Kiss and Switch

Maggie never thought that there could be another person living inside her body. She read books about parallel worlds, but she didn’t expect even in her wildest dream that the human from another universe could actually be inside her own body. Or, perhaps inside her mind? Until one day, Dustin, the dashing psychology student, approached her and asked questions about the consecutive odd changes in her personality—changes that Maggie didn’t expect to be dangerous.



A mafia leader falls in love with a girl at first sight. But his brother falls for the same girl too. Family over love is the motto of his life. To make it worse, the girl falls in love, but with his brother. What does the fate have planned for them?? Will they be together? Will the girl be a reason for a drift in the brothers? Or will they have a happy ever after? Follow the story and know what fate has stored for them...

Sad love

The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf

The story is centered in the beautiful city of Edmonton, Canada. It began with when Riona was 12 years old and ends when she is 17 years old. It is also about the members of the Shadow Rank Pack who had lived perpetually in fear under the terror of Derrick, the Alpha’s spoilt nephew. Riona later went to Regina, Canada to investigate her aunt, Kyra. It was at Regina that she met Dexter her first love. Dexter agreed to come to Edmonton to investigate with Riona. The twist in the story is when Riona discovered her true nature as a werewolf and that Maeve was not responsible for Evolette’s death as she only accepted to marry Wright just so as to be with Riona in the case of any eventualities.


the scars

"KIERSON ..." I stopped walking when I heard Maria's voice. "Hmm? What is it, Maria?" I heard my husband asked her. I closed my eyes as I gritted my teeth with so much irritation. I took a deep breath and I tried to calm myself. "I-I want ... I want to m-monitor our son's growth," she said sofly, she made sure that, there's a sadness on her voice. I raised my eyebrow and shook my head, repeatedly. What does he want to release? "Maria." "Please ... Eson, I want to be with my son for longer ... please ..." I clenched my fist because I was so angry. "Maria ..." And why the h*ll his voice is so fre*king soft ?! With feelings ?! D*mn you! And how dare him called my husband 'Eson'? That's my only nickname for him! The amount he already claims! Not because she is the mother of my husband's eldest child is she entitled to that! I am still a legal! I am his wife. I calm myself again. "B-but ..." "You don't want to? You don't want your son to grow up with his real mother ?! Kierson ... please ..." I'm her biological mother, b*tch! "Your son will be angry, when he finds out that Xena is not his real mother! K-kierson ... please. I'm begging ... I want my son to grow up with me ... please ..." she pleaded and I know, she's crying now. I could hear her sobs. Well, b*tch my husband and I talked about it. So there is nothing more you can do. Just accept the fact that you will be lost in our path, soon. "W-what do you want, Maria, hmm?" No! Don't listen to her, Kierson! "Separate your wife. Divorce her and marry me, m-marry me, Kierson and we can give our children a happy and complete life ..." Desperada! ... "



A NIGERIAN BOOK Sylvia Okonkwo thought she's got everything good going for her. But the tables are turned around when she gets involved with the wrong person. Wrong decisions are made which pushes her into a world of crime in order to feed and survive with one aim in her mind TO GET REVENGE. But would all her plans work out or would it backfire on her........ You never can tell.



Motun, a Detective from the Lagos State Police Department is about to lose her marriage. At the same time, she struggles to strike a balance between being a family woman- a mother to a child with congenital disease- and a highly ranked go-to cop. About the time she seems to get a hold of her life and marriage, a dead body is found in an abandoned part of Ikeja, Lagos. Motun is chosen to solve the mystery behind it, leaving her to make a choice between saving her marriage and catching a would-be serial killer who is on the loose.


The Mafia Queen

She's an assassin. He's a Mafia Boss. She's the Queen no one knows. They first meet as a hostage and saviour. They meet yet again, when she is once again in disguise as a guy, but this time, the Mafia Boss, unknown to the fact that she's a girl, has a mission for her. For the sake of his Gang's safety, our young, hot-blooded Mafia Boss also decides to test her, but she gives them her evil smirk. Without anyone realizing, all 50 men are on floor (not that it was the first time he saw her doing that.) After the mission, she disappears and no one hears about her. But years later, she returns as the badass Mafia Queen.


My life of vengeance

PROLOGUE : ️️ Hudson Caldwell is being stalked, but the cops don’t believe her. Can she unravel the truth before it consumes her ? * * * * Just when Hudson Caldwell’s life is finally coming together, an unwavering paranoia threatens to tear it apart. Someone is following her – that’s the feeling she gets every time she leaves her downtown Chicago apartment. After a failed attempt to file a police report, Hudson’s stripper best friend gifts her with an unregistered firearm, but the weapon isn’t enough to stop an attack in the middle of the night. When rookie cop, Myles Young, responds to a complaint of gunfire, he instantly falls for Hudson’s quiet vulnerability and shattered past. He vows to keep her safe – much to the dismay of his case-hardened partner. As their relationship intensifies, the identity of Hudson’s stalker slowly comes to light. But the closer Myles comes to solving the mystery, the more he realizes he’s in over his head. WARNING : This story is a NA romantic suspense and contains references to mental illness and sexual abuse. Cover created by me, using MidJourney and Canva Pro.


The thief escaped by the mafia

PROLOGUE : Chevron Raynes ‘accidentally’ hacks into her college mainframe and finds blueprints to a billion dollar satellite belonging to none other than the Mafia. As if that wasn’t bad enough, when the blueprints and a certain Professor go missing, Chevron is thrown under the Mafia’s radar. Soon she’s running for her life with not one but three Mafias behind her, in a race to get the blueprints. Adrian DeLuca is a genius who has a talent for psychology and manipulation. He may be the youngest Mafia Boss ever, but his raw ambition and ruthlessness scares people twice as old as him. So what happens when his only chance of getting the billion dollar blueprint is a headstrong, intelligent little girl who was probably just in the wrong place at the wrong time ?


Whispers Of Love

Tropes: Enemies–lovers Theme: Love in time of crises Setting: Manila, Philippines  Time: Modern Time  Blurp:  In the bustling city of Manila, two unlikely souls find themselves drawn into a web of intrigue and passion as they uncover secrets that threaten to tear them apart. Characterization: Isabel Cruz - a beautiful but guarded young woman with a mysterious past.  Diego Ramos - a charming but enigmatic man with hidden motives. Exposition: Isabel and Diego first meet at Luneta Park, unaware of the secrets that bind them together. Rising Action: As Isabel and Diego grow closer, they begin to uncover a sinister plot that threatens to destroy the city of Manila. Plot Twist: Isabel discovers that Diego has been keeping secrets from her, causing her to question his true motives and allegiances. Climax: With the city on the brink of chaos, Isabel must decide whether to trust Diego and risk her heart, or turn away and leave their love behind. Synopsis "Whispers of Love" When Isabel Cruz meets the charming and enigmatic Diego Ramos in the heart of Manila, she's immediately drawn to him. But as they grow closer, she begins to uncover secrets that threaten to tear them apart, secrets that could have devastating consequences for the city and its people. With a sinister plot unravelling around them, Isabel and Diego find themselves caught in a web of intrigue and deception, one that will test their bond and their courage. As the danger mounts, Isabel is forced to confront her own past, a past that she has tried so hard to bury. She must decide whether to trust Diego, and whether their love can survive the challenges that await them. But with the city on the brink of chaos, Isabel and Diego must fight to save their love and their lives, even as the secrets of their past threaten to destroy everything they hold dear.

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