Giada, the daughter of Bari's most famous businessman, runs away from home and takes refuge in Santorini to escape the future her parents want to impose on her. One of her best friends, Electre, is there to help her get her life back on track. She changed her identity to start afresh, far away from the apparently respectable halls that withhold nothing but hypocrisy and opportunism. Things finally seem to be going well, until Jade comes face to face with her boss, Kristòs Princekaris, who makes her lose all her inhibitions. Kristòs is a successful entrepreneur with a troubled past who, upon receiving an invitation to an important event in Athens, invites Jade to accompany him. When all barriers between the two seem to be destroyed, Kristòs decides to thwart his feelings for Jade by attempting to crush them, pushing himself to the limit. That is at least until their past comes knocking at the door.
Don’t choose me – Nothing is as it seems Because of a strong concussion, Danielle loses the memory. Thanks to some flashes that she has in different moments and situations, she has an inkling of what happened to her, discovering that it wasn’t like they make her believe. During her way, she will meet Richard, with whom she will have a relationship of love and hate, friendship and antipathy, and… disgust, which will unconsciously help her find the truth about her past. But, what role has the Clan in all this? Copyright ©2017 Natasa Ursic This is a work of fiction. The told names, people, places and events are a product of the author. Any similarity to real people, alive or dead, events or real places is simply casual. This book includes some material under copyright and it can not be copied, rented, covered by the licence or transmitted in public, or used in another way with the exception of those was specifically authorised by the author, in accordance with the terms and conditions with which it has been purchased, or in accordance with those expressly foreseen by the applicable law (Italian Law 633/1941) Graphic processing of the cover by Draw & Dream Photographic Resources (Pictures): Pixabay License Model: free License fonts: free for commercial use Graphic effects by Draw & Dream Translated by Krizia Maloberti