“Maybe your dad is right” Daniel said just as Sebastian stopped in front of the café.
Santiago turned to look at him with one of his fully-shaped brows quaked up at him in question, he was going to say something but Sebastian interrupted them.
“Out of the car before you start your catfights” he saw that they both didn’t make a move to leave the car “I gotta park well and we need a good spot in there” he points inside the café.
“Catfights are for ladies” Daniel rolled his eyes and got out of the car.
“Fist fights are for the men” Santiago grinned and Sebastian threw him a disapproving look.
“Well, show that you both are men then” Sebastian shrugged and then drove to the parking lot when they were out of the car.
“He’s so grumpy” Daniel commented as they made their way inside the restaurant.
“Grumpy is so Sebastian” Santiago remarked and they shared a laugh “Go pick a table for us, I’ll join you inside,” Santiago said and he nodded and went inside.
Santiago looks at his phone as a new notification comes in, he stares at it as he reads the content of the message from the notification bar. It was from his dad, reminding him of their agreement, he was not having it now and didn’t want to deal with that.
So, he pocketed his phone and began to enter the restaurant when a petite lady ran into him and almost fell but Santiago was able to catch her and put her on her feet.
Joan looked up at him to apologize and was about to leave but he blocked her way as he remembered who she was.
He narrowed his eyes at her and folded his arms. “I think I know you”
“I’m sorry, excuse me,” she said and went to leave but he stopped her again when realization kicked in.
“Hold up, why do you have so much trouble staying on your feet?” he asked and she frowned at his question, looking so confused “One day you are foolishly crossing the road on a rainy night and running off like you saw a ghost and the next, you’re bumping into the same man with your butt almost touching the ground”
“Foolishly?” she asked, only making out that word he spoke.
“Yes, foolishly because I don’t understand how a grown lady wouldn’t know how the road works or what a zebra crossing is. It shows that you’re childish and probably stu-” he was interrupted by the impact of Joan’s palm, that connected with his cheeks in a loud slap.
“How dare you talk to me in such a manner? You come here and insult me like I know you from somewhere and even though I knew you, you have no right to come here to insult me” she spat angrily at him.
“You were the one who wanted to get hit the other night when the rain fell so heavy” he explained as he rubbed his cheek. He moves his mouth to be sure the slap did no damage to him, but he could swear that he tasted a bit of blood in his mouth.
“It takes two to tango, dummy. If you were concentrating so well, then you wouldn’t have to try to kill me,” she pokes his chest with the tip of her finger. “If anyone is foolish here, then it’s you”
“Me? You’d better watch your mouth here love, because I don’t like to be spoken with such a tone”
“Then give people respect and talk like you want to be talked to,” she said and it shut him off “It will be so much of a liability to have someone with that pouty mouth of yours around, now if you’d excuse me, I need to get somewhere” she walks past him, glad that he didn’t stop her this time but that didn’t cool her anger towards him.
Santiago watched as Joan walked away from him and hailed a taxi before getting inside and the taxi drove off. He was stunned by what just happened and thought about any of the past women he dated that has talked to him like she did or even slapped him.
The sting on his cheek and his cousin coming to his line of vision took him out of his reverie, Sebastian looked at him then at the direction the taxi went, and back at Santiago.
“Know that chick?” he asked.
Santiago shook his head and entered the café with Sebastian trailing behind.
“Should I also ask about why her palm connected with your cheek?” Santiago glared at him when he asked and Sebastian just shrugged. “It could only be that she is one of your past flings” Sebastian shrugged and they settled with Daniel.
Daniel took a bite from his muffin and then placed it on the plate as he looked at both men who joined him “You met one of his women?” Daniel asked.
Santiago snorted and called one of the passing waitresses to take their order.
“I guess, she slapped him and I swear I felt it better than him” Sebastian nodded at Santiago who scoffed and rolled his eyes.
“I don’t know her and she’s just some girl who couldn’t watch where she was going” he shrugged.
“You know it takes two to tango, right?” Sebastian asked.
“Can we just drop this already? I want to enjoy my muffin in peace” he pleaded and rubbed his cheek as he waited for his order to come.
“We’re there already, ma’am” the voice of the taxi driver took her out of her thinking bubble. She looked outside to see that they were already in front of the restaurant where Henry asked her to meet him.
“Oh, thank you,” she opened the door and got out then dug inside her purse to bring out her fare “Keep the change,” she smiled at him then turned around to face the restaurant.
There were a lot of things on her mind and she didn’t know how long she was staring at nothing till the driver announced that they were at her destination.
Thoughts about how to recover her dad’s company occupied her mind and when she found out about the nasty things that Henry was up to, it disappointed her and just made her heart hurt but she didn’t want anything that would distract her from what she was aiming at now.
She could remember the smirk Darken had when they took over her dad’s company, it infuriated her and pushed her to want to get the company back by all means. Her dad being worried sick and sad about it is another thing but she’s thankful that her mum was okay after the scare they had when the problem was still fresh.
Letting out a sigh, Joan walked inside the restaurant then stood by the door to see where Henry was sitting and spotted the red-haired man waving her over. She let out another sigh and then walked up to him with a forced smile on her lips.
“How are you doing my love?” Henry asked trying to rid of the tense atmosphere before it came. He offered her a smile while she still kept her lips lined with a tight smile.
“Why did you call for me?” she asked.
“Always straight to the point Joan” he comments with a laugh then clears his throat and adjusts in his seat “Before anything, would you like to order anything?” she shook her head and he nodded in understanding.
“Tell me why you called me here” she said, sounding so impatient.
“Replaced me already?” he asked bitterly and she stood to her feet then grabbed her purse.
“It was nice talking to you Henry” he was quick to grab her hand and pleaded for her to sit which she reluctantly did. “What do you want, Henry?” she asked one more time and he sighed.
“Joan, I am sorry for what happened that night,” he said.
“What night?” she raised a brow and crossed her arms.
A frown formed on his forehead and he leaned closer to the table. “What happened that night, you know the night that…” he trailed.
“The night I caught you cheating on me is what you’re speaking of?” she leaned back and watched how uncomfortable Henry was shifting on his chair, he opened his mouth to say something but she beat him to it. “If that’s your reason for wanting to see me today, you don’t need to say anything, I forgive you already”
“I didn’t apologize and you should hear me out. It was a mistake, I felt lonely in my defense” he said. Joan laughed sarcastically “You were so consumed with what has been happening in your company that you never had the time for me, I just had to seek other means” he defended himself.
“Henry, you know how much my dad’s company means to me and how devastating it was when the company ran into problems and got snatched from us, you are so aware of it and yet you choose to cheat on me all because you were lonely. You didn’t even talk to me about it,” she shook her head in disappointment.
“I tried but you never listened, what did you expect me to do?” he attracted a few stares when he raised his voice a bit. Joan had to apologize then she turned to him.
“I am sorry for not paying attention to you when you felt lonely but you still had no right to cheat on me, how do you think I will be taking it, this knowledge of what you did” she said sounding sad.
“You were not meant to find out” he shrugged. Not being able to take his nonchalant attitude, she picked up her purse and left the restaurant, not wanting to see Henry again.