Spirituals Beings
Do you know the phrase that says "too good, too c*nne"?
Believe me, you are far from imagining how true it can be!
You see, I was one of those people, those way too nice people, who get screwed too often. I was one of those who let themselves be happily walked all over... one day it had to hurt me!
Only, I imagined a minor prejudice, of the kind we see every day on TV: the very nice lady who is robbed by those she has helped, or the good gentleman who has his car after having repaired someone and at the limit, maybe someone would have killed me or that, from wanting too much to help, I would have died in an accident... in short, I imagined normal things.
So imagine my face when my sickly kindness led me to discover a corpse and which, subsequently, plunged me into a world I did not believe...