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Frienemy: Cuts and Bruises

While most students spend their time partying, Lily spends her free time working. Her job as the assistant athletic trainer for the PSU football team comes with the benefit of being friends with every player on the team, except the entirely too cocky, reckless, and charming golden boy of the team, Vincent Bradshaw. When they aren't spouting insults at one another, Vincent and Lily are doing everything in their power to avoid each other. Until Vincent gets injured.


Social Experiment: Love and Revenge

Lauren Collins is a responsible and shy girl, has excellent grades, and is dating Thomas Clark, a popular football player at Littleton High School. Nathan Rhodes is a tough and arrogant boy. There are too many rumors to count about the times he's been in jail or come close to it. But behind the bad boy facade, he is a mysterious, observant guy with a few too many unrevealed secrets for Lauren's taste. When Lauren finds out her boyfriend has been using her for sex, she decides it's time to quit playing nice. With the help of her best friend, Lauren decides to create a social experiment that makes her become popular and outspoken, she goes from being invisible to being the center of attention overnight. She even seems to capture the attention of Nathan Rhodes. Both of them have secrets that they don't want to share. Both of them have enemies they want to get back at. Both of them have to realize that they aren't so different after all.


Roamnce in the Camp Wisahickon

To parents, Amelia Stevens is the perfect daughter. Excellent grades, a piano prodigy, and mature nature makes her a good girl. However, when she's at camp, things change. Camp is the one place Amelia is able to be herself. Carter Miller is the exact opposite. Constantly getting in trouble, making reckless decisions, and a stubborn pride has landed him a court ordered ultimatum: Spend the summer at the Juvenile Delinquent Detention Center or Attend a month-long camp. Unfortunately, he chose the camp.

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