The otherwise chill and fun night we were having at Alpha Ki's fraternity party was suddenly disrupted by the loud announcement. Groans and shouts drowned out the blasting house music as people started rushing to hide alcohol and drugs. Even though we were college students, there were tons of freshmen and sophomores here that weren't 21 yet.
I gladly poured the one drink I had been sipping on all night down the sink and went to go look for my friends. I had been our designated driver for the night and had no plans to get drunk or high in the first place. My friends on the other hand?... Let's just say I would not be surprised if they were snorting coke in a bathtub somewhere or participating in an orgy. They were a few years older than me and well knowledgeable of how to score at these kinds of things. I was a freshman and new pledge, so there were certain expectations for me and the other newbies to not get out of control easily.
"Come on Molly, Clara, Ashlynne, where are you dumb bitches?" I muttered to myself, looking cursively through each room I passed. The party was being thrown at the Alpha Ki mansion off campus, and there were, of course, a million and one rooms to get through.
I was doing my best to stay calm, especially since I made a pact with my friends to always leave parties together unless we went home with guys. But I couldn't find these girls anywhere and the police siren noise was gradually getting louder.
"Watch it!" I yelled as several people shoved past me in the halls. I started yelling out my friends' names at this point and went downstairs to see if they had maybe already left.
Shit! The cops were already in the front, packing people into cars. They hadn't even entered the house to get evidence of drug and alcohol use, because they found a bunch of stuff all over the lawn and in the outdoor trash can. How stupid can people be?
I followed the lead of a few others and snuck out through the back to go find a quiet spot to call the girls. The coast was clear and I went to hide near a tall bush. Just as I was fishing for my phone in my bag, it started ringing obnoxiously loud. A police officer who had apparently been in the back, searching for more truants, shone his flashlight on me square in the face. "Hey, you!"
I stepped out from my hiding spot and held my hands up. "I'm just looking for my friends. I'm not intoxicated or trying to escape."
"Close your mouth and stand still. I gotta search your person for drugs and alcohol."
I stood silently and angrily as he slid his hands over me and did a quick pat. He couldn't find anything obviously since I wasn't hiding anything.
"I'm telling you, you're wasting your time. I don't have anything on me." I said through clenched teeth.
"Yea, yea cut the bullshit. Let's go, missy."
The officer, easily two heads taller than me took me easily by the arm and escorted me to his car. A few officers looked up as we emerged from the back.
"Found this one trying to make a run for it." The other officers chuckled and looked me up and down, holding their gazes on my tits for much longer than necessary. "Oh yea, this one looks like she needs to be taught a lesson or two." A few more chuckles came from them and I was placed in the back seat.
"I didn't do anything wrong!" I exclaimed, as the officer slid in the driver's seat and started the engine.
"I don't want to hear another lie out of you or I'll get my handcuffs. Got it?"
"Yes, officer."
Throughout the ride, I mostly looked out the window but would catch the officer's eye in the rearview mirror periodically, which made me slightly blush and quickly look away. I should have been pissed and skulking, but they had no evidence against me personally so I expected nothing to come out of this but a mere joy ride. Besides, the officer was kinda hot. Not that I would ever admit it!
We arrived at the station shortly and I barely had time to pull down my short skirt before the officer opened the back door and took me out. I definitely noticed the way he placed his hand firmly on my lower back, as we walked through the door and narrow hallway.
"Let me guess, another sorority girl caught with a stash of pills, huh? Good work, John." An older cop sitting at a desk said out loud as we entered.
John cleared his throat and fiddled with his top button. "Well actually I didn't find anything on her but I'm not convinced she isn't under the influence of something."
I shook my head in disbelief. Even the older officer seemed confused. "There's got to be a device laying around here to check for that. Let me go see if I can find anything," the older officer said in a bored tone as he wandered away.
"Are you going to let me go now, or do I need to call my lawyer? You can't hold me here against my will without probable cause" I said in a mocking tone, crossing my arms.
"Hey, easy there. I didn't check you thoroughly. You could be hiding things in places I can't see or feel."
"Like where?" I asked, staring at him blankly.
"I've seen you girls hiding stuff in between your tits these days. Anything to break the law and fool the cops, hm?"
I nearly laughed out loud. "You think I'm hiding stuff in between my tits, do you? Well, let's have a look then." It's time to toy around with Mr. Officer.
I pulled my flimsy top off and unhooked my bra to the surprise of the officer. I grabbed his hands and placed them on my tits. "Find anything suspicious yet?" I said the open-mouthed man.
"I think you oughta learn how to respect an officer better, miss."
"Am I dismissed if I finish my lesson?" I asked, straddling the officer's lap on his chair.
"We'll just have to see how you do, first."
"Oh, fuck" he grunted, when I grabbed his shoulders and took him in me. His cock was nice and thick, satiating my appetite. It was a naughty, dirty pounding that was all the more evident by my loud moaning and the spankings I was getting. The officer had my skirt bunched up around my waist and took me roughly, muttering dirty words of encouragement for me to be good and fuck my way out of prison.
"I'm doing you a favor, keeping you out of a jail cell. Pretty little thing like you wouldn't last a day without those big girls spreading your legs and having their way with your pretty little cunt. It's better you take a good pounding rather than that, hm?'
"Yes, officer!" I said, clenching his shoulders as I rode him harder and harder. I was so close to freedom, both physically and literally. It was one of the raunchiest fucks I'd had in a while.
"Then be a good slut and cum for me." He gave one last thrust to make it count and sent me spiraling out of control. A leaky mess of cum pooled underneath us making the sex slippery and messy, but so good!
"You're free to go. That is unless you have any other crimes you'd like to confess to?"
He gave me a naughty smile and pressed his lips to mine...
The End.