Sourness Creeped Into Our Love
Vivian Daves is a reserved, resilient, headstrong and beautiful lady born into the wealthy Daves family.
She got married to Sean Smith, the only son to the mighty and famous billionaire father, Sebastian Smith.
Things were rosy in their relationship at the onset and together, they had a son, Justin Smith.
Things started to take a turn when sourness slowly creeped into their love life, chasing away love, Joy, bliss and happiness.
Caught between clouds of worries, a reserved Vivian finally opened up to Arnold (Sean's childhood friend) about the current crises and situation in her marriage.
Innocent Arnold was there to comfort her and help her out but was framed for adultery.
Gullible Sean believed Kendrick's lies of Arnold and his wife having a secret affair .
Things suddenly got complicated when Vivian and Sean got into a brawl which made Sean hit her and it resulted in a miscarriage.
Sean and Vivian got separated.
As for Kendrick, he was a step closer to achieving his goals in taking over Sean's marriage because he was crazily in love with Vivian.
Sean had chosen kelvin as his Ke-mo-sah-bee (close and trusted friend) over his own childhood friend, Arnold, but little did he know all about Kendrick, who he really was?, And his intentions and past life.
The psycho Kendrick succeeded in abducting the beautiful Vivian Daves.
After she was abducted, she finally came to realise that not only was Kendrick a monster who influenced Sean but was also a psycho who had eyes on her the whole time and could go to any length to get her.
Learn about who Kendrick really was, how he abducted the famous and beautiful Vivian Smith and will Sean save her on time to get back to her and make things up with her.