"Hey Phillips! Where is my mom?" I asked my mom's boyfriend as I walked inside our living room.
Phillips and my mom have been seeing each other for a few months now. It's becoming something serious and I kinda liked Philips too, he used to treat me as if I was his biological daughter.
"She went to get some groceries, she should be back soon,"Phillips replied.
"Okay. I'll just take a shower"
I'll be meeting Romeo's mother in the evening. I'm really nervous. Even though this is not a real thing, I still feel nauseous. Romeo will be picking me anytime soon.
Calling Joey made me feel better. She gave me the encouragement I needed.
When I came downstairs, I met Philips and Romeo.
Oh God no! This is no good. Why did you come early?
"What's going on?"I queried them.
I took in the scene before me. Romeo was sitting between my mom and Phillips laughing off to only what God knows.
My mom winked at me."You look hot in that dress girl, right Romeo?"
"You didn't tell me you have a date,"Philips muttered.
I gave a half shrug."It slipped my mind, Phillips."
"Let's go."I dragged Romeo up from the couch and pulled him towards the door.
"Bye!"I waved at my mum and her boyfriend.
When we got outside, Romeo leaned and planted a kiss on my forehead.
"You look stunning, babe."He complimented me.
"Thanks."I smiled shyly.
"My mom would be so thrilled to have you."He smiled back at me.
By the time we got to his house, I realized it was not as far as I thought it would be. It was a few minutes drive.
His house was so big and beautiful. The front patio was cool and well furnished. Well, the inside was more enormous than the outside.
"Mom, we're here,"He announced.
Almost immediately, a young woman came out from the adjoining room of the sitting room. She was tall and had a slender figure. I'm sure that she was Romeo's mum, they had the same eyes. God! She was so beautiful.
"You are Ivy, right?"
I wasn't given the chance to reply when she pulled me into a warm hug.
"I'm so happy to have you here."She told me.
" My pleasure ma'am."
We disengaged from the hug.
"It's okay. You can call me Sarah."She smiled.
"Okay Sarah."
"You can have dinner now before it gets cold,"she said before disappearing into the kitchen again.
"Your mom is cool and nice."I whispered to Romeo as he led me to the dining room."I'm wondering where you get that bad act from."
He lifted his shoulder in a half shrug."I'm just me."
He winked at me, then settled into the seat next to me.
Sarah joined and sat down opposite me.
"So Ivy, what are your plans for the future?"Sarah asked me.
I cleared my throat."Go to college first, I guess."
She smiled as usual. She was just nice and perfect. I wondered how Romeo's dad will look like, he has never talked about him before.
I spent some more time with them before going to my house. I enjoyed my visit to Romeo's house.
Slowly, ever slowly the days crept away. Days turned into weeks.
Finally we have a full month before us. To me, it meant so much. I would finally be breaking up with Romeo. Our one month relationship is now at its end. We both don't need to tell each other that it has ended.
For that one month, I could say that it was my best ever. The beautiful moments we shared together, the worse ones and the wonderful ones. My mom is fond of Romeo, she liked him as if our relationship was real. Similarly, Sarah liked me, she is just so nice. I wondered how she would feel if she found out that it was a dare.
Romeo hasn't shown up in school since last Friday which got me worried. I kept glancing across the cafeteria hoping that he would show up. Jake won't tell me anything about him and when I checked on him at home, I couldn't find him.
I called him several times and left him a message but he wouldn't return my call or message. I could only think he was avoiding me, but why? If he was avoiding me, why would he avoid his friends also?
"Maybe, he's out of town."Joey reassured me.
"At least, he would return my call."I snapped at her.
I could hear my voice breaking. I'm now used to him that I missed his presence so much. He made me feel what I've never felt in my seventeen years.
He taught me how to live well. He taught me to cope in this cruel world. He has that part of me that no one ever will.
Even though our hearts are different, his and mine were the same. We belonged to each other. I'm afraid to admit that I've fallen in love with the bad boy. But, will he love me back? What if he doesn't feel the same way that I do?
I snapped out of my train of thoughts when the bell went off, signaling the end of the day. I stood in the deserted hallway alone. I told Joey to go without me, I'm going to check on Romeo again. He also hasn't been coming to his practice. I packed my textbooks in the locker room before walking outside.
"Ivy, hold on."A familiar voice called behind me.
I turned around to see my caller. It was Xander. I smiled as he caught up with me. I have seen less of him since the day Romeo assaulted him. I felt bad for him, he was just being nice.
"So how have you been?" I asked to ease up the awkward silence between us. We're now walking towards the school parking lot.
He beamed a little smile."Fine."
"I'm heading home. Do you mind if I give you a drive?"He offered.
How nice of him? Even after what Romeo said.
"I'm heading to Romeo's house, not mine. I'm sure you don't want him to see you near me."I joked.
"I don't mind."
"If you insist."
"Are you sure you'll be fine on your own?"Xander questioned me.
I sighed then alighted from his car.
I smiled." I'll be fine Xander, thanks for your concern. But, Romeo is not who you think. He won't hurt me."
He pulled out a book and a pen out of his safe. I watched as he scribbled something on it, then gave it to me.
"Give me a call In case you need anything. I'll be out here."He told me.
"Thank you, Xander."
"My pleasure."
I watched as he turned on his car and drove off before going inside Romeo's house.
"Romeo, are you okay?"I called as I walked into his room.
He was laying vertically across the bed, looking lifeless.
"Ivy?"He muttered, his eyes still closed.
"Romeo, I have been worried about you. Why haven't you been picking your call? I asked of you from Jake -"
"Go Ivy!"Romeo snapped, catching me off guard.
My jaw dropped.Did I hear him correctly?
"Ivy, just go. The fucking dare is over. I don't wanna have anything to do with you again."He said, not looking at me.
"What's wrong with you? Why do you - "
"Ivy, leave my house!"He yelled at me, running his hand through his messy hair."Don't you get it? I don't want to have any fucking thing to do with you."
My eyelids dropped. I swallowed hard as I blinked back the tears that threatened to fall.
The door opened revealing a man. I guess he was his dad, they don't really resemble each other but they have the same hair color.
Romeo threw him a deadly glare."What are you doing here?"
"What else? I'm here for the weekend"His dad looked around and his eyes landed on mine."Is this your girlfriend?"
"No!"Romeo snapped, then he gazed at me."Ivy, leave."
I nodded my head in the affirmative and ran out of his room, before the tears fell from my eyes.
I felt so used and betrayed. Even if he was having a bad day or something was wrong with him, he ought to confide in me. He wasn't supposed to yell at me or treat me like I meant anything to him.
A tear dropped from my eyes, as it dawned on me that I really meant nothing to him. It was a freaking dare.
For the rest of the week, Romeo didn't show up in school and when he finally did, his face was covered with bruises. He didn't talk to me at all. It seemed like he had gone back to his old ways. I said "hi" to him when he passed my lock room this morning but he didn't reply. He stopped coming to classes also. He started hanging out with girls like before.
I thought he changed but I was wrong. It hurt so much because I've fallen in love with him. He stole my first kiss and also my heart.