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His Doll

The story revolves around Amara, who lost her memories in an accident (where someone sexually abused her and left her to die). Her husband-Adrian de Luca never loved her, it was sort of a arranged marriage, but when he found her in middle of the road in blood, he felt his world stopping. Immediately he admitted her to hospital and regretted never caring for her. Adrian is a businessman. Rich and famous. Now he is looking for the man who did this to Amara. But since his house is no more safe for Amara, he asked his brother (Rhys) to keep her safe for time being. Rhys de Luca is ruthless mafia boss, since he is in mafia, Adrian thinks he can keep Amara safe than him. But one thing Adrian doesn’t know is that Rhys was always in love with Amara since the moment he first saw her. But since Adrian was to marry Amara, he didn’t oppose and let his feelings die. But now after two years he was seeing her again. And this time his feelings were stronger. Rhys proposed a deal in order to keep Amara safe. “Fuck, father! I do not give two flying fucks what he thinks or not. You will divorce Amara if you want me to keep her safe.” Rhys scoffed. Adrian looked at Rhys for a long moment. His head swirling with thousand thoughts before he sighed. “Alright. But I have a condition.” Rhys raised his brow. Adrian already hated the words he was going to say. “I will divorce her, but once she falls for you,” Adrian said knowing for well Amara would never fall for Rhys. Call it arrogance or confidence, Adrian was the man Amara fell for two years back between the brothers. “Five months, if she falls in love with you, I’ll divorce her, but if she doesn’t, you will forget the fantasy of making her yours.” Rhys contemplated and then a wide grin plastered over his face before he let go of Adrian. “Sounds tempting.” Adrian dusted the front of his shirt adjusting the collar. “Also, if you dare touch her, the deal’s off.” Rhys tilted his head amused by the proposition.

EmotionRomanceTrue Love


“Seeing you with another guy makes me mad.” “Then close your eyes.” ****** It took me days, weeks, months, and years to escape him. And now when I was away from his clutches, I was confined in the cage of the most feared men in area. I was deceived, lied to, played with, and kept in the shadows all my life. The truth I believed my life to be, was a lie, a malicious fib. I lost everything, from the warmth of my parents to the love of my sister, from the happiness of my childhood to the pain given by my captor. And when I lost my hope of ever getting away from him, I landed in their hands. They took me in, gave me protection, and provided me with their care, but in the end, it was all lie. Just like in my past, they also deceived me, lied to me and caged me in name of protecting me. *****

EmotionRomancecontract marriage

The Hybrid’s curse

I was naive. Too ignorant to judge the look of delusion on his godly face. A devil disguised as my blessed. Not that I understand the weight the said word carried, but his captivity had made me dependent on him. The more I tried to escape him, the more attached I found my heart to his. Pain, fear, anguish, betrayal, he brought me all those things yet I craved him more than I could think of. He claimed the piece of me that never belonged to him. He manipulated my feelings and I gladly found myself craving his touch, his hands on my skin, his gaze, and his love. Realizing that he only brought me pain. And it was too late when I lost more of myself than I could process. He became my nightmare that I look forward to having every night. I was trapped. Chained to the Prince of darkness.

FantasyRebirthSecond Chance

Her Husbands

“C-Claus, please. I cannot-no more,” My shivering voice failed to stop him and he fastened his pace. “The night is young, little mouse. I’m gonna wreck you and every thought you have of escaping,” he was still holding a grudge against me for trying to run away. “I gave you a choice, be my slave or wife, and here you chose the former. Tell me, Hazel, what am I ought to do if my wife is squirming in the arms of another male, batting her lashes at him, and pressing this,” he smacked across my bare bottom hard and I winced shutting my eyes. “This body of a temptress against him,” I didn’t know my actions would fuel him like this. He was being overly unreasonable. He released inside me enormous times, and still, his length was hard and angry, ready to demolish my weeping core. Our mixed fluids seeped through me to paint my inner thighs but this barbarian refuse to stop.


Their Wife

Ralph grabbed one of her thighs and hooked it over his arm as he leaned over her and re-entered her again. "Oh-J-Jesu-" she cried out before Ralph slapped his hand over her mouth. "Tsk-tsk," he hissed. "The gods aren't fucking you. The devil is.” There was no time for her to reply, as Alexei forcefully seized the back of her head and yanked it backwards. "Look how helpless you are... you fucking love it, don't you, wife?" he growled. "Come on, любовь. Beg." **** I loved them more than I hated them. And that scared me more than anything. They came to me in the night, cruel, darkly handsome men from the most dangerous corners of the world in name of helping me in my worst time. I should’ve known better that peace in this world come with a price. Price of my freedom. They tormented me, destroyed me, ripping apart my world with their quest for revenge. Two years ago, I met them. In our first meeting, I was betrothed to them. Now they’ve come to claim me, destroying anyone standing in their way. Even me. I fear them, I hate them, and worse of all I couldn’t escape them.

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