Third Person's Point of View
Jano keeps thinking about the guy and his boss, it’s really unbelievable that they knew each other and unintentionally the person who approached Jano is his Friends Boss.
From the dinning kitchen, he can see the two of them at the living room, it seems like they were good friends and close to each other.
Jano bring some juice for them, and still thinking how could it be possible.
Fred called Jano.
“Yes sir?”
Reply to his boss
“Mmm this is Kenrald my childhood best friend, kindly clean up the guest room for Ken okay?”
“Okay sir!”
Jano said.
Fred corrected him.
“ah haha, yes Fred”
Then he left
“Know what? That cutie boy is very funny it’s unbelievable that the one who brought me here is him, what a coincidence right?”
“Tss Bro! Could you please call him by his name? I don’t want to hear that “Cutie Boy” Thing, so irritating! “
The guy said and drinks the juice.
“Why? He’s cute”
The guest insisting and laughs, it is true that Jano has a charming face, even if he grew up at the province he had a white skin compare to the others, his eyes looks like an angles eye and his lips look soft and sweet.
“The Hell I care? Tss, why don’t you get your things first okay?”
Said Fred in irritated voice, He admitted that Jano is cute but of course it’s a wrong Idea to flirt with him since he’s just his House boy, besides he’s not sure if Jano is into boys.
“Yieee, are you jealous Boss? Cutie boy is ‘UGH’”
Then he laughs at him, he knows his friend and anytime or soon Fred can’t hold himself.
“Hey! I’m not jealous okay!”
Fred Defend to his friend but too late, Ken ran away to went outside with laughing so hard.
While in the other corner of the house...
Jano’s Point of View
Apparently, I’m standing here at the guest room, it is the room where the girl came from last time and I guess Fred and that girl used it.
Unbelievable, How did the used it?
Looking at the room, the bed is messy while the pillows was scattered around the room.
How should I start here? It doesn’t seem like a room!
Aist, anyway good luck to me
I grab the broom stick and started to fly!
Char! I’m kidding!
[A/N: in Filipino, “Char” is a Gay language means “I’m kidding, kidding, or the statement are supposed to be a joke, so basically it’s redundant but suddenly in other aspect of using char could become an expression so don’t mind it haha, Let us back to the story.]
woah! There’s a bunch of ashes here, but wait? What was that?
I saw some unidentified plastic at the bottom bellow of the bed so I reach it using my hand and it feels like slimy and sticky, so when I look at th...
FUCK! What’s this?
My eyes become wide open and I quickly throw it at the floor.
Ow shit! i mumbled to my self.
No! It’s not just a condom! Its..
It’s USED CONDOM! The Fuck! What a used condom supposedly doing here?
I Pick it up from the floor using my two fingers and quickly throw it at the trash bags.
Oh man, How disgusting?
Why did he not throw that after he used?
After a minute to moving on, I continue to arrange some stuff at the bed, and guess what?
I found condom again, and it seems like they use it last time with that girl.
I throw all the garbage including the used panties, Bra, stocking and briefs, and wait there’s more, ripped boxer shorts, shirts and oh man, There’s also a panty liner here!
Aist!, that girl! She doesn’t even care to herself? Imagine? Having a sex during their period? Aist!.
After throwing some disgusting trash, I search the drawers and cabinet and you know what I have seen?
A lot of condom
Seriously! Is this a MOTEL?
I continue to clean the room and for god sake, I accidentally found a used condom at the edge of couch.
Ugh! What’s happening? Condom here, condom there, CONDOM EVERYWHERE!
Does he have a factory of condom?
I changed the mattresses and clean the cabinets thinking that Ken will use it.
While wiping and arranging the stuff on it, I’ve seen of much stuff there...
I checked some of this and I found a flashlight that doesn’t have a switch to turn on, and it made me confused because it has a cover at the top on it.
Oh man, what a waste of money, How did He used it if there’s no switch to turn it own?
Is it an IOT that could able to use using voice commands?
Hmm. After a minute of checking on it I put it down since I can’t open the cover on the top on it.
“Oh fuck!”
I almost shout when I saw a Dick!
Shucks! How did this thing doing on here?
I almost laugh out loud when I saw a BIG dick at his cabinet, Man! How did he end up using of this stuff?
Oh C’mon, He doesn’t need this anymore, There’s a bunch of girls around him.
I closed the cabinets and pretend like I don’t see it.
Enough! I’m afraid to see more than that if I continue.
I went down at the living room and I saw them laughing at each other, at this point, I saw Fred laughing and it’s amazed me, I thought he don’t know how to smile like that.
“Sir! I’m done”
I said with sarcastic smile when I went down to the living room.
He currently looks at his phone when I came down.
“Great! can you cook a dinner for us? OH! Wait, good for five person okay? We have a guest this evening “
He said without even looking at me.
“Okay! And because of that! I will help you to cook cutie boy”
Ken says to me and he stand up, I don’t know but I think I like Ken, He is nice compare to my boss, well you can say it at the first sight the way he approached someone, his looks, body posture and the tone of his voice like you can trust him by hearing it.
“And that is a BIG NO!”
Said Fred and pulled Ken to stop him.
Ugh, what a KJ, is there a problem with helping others?
“Let’s talk privately okay?”
Then He grabbed his arm to go up at his room.
What’s the problem with Sir Fred?
Hmmm it’s my first day here in this house and I think I can Visualize of what kind of persons Fred are, and of course by the help of his Friend.
But aist!.
He has a lot of command!
Well, job is job.
I cook some Filipino dishes like Menudo and Adobo, Maybe even they’re rich they can able to eat this right?
After I cooked, I decided to take a rest first, I’m about to sit at the couch when the Doorbell rang.
I went at the gate of the house and open it. Then two handsome guys appeared in front of me.
The Guy in a red shirt went inside leaving without a word wearing his poker face. Psh! How rude?
“Good evening”
The next guy said with his cutest smile, then he went up inside too.
Maybe if there’s another person who lives here without they knowing, I’m sure they ended up in a prison because of the trespassing. How rude! They didn’t even introduce them self before to go, or at least ask where the person who lives here.
I closed the door and went inside, I saw them greeting with each other, and I go straight at the kitchen so I could prepare the dinner.
Third Person’s Point of View
“Hey Bro. Nice to see you again”
Kenrald says to the guy with the red shirt.
Kenrald Williams is one of the most Lovable and sweet prince in their group, Because of his humbleness all of the girls who approached him ended up to him. But of course, it’s just a part of a show, he is an only child but suddenly he is a Bisexual.
Aside of being obsess with dating he graduated college at the age of 19 in the field of Art and Sciences major in Photography. He is a Half Blooded American with Light brown eyes, kissable lips and a pointed nose plus his manly build body that will add to his appeal.
“Psh! don’t act like we haven’t met at the US last week”
Cedric Ching the 2nd prince, the one who’s unlucky among of them four because of their culture in china, being gay is unacceptable to them, that’s why until know he can’t able to come out to his closet. When his mother died he even forget how to smile, because for him his mother are his one and only person who trusted him, an allied against to their family and a supporter what ever he is.
He’s not that kind of a typical guy who can compare with Ken. Cedric is a Quiet type person who doesn’t want an attention from the others, badly there’s a bunch of girls who adore him despite of being serious and snob. Sometimes he is rude and arrogant because he doesn’t want to forced by someone, unless if it his father. He also graduated in college at the age of 19 in the field of Business study, He actually wants to travel but suddenly it’s his father’s choice to become a business man.
“Woah! It’s unfair! You two went there?”
Louie Ignacio the 3rd Prince, He is the youngest among of them all, a hyper and a bubbly person, he always wear his cutest smile and he hate of being sad because he promised to himself not to be sad again ever!
“Hey kid! of course it’s our business trip, do you think we had a plan to go on a vacation without asking you and Fred?”
Ken Explained to him then he locked Louie’s head into his arm like his little brother.
“AH! Stop it”
Louie said trying to get out from the arm of his friend.
“New house?”
Cedric said while looking around.
“Hmm yeah! It’s been six months I guess?”
Fred answers to his friend.
“Yes it is! I’ve been here for the whole time and you two are very busy so you don’t have a time with us, right bro?”
Louie said and pouting his lips.
“haha yeah right!”
Fred agreed him and pats his head.
“Aw! I’m sorry kiddo!”
Ken apologizes then he grabs his head again and locks it to his arm.
“Bro! Stop it, let’s eat”
Fred offered to his friend.
Cedric said like he was waiting Fred to invite them to eat for the whole time.
At the dinning area, Jano prepared the table for them.
The four guys went there and take their seat. All of them were staring Jano while he keeps serving the dishes.
It’s Ken trying to clear his throat when he noticed that all of them are staring Jano.
“Hey! Sit here you can join with us”
Said louie inviting Jano to have a seat and eat with them.
“No, its okay I’m fine”
He replies, but Fred insisting to join with them,
Jano can’t resist to his boss so he sit at the chair just to start the dinner.
The three guest is about to grab their spoon when they saw Jano signing of the cross and bow his head. His Grand Father thought him to thank god first before he eat, they believes that after the hard and tiring day, god blessed and paid them by the food just enough to gain the energy they used for the whole day.
Ken smiled at him and he copied Jano he bows his head and pray too. Also Louie bows his head while Cedric and Fred are looking at each other. Cedric can’t refuse to them so he just followed them and bows his head too.
“Tss” While Fred starts to eat.
It was the first time to eat them with another guy. Most of all they don’t want to share table to the others especially when they’re college days.
After a minute of silence they’re starting to eat their dinner.
Jano can’t hold his smile when he saw them eating his dishes he thought they are kinds of rich kids who are picky in foods but he was wrong.
“By the way guys, he is Jano my housemate”
Fred introduced Jano to his friends.
“Oh Nice! At least you had someone here to clean your mess, and next time we wont see any used condom around here“
Louie said while his mouth is full.
Louie laughs without even noticed that Fred is about to explode because of the embarrassment while Ken and Ceric almost choked Because of him.
It’s Fred trying to clear his throat.
“After this you may take your rest Jano, also you can clean this by tomorrow morning”
He added, Jano gives him a smile but Fred looks like he wants to fade away like an ash because of the embarrassment.
They eat the dinner with full of laughs and enjoyment, Jano thinks that Fred had a wonderful friends. he also wishes that he could have friends like them.
After the dinner, Jano come up to his room to take a rest, He lay at his bed and deeply sighed, He keeps thinking about his grand father, it’s been a year when he went here in manila and he misses him so much.
The tear fall down to his eyes hoping that his grand father is fine, he closed his eyes and leaves a smile.