Day One for Maya in a strange Summer Camp which she seems uninterested to be in.
"So what are we doing today? Just sitting and lazing around?" Maya asked. They had both gotten dressed up.
"Of course not. Once its 10am, we'll be alarmed and that means its game time" Vinna told Maya who arched her brows, still confused.
"Game time is when all the students gather round the garden and every new member would get picked out to join respective groups. The choice wheel chooses whichever group you get to be in" Vinna added.
"So what group are you in?"
"Red Bug"
"You said what now?"
"Yeah, Red Bug. It's the name of my group. There's Red Bug, Yellow Bees and Green Hoppers" Vinna stated, letting out a small smile.
"Well okay. But whoever picked out those names sure didn't do well" Maya muttered leaving Vinna giggling.
She walked to the dresser, pondering whether to leave her long hair loose or just tie it to a bun.
"Vinna how do you think I should tie my hair today? I'm thinking of just making a bun" she asked, still starring at her reflection on the mirror.
"I think you should pack it, you don't want your hair getting all rough during game hours. So a ponytail should do" Vinna replied, scrolling through her phone.
She sat and gently plaited her hair, starring at the mirror if she was doing it right.
Just immediately the alarm went off.
" loud and annoying" Vinna muttered putting a pillow over her face.
"So its game time already?"
"Yeah" she grunted
All the students were already gathered in the garden when Lance and his crews joined them. Lance was very much uninterested in the stupid game they were gonna have. He was only here because his mom wants him to. The fact that other girls were gawking at him, made matters more annoying.
His eyes suddenly met a face he felt was familiar. Her bangs falling loose across her face, yes she was pretty. He could see how naïve she was, as she spoke lightly with the girl beside her. He knew he had seen her somewhere before, but he couldn't put a place in mind. He couldn't think of where he knew her from, probably school.
"Everyone gather round" Mrs. Huggins the Camp's matron ordered. He didn't know he had been starring for too long.
"Another beautiful summer season has come, and as usual we are all here to have fun and enjoy ourselves" she paused starring at the students before her "Today's game would be 'Pick a partner', but before that as usual we would know our new members and place them in groups they should be in" Mrs. Huggins added.
Maya glanced at Vinna and let out a smile.
"All new members in our midst now, please step forward"
Maya hesitated before she walked further, she made sure at least five people were up already before she decided to step ahead.
Now Lance was convinced it wasn't in camp he knew her..
"What's your name?"
"Cindy Paige" a girl about her height muttered.
"Alright Cindy, this is the choice wheel. You would roll the wheel and know what group you belong to, your little fate." Mrs. Huggins told her, beaming slightly.
Cindy sighed before she lightly rolled the choice wheel.
The wheel landed on the inscribed 'Red Bug'
"Congratulations Cindy, you get to be a member of the Red Bugs" Mrs. Huggins remarked. And the students all rounded an applause, as if they've been told to do that always.
"Thanks" Cindy mouthed to her walking down the aisle where the other members of the Red Bugs stood.
Maya made sure she was the last to whirl the wheel and finally it was her turn.
"What's your name dear?"
"Maya Logan" she muttered, almost under her breath.
"Okay, you know what to do now dear Maya. Go on, twirl the wheel"
She gently placed her hand on the wheel and twirled it at once.
Within seconds the wheel rolled, Maya's eyes landed on Lance who had been starring at her all the while. Just as both their eyes met, she looked away. She recognized him, he was the famous Lance Lee a lot of girls were dying for, including Vinna..
Alas... the wheel landed on Yellow Bee
"You're now a Yellow Bee member Maya" Mrs Huggins beamed, just like she had been doing. As usual the students clapped again..
Maya heaved and walked the aisle of the Yellow Bee, where Lance stood.
Maya wasn't all sad that she wasn't in Vinna's group, but still she wished she was with Vinna but definitely not a Red Bug.
'Yellow Bee? How lame!' She thought.
She was already getting tired of Mrs. Huggins' never ending speech, she was telling how the game 'pick a perfect partner' would go. She would definitely pick Vinna.
"You're to pick from your group and no need to ask, you're not picking your fellow gender" Mrs. Huggins stated.
"What?" She heard someone half yell behind her.
"Yes, you're to pick your opposite gender. Why do you think it is called 'partner'?"
Change of plans for Maya...
"I'll leave you all to go for your two hours break, during this break you get to pick your partners. Once you hear the alarm, you all gather back here. Is that understood?"
They all grunted again.
"Now you may all dismiss"
The students had started murmuring as they all trooped out of the garden.
Lance searched for Maya hoping he would make out a conversation with her. He sighted her in front of him and caught hold of her arm, he could see the sudden shock in her eyes.
"Hey" he mumbled
"Hi?" She was really not expecting this, why was the almighty Lance holding her arm now?
"I'm Lance Lee, by the way" he let out a smile, still clutching her arm.
"I know that. What do you want?"
"Being a little nice would get us somewhere" he deadpanned.
She starred blankly at him, still confused. She knew he wasn't anyway nice too, so what was this?
"Maya!" they heard a squeal behind them, it was Vinna. She instantly let go of her arm and turned to see Vinna grinning at her.
"I have to go"she muttered and forcefully walked past him to Vinna before she could get to her.
Lance sighed as he starred at Maya walking away, before he coasted along too.
"Lance" Phoenix called, racing towards him
"Hey bro"
"Who do you think we should pick as our partner? I was thinking on going for Camille" Phoenix said plainly.
"I don't know, mahn. This game ain't really on my mind" Lance replied as they walked to their dorm room.
"Oh, yeah I get. Have you seen Savannah? I heard she was looking all over for you"
"Anytime you see her again, just tell her you don't know where I am"
It was getting a little hot; Lance needed some air and he didn't want any of Sav's problems piling up his.
Phoenix hesitated.
For a while none of them said anything again till they got to their dorm.
"Where's Kyle?" Lance asked
"I have no idea. A minute he was with us and another I saw him with Sav, I really don't know what that dude is up to"
"He can have Sav all to himself for all I care" Lance said, plopping on his bed.
"Dude, what's up with you? You got into a fight with Sav?" Phoenix asked
"Can't I just be left alone for a sec?"
"Seriously? wow! okay! no problem!" he huffed, crouched to the door and left the room.
Now alone in the big room, Lance couldn't get hold of the image of the girl he saw earlier flashing before his eyes. She had a pretty long hair, packed into a ponytail, perfect eyes and just the perfect lips. He wanted to see her again so badly.