle my neck. He chokes the hell out of me. He squeezes my neck tightly. His claws pierced my neck deeply. The blood is running down my neck, I can feel it. My shirt was literally soaked with blood.
"I don't ever want to fucking see you around me or my daughter, ever again. Don't go close to her, don't fucking touch her, don't even look at her and share the same fucking air as her." then he threatened "If I get you bothering her with your disgusting presence, I'll fucking end you, Adrianna." His voice was gruff.
I murmur, tears streaming down my cheeks, "She's my daughter, Trevor. How do you expect me to do that?"
When he answered, his tone was stern and frigid. "Are you deaf or something? Or you're just too dumb to realize that you mean nothing to both of us."
He closes the door behind me after throwing me out without saying anything more. I drop to my hands and knees, trying to break my fall. I'm not even aware that I've injured them and they were bruised. Even after my neck healed, it was still bleeding.
In any case, what was the point? They no longer desire us or me. Maggie, who was irreparably broken, faded into the background of my mind.
A cute little voice says, "Hello," waking me from my reverie.
Next to my car is a boy who looks to be around nine years old. His eyes are brown, his hair golden. A very cute little boy who seems quite familiar.
"According to my father, beautiful girls shouldn't cry. And you're the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen," he says to me in a kind yet firm manner.
The fact that this boy finds me attractive but my own daughter does not, struck a chord within me.
Despite the pain, I bend down to his level.
"Thanks a bunch, cutie, I'm grateful. What is your name?" Trying not to cry, I ask with a tearful smile.
When he smiles at me, his face lights up so brightly.
"My name is Wade. I know you're Cara's mother. Also, I mean no disrespect when I say that I no longer really like Cara. I was enraged by the way she mistreated you. In addition, I detest my mother and Cara's father for their cruel treatment of you." With a trace of rage, he states, "They are the ones who deserve to be punished." He clenched his fists together.
When he's done talking, it dawns on me. This little boy was trying to console me; he was Alia's child.
I realize too that I could poison his mind to get at his mother. Say all I can to make him despise her, but I don't. I can't do that. Never would I wish this suffering upon any mother.
"I know, darling, but in the end, she's still your mother." Calmly and gently, I say, "You should love and respect her."
Before he speaks, he gives me a long, serious stare. "All right, but know that you're the best and that even though they don't love you, I do."
Then he leaves, giving me a hug and a peck on the cheek. Wade and I seem to click for some reason, although I'm not sure what it is. There seems to be some connection between us and I have a feeling our paths are intertwined.
I climb into my car and head out of sight of my mate and daughter. I felt better than I had felt in months. And the son of my enemy was the reason for it all. There was at least a little smile on my face as my little conversation with Wade crossed my mind.
I get to my workplace and stroll through the nearly deserted hallways of my workplace. I had created my own fashion brand; Crystal designs from the start with my best friend, Cassandra. Crystal designs had been thriving. It had been in the top five lists of fashion brands. It was collapsing now.
Trevor had delivered on his threat to ruin me. Mags and gossip blogs had trampled my name into the muck. I was portrayed as the bad guy.
The nasty bitch who had gotten in the way of former love. The deceitful wife who failed to free the man who had lost interest in her. The bittersweet and depressed woman who would not let go.
I've received derogatory remarks. I've experienced cyberbullying. It has been said of me that I am worse than Satan himself. My once positive reputation in human society has been ruined. The vast majority of Lycans and humans no longer wish to be connected to me.
Investors have left us. We are losing personnel and seeing a sharp decline in profits. Wishing no more to work for a monster such as myself.
Alia was the angel, and I was the devil. Rather than the other way around, I was the one attempting to separate them. Although I detested everything that was going on, I felt powerless to stop it.
The same as the previous days. I cannot make out where my secretary has gone. It seems to me that she was also on the verge of leaving the company.
I enter my workplace and immediately stop. In my office stands a man I've only ever seen in magazines. He moves around the place as if he owns it. As though it were his own private playground.
Ares Davani is a man of great strength. In the world of Lycans and humans alike. He is known as the unofficial supreme Alpha. He was someone whose stories could give you nightmares, with a wolf that is only fit to be called a beast. He used to be Alia's roommate.
"Mr. Davani, how may I help you?" I query him after finding my voice.
He takes a while to respond. Just looks at me with those emerald green eyes with golden yellow depths, as though his Lycan side were always on edge. As though he could see the anguish that was destroying my insides.
He is quite tall, perhaps seven feet or more thick, ink black hair. Even if he's dressed in a suit. He's still fit beneath it, you can tell.
He exudes heat in every way. Regretfully, my heart won't ever feel complete again. It will never be able to beat for another. I had had enough of men.
"My son speaks of you all the time." His voice was deep and velvety, "I had to come and see what was so special about you."
I stood there, just staring at him. I had no idea what to say. “I want to know what you want with him. What are your intentions?"
He gets so close that I can feel his body heat. Magenta perks up for a bit before retreating to the back of my mind
“I have no reason to have I'll intentions towards your sin. He’s a good kid and he cheered me up when I was feeling down.” I murmur. I have to tip my head back just to be able to look at him.
"I will tear you to pieces if I discover that you are exploiting him as payback for his horrible mother." With a voice that is getting alarmingly low, he threatens, "that there won't be anything left of you to bury. So that better be all, Blondie."