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Maureen Elochukwu(Moo)


Trey saw the minute she got home. The light went on, and his cock thickened back to life. He’d turned into the guy who looked for the woman to come home. When had he become that guy? In the last twenty-four hours when you took the girl of your dreams and fucked her brains out. Clutching the curtain he watched as June pulled her curtains together. She looked so sexy in her tight black skirt and white blouse. Her black hair cascading around her gave such an air of beauty that she took his breath away. Go to her.Grabbing his keys, he closed his place up behind him and headed straight over the road to where she lived. He knocked on the door, and she opened it after the third knock. “Wow, you gave me all of three minutes since I came home,” she said, looking down at the watch on her arm. Stepping over the threshold he slammed the door shut. Cupping the back of her neck he brought her in close. Before she got another word out, he pressed his lips against hers. “I want you,” he said, kissing down to her neck then back up to claim her lips. Fingering the buttons of her shirt, he started to remove them, opening the shirt to reveal her creamy pale flesh. She moaned, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I want you, too,” she said, sinking her tongue into his mouth. He walked her backwards, crashing against the wall and the drawer unit she kept by the door. By the time he made it through to the sitting room they were laughing and giggling. “Bend over the couch.” He grabbed a condom from his pocket, unbuckled his jeans and began to slide the latex over his cock. June did as he asked without argument. Lifting the skirt over her ass, Trey caressed her rounded cheeks. Raising his palm he spanked one cheek and then the other, watching the way they flushed under his hand. “I’ve been waiting for you to get home all day. You’re not making me wait a moment longer.” He peeled the string from her ass and stared at her creamy wet flesh. Her musky scent permeated the room between them. Running his cock along her slit, he spread the lips of her sex wide. Trey kept his gaze on her at all times. Moving his cock to her entrance he watched as her tight little hole slowly expanded around his hard flesh. Grunting, he couldn’t tear his gaze away as she took him deep. When he could no longer stand it, he slammed the last way in. The sound of his flesh hitting her flesh echoed around the room. Trey grabbed her hair, wrapping it around his fist. “Yes, please, make it burn. Make it hard, please,” she said, begging him. “What are you begging for, baby?” “You to fuck me. To pull on my hair and to make it hurt just a little.” She was a fucking angel sent down for him. Shaking his head, he pulled out of her, tugging on her hair and slapped her ass. She yelped and cried out. Her pussy creamed around his cock. There was no mistaking the feel of her cream even through the thin wall of latex. She grew slick, and it was a lot easier to penetrate her. “I can make it burn a hell of a lot.” He looked down at her tattoo along the base of her back. Trey could do so much work with it. Her entire back could be a painting of his ink. With his free hand he traced the curve of her spine. His gaze travelled to her ass. The puckered entrance glinted up at him, testing him to take, to own and to fuck. “I love your ink,” he said. “Good.” “I want to add more.” She moaned as he slapped the side of her thigh, fucking her at the same time. He would have never thought June could lose control, but the way she was acting, it looked like she was on the verge of doing just that. In high school she’d been the shy little virgin whereas now she was this seductress who wanted to get fucked by the bad boy.


The Killer That Hates Weddings

Nelson Bush a famous writter in San Francisco who has won many awards for his book,but unknown to everyone he is a serial killer who is living the fantasy of his book, his latest novel involve ythe killing of newly Weds on their honeymoon, his bloodlust was awaken again in a very dangerous way, he wanted to play the main character of his novel who is a killer, but inorder to succeed he connived with his wife who takes the blame whenever he killed any newly Weds.


The Devil Takes A Bride

Ruling Hell isn't all that much fun anymore. With humans so adept at corrupting themselves, frankly, the Devil is bored and ready to do anything for a change of scenery.Predictably, God's got a catch: Lucifer must fall in love, and the woman in question must surrender her heart. A woman has even been pre-selected for him, ripe and ready for picking, so how hard can it be? A little charm, a little magic, and Heaven will be his. But even the best of intentions can turn the road to love into a slippery slope. And when Devil goes one step too far, love-and Heaven - could slip forever beyond his reach. Participate Not participate

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Alpha’s Desired Slave

To spare innocent she has to become his Sex slave. When Jason attacks her pack, Daniella, a half-breed wolf, wants to save a young wolf, but to do so, she has to accept his bargain. She must be his sex toy until the next full moon. Daniella despises the alpha she must now give her body to, but she can't deny the response he inspires within her. sex Exploring the deceased pack's lair Alpha Jason stumbles onto something that could destroy all breeds of wolf. The leaders of Daniella's pack had been experimenting on wolves. The reasons why are still unknown, but Jason will do everything in his power to find out the truth, especially when he discovers Daniella was one of their experiments.

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