Stepping out of the car he stood in front of her looking down at her angry little face."How dare you disgrace me in such a manner. Where do you think you are going with her?" She spat."Woman step aside. Let me help that poor girl you are so afraid of," he said in a low voice. "It's funny how you feel threatened by a woman you have never spoken to, a woman I have not yet known," he said as his lips twitched into a smirk.The queen seemed to think over his words an appealed expression dominating her features."Just remember who your wife is," she huffed walking away from him looking around to see their audience.You want more....? Then hurry up and start reading ☺️
Are you tired of the damsel in distress stories then this one is just for you. Read and have fun... PS DON'T OVERANALYSE THE STORY WHEN READING. IT IS AFTER ALL JUST MY MIND GOING CRAZY TO GIVE YOU ALL A STORY ☺️. Their worlds were never meant to clash, but through knowing each other their lives unravelled. "Don't think about Malcolm because I am not him. I will treat you better, give you the desires of your heart, showered you with kisses that will make you weak at the knees, even go as far as giving you my heart, but just don't leave me," he said looking lost as he pulled her closer supporting her some more. "No, no, not again," I murmured as my heart rate increased. "Then this is what is going to happen. Tomorrow we are getting married I don't care if you have to be in bed for the ceremony but so be it. We are going to live together as man and wife, and I am going to f***k that idiot out of your system until I am the only one in your mind, until you long for only my touch.....
"You call yourself a man. How dare you lay your filthy hands on me. I would rather die than breathe the same air as you," Ruvarashe said taking a few steps away from Lorenzo. "You are mine and I can very much touch you whenever I want. Your father was very compliant when I handed over your bride-price and I must say you are quiet a treasure in his eyes." "My father would not stoop so low, how dare your lie!" She said in bewilderment. "Well you are now mine. So pack everything you deem important, we leave for my home in the next fifteen minutes," he said looking at his watch."You will have to drag me out of here," she said defiantly holding her head up higher."Listen to me my dear. You should be ecstatic that I just married you. You are now in the shoes many women have only dreamed of filling. Now we will make this marriage work as long as you give me one thing."She scoffed at his arrogance and pompous attitude before asking, "What do you want?""Your body," he simply stated standing in front of her.The loud slap was the only sound heard in the room as his eyes turned a shade darker. "I would rather become a nun, that be with the likes of you," she said storming out of the room.
Two ruthless people each searching for love but unable to find someone worthy. Thrown together by deceit. Read on to find out their story.