More bodies surrounded her. Men offered her cocks to any appendage that she could manage, and more than one started to simply jerk off over her naked body.
Eventually she turned over in order to see them all.
The bright lights above her illuminated things perfectly, and she could see that while one man was inside her, another was waiting patiently in a line for her pussy, and another line had formed for her mouth. Several men were sucking her breasts and jerking off over her as well.
Now she had a cock in her pussy, one in her mouth and one in each hand, and a lineup of eager men right behind them all. The man inside her grunted and she felt him fill her pussy, then he slid out and within moments another man was inside her.
There was hot cum literally flowing out of her pussy in a trickle, but apparently the men inside her didn’t care in the slightest.
As one pushed in, some of the cum they had released would squirt out to make room.
Every man who entered her did so with a loud sucking noise. Her body was covered in sweat and cum already, even after only half a dozen men. All she craved was even more.
As one disappeared, another came and took his place. Eventually she lost count.
Tom stood by beside her, holding her phone on her naked writhing body as she had requested. Every now and then he would make a comment that she could barely hear. His hand would touch her stomach as she got fucked and she smiled at the camera, enjoying the spectacle he was eagerly filming.
Her whole body was consumed with the sensations of so many men inside her, around her, her body coated with semen and sweat. She lost track of the amount of switching and how many men came and went from the room.
Having her body used by all the men present was the ultimate adrenaline rush. Once a man exploded in her mouth, occasionally a woman would follow him and share the cum with her, sliding their tongues into her mouth to retrieve the load their husbands had left inside her. Or maybe it wasn’t even their husbands. Jillian didn’t care.
Her skin received splatter after splatter of hot cream, some of the men rubbing it in and some simply leaving it to dry on her stomach, breasts, face and neck. The sensation of being coated so thoroughly was incredible.
After what seemed like forever, she felt satisfied. There had been at least a couple of dozen men that had enjoyed her body. Her pussy and ass were sore from all the attention and she knew that as much as she wanted more, she needed a break.
One more man exploded inside her sore pussy and she closed her legs and mouth, letting the adrenaline of being a gang bang whore wash through her.
Once she waved at Tom, he dispersed the group of men who were eagerly waiting for a turn at her body. It was exhilarating to have been the focus of so many men and women at one time.
“That was...incredible,” Tom said as he helped her stand up on shaky legs. “And I got some great shots. You’re going to be very happy to watch it.”
There was one more thing Jillian wanted to add to her video. The final piece to drive her ex-boyfriend crazy with jealousy.
“Give me the phone.” Tom handed it over with a smile.
She held up the phone to her face. The coating of cum across her face was clearly visible, and she made sure to sweep it down her naked body that looked like it had been painted by all the men she had enjoyed.
Hitting the record button, she told her now ex-boyfriend exactly what she wanted to.
“See that, asshole? I’ve just been fucked by about twenty men. And had more orgasms than I can count. Much better than any of the fucking pathetic sex you gave me with your needle dick. I hope my best friend enjoys you, because we’re never going to see each other again.”
Wiping a strand of sperm off her cheek, she licked it off her finger and continued.
“Julian, in case you didn’t figure it out, we’re done. I’ve had movers come and remove my things so you will come home to an empty condo at the end of the day. I left the bed you fucked my best friend in.” She paused.
“I hope that this video shows you that there’s going to be lots of men who will replace you.”
Turning to Tom and holding up the phone, he eagerly stepped forward and kissed her. She turned back.
“Now, I’m going to go fuck some more men. Have a nice life.” Clicking the off button, she set the phone down on the table and turned back to Tom.
“Now, I think I’d like to thank you for all your help. Only you. But I need a shower first.” He grinned and took her hand, leading her towards the shower room she knew was in the back. As they walked in, they saw another couple already fucking under one of the streams of water.
Once they were underneath their own shower and Jillian was cleaning off her body, Tom eagerly dropped
to his knees and started to lick and suck at her pussy.
She grabbed his head and moaned. Obviously he didn’t care at all that her pussy was filled with the cum of over a dozen men before him.
He was hard and ready to be the next man to claim her body, and she was looking forward to more. But for now his tongue felt amazing, almost soothing her swollen pussy so that she would be ready for whatever else the night had in store.
She urged him to stand up, turning away from him to offer her new lover her body.
She knew the night wasn’t even close to over, and her new friends would definitely keep her body satisfied for that night and many nights into the future. Her life as a total cumslut was well underway. And it was going to be a wonderful night of pleasure.