I dismissed Tabitha from my mind the instant Elder Zu started with the training. I was going to confront her with questions later.
But right now, I needed to focus on the goal which was— surviving.
That was the key thing now.
Elder Zu let out.
I arched my brows, looking around to check who it was but was startled when I saw everyone looking at me.
I stuttered. “Yes, you! Why are you holding a sword that way?”
He questioned, with an alarmed look on his face. Immediately, I looked down to the sword in my hands. It was bent down to the floor, like I was nervous and scared of this entire thing.
And I was.
Gosh I really was…
What if I didn’t make it? What if died too, like those girls?
But I had to be strong. For mum, for Moses and lastly, for Piper…
“Sorry sire!”
I exclaimed, correcting myself that instant and bowing in respect to him. Elder Zu rubbed his dark and grey moustache, looking at me closely. His face wore a stern look.
Please don’t disqualify me…
Please, please. I swear not to make this mistake again.
I silently prayed.
“Be warned, Ava.”
He stated.
I blinked my eyes countlessly on how he knew my name. I mean, we were 25 and introduced ourselves. He must be really smart to have remembered all of our names; really.
“Y-yes, Elder Zu. I’m sorry.”
“And no stuttering! This goes to all of you here. Once you’re in this battle ground, there is no fear.”
He exclaimed, with a brave look.
“Courage, bravery, valor. A female warrior should be daring.”
“When others go back in retreat, she goes forward. She fights till the end, even if it means dying like a hero.”
Elder Zu added, walking around us with gallantry, saying. The girls were all attention, with their swords up high.
“Are we clear on that?!”
He exclaimed firmly.
“Yes, sire!”
All the girls chorused in response.
We began training immediately. Surprisingly, he told us to keep our sword inside its sheath.
In spite of the scene he made from earlier, today’s training didn’t involve it.
Instead, it was all about strength.
Elder Zu made us carry buckets of heavy water, telling us to run after him. He made us climb mountains with heavy loads on our backs.
And all through, some people cheated.
Tania and Satandra did.
They took short cuts while we fetched water. While we ran on the mountains, with heavy loads, they took short cuts in the bushes.
“Did you see that?!”
Emily breathed out, the instant we finished our jobs. Tania and Satandra got there before us. Myself and Emily were the second.
“See what?”
I asked. “Tania and Satandra. Elder Zu is going to know of this.”
She said, pressing her lips firm while they gave us a mischievous look. I could thank God they weren’t even in my room. Who knows what is going to happen?
“Stop, Emily.”
I said, holding her hands back. “Don’t.”
She asked, looking at me confusingly. “Why shouldn’t I?”
“We certainly don’t know how Elder Zu would react. If you noticed, around here, things we think would be punished for, are let go.”
“And then, little things get punished for…”
I trailed out, evaluating it with a tired smile.
“Give it time, karma would soon catch up with them.”
She agreed as we rested on our backs, so tired from all of the work we did today. I had assumed we would retire for today but that didn’t happen.
“Alright, time to train your strength with some lifts!”
I looked at Emily, giving her a surprised look and so did she. The girls weren’t having any of it.
Different murmurs echoed the training grounds instantly.
He stated. “We’ll start with 50 lifts for today.”
“Is that amount necessary?”
One of the girls asked.
I noticed it was Tabitha. She looked sort of pale and a bit sickly. Maybe it was just because of the work out and I was imagining things.
“We might as well faint after we do it, milord…”
“Then faint!!!”
Elder Zu shouted at the peak of his voice in a thunderous tone. He was really harsh but I knew he meant well.
All these…was teaching us to survive.
Without mastering it, surviving might be very difficult for us.
Towards evening, the 100 of us were having dinner in a separate room. However, the chairs we sat on, were so much different…this time.
The 75 had a lower chair and less meal, while the remaining 25 who passed the tests, had larger meals and high seats.
I called out to her, pouring the food I hid under my cloth to give her. She discreetly took it.
“Thanks Ava.” she muttered.
“How are you faring?” I asked. “How are things around here?”
“Some of the girls are really nice. One did my hair. She said I reminded her of her little sister.”
Piper said with a pout. But she didn’t seem happy.
“That’s good then.”
“Are you okay? Is there something you’re not telling me?”
I rubbed her head, saying in extreme worry.
“Some girls bully me!” she cried out.
“They say I’m too small and undernourished and will never get a chance with the beast.”
“I don’t want a chance with the beast..”
“..I want to go home…” she purred softly, holding my gown close.
“Hey, hey.”
She looked at me, and I gave her a re-assuring look.
“Just try to bear with them for now. I’ll talk to Lady Lydia about it, don’t worry.”
I encouraged. “I have to go now, would talk to you later, Piper.”
I moved to go but she held my gown in her small, feeble hands. “Ask her if I can move in with you,”
“Please! Since I’m small, nobody values my opinions here.”
She begged. “Okay, I will.”
I smiled, saying. I moved to go but she let my gown more firmly again. “Promise?”
Night fell afterwards. Today had been fast and I suspected it was as a result of the trainings.
As I attempted to sleep, I was a bit restless. Thus, I decided to go out to the gardens, to have a glimpse of the moonlight. And perhaps, think of my life.
A low baritone let out.
Startingly, I looked back only to see Jaskier.
“What are you doing here?”
“I’ve been trying to get to you all day, but you didn’t see any of my signals, did you?”
“I um—”
How was I supposed to tell him my head was in the clouds?
“The beast requested for Lady Francesca’s presence. I suspect it’s to warm his bed.”
“What?” I let out in fright.
I was really working towards having a place in the castle and this? This was so unfair…
“I’m afraid so, milady.” he answered. “In fact, she just left his chambers.”
“Take me to the King.”
Jaskier looked at me like I had just said absurd.
“Are you sure? You might not want to do that..”
I exclaimed, with fury and rage growing in me.
He didn’t say anything anymore. Instead, like I requested, he took me to the King’s chambers.
“I do not have a hand in this.”
He stated, before leaving the front of the door and walking away.
Taking deep breaths, I opened the door, closing it behind me and walking in.
I knew this was a taboo. Coming to the King without being summoned, was unaccepted and I could have my head cut for this.
But it was all about risks…
More of a statement. He looked tired. But I could smell her scent in his room. That really hurt.
Did she also lay on his bed?
“You said this was real, milord?”
I stated.
“What are you—"
“That I’m your mate, if I’m correct?”
“Yes, I did say that…Ava”
“But coming here in the middle of the night, knowing the complications—"
“Let’s talk about the humiliation instead.”
I let out bitterly.
“Why did you bring another woman in, after you told me I was your mate?”
I said, in hurt…batting off tears.
Seemed like my heart was beginning to get drawn to this creature.
“What do you want?”
He asked, reaching out for my chin. I moved two steps back, away from him.
“Respect.” I gritted out.
“I want that respect as your woman. As your mate.”
I moved towards the door, walking out of his presence the minute I stated that.
Walking to the room, I removed the heavy clothes till I was in my underwear.
I cried a lot under the cover cloth, till my eyes were sore.