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The life of my revenge for love

Anastasia Forrester had had her heart broken at the age of twenty by the man who had been extracting revenge from her for something she had not even been guilty of. Now five years later, Devin Richard Crighton was back in her life setting out to achieve what he had not been able to do then. But Ana was longer the love struck filled woman she had been in the past, she was now stronger and ready to fight him with all her might. Could Ana resist falling for him all over again ? Devin was a cynical ruthless man, life having taught him many lessons at the tender age of fourteen. For years he had planned his revenge on the daughter of a man who had destroyed his family not caring who he was hurting in the process. He hadn’t expected someone like Ana, a woman so strong and innocent who would make him understand what was at stake. Will they finally be able to make it together ? Or is the past going to always cast a shadow on their happiness when it’s time to heal….


Luna d’alpha is my destiny

Mate. One little word. One big concept. A belief that someone, somewhere, is holding the key to your heart. They say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer, but who’s to say they’re not the same. Killers, notes, blood, and mystery. Love, lies, and bad history. Hunter Rivered is the most powerful werewolf in charge of the strongest pack. Hunter never thought much of having a mate, he’d much rather be destroying other packs, killing other wolves, and training. Rosalyn Edwards on the other hand has always imagined her life with a mate. She was just a regular wolf in the Silver Heart Pack, who is as sweet as the name of her pack. All she wanted was to finish high school then travel the world- I know, very un-wolfish. What happens when the horrid Hunter Rivered decided to make a claim on Rose’s Pack territory ? Rose was never good at fighting. She could barely squash a spider, so how far would she go to protect her family ? Or herself. Hunter is possessive, protective, and strict. Rose is kind, stubborn, and good-hearted. You know what they say, opposites attract, and mates are forever. Read to find what happens when these two opposites find themselves connected in more than one way.


My wife’s boss kissed me

Janetta Summers, an editor for Bloomsburg Publishing House, is a kind, soft-spoken and shy young lady who loves books and children. Alexander Holt, the CEO of Haven & Holts Incorporated, is a three months ago divorced, cold-hearted and emotionless man with a ten-month-old baby boy. Taking care of a baby is not something Alexander wants to do so the only logical option is to get a live in nanny. Right ? What if it just so happens Janetta’s boss is his best friend ? What happens if her boss recommends Janetta for the job ? A kind, soft-spoken woman living with a cold-hearted, malicious man. How will things work between them ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Looking down to the stirring baby in my arms, I murmur what I never thought I would, »You’re adorable…little baby. » « His name is Danny, » Alexander says from behind me, his voice emotionless. « I take back what I said in your office. You are suitable for the job. » « Mr Holt, » I state, staring at him through my sleepy state. « Glad to help. »


The Alpha King

Amina Matthews’ life has been the definition of a living hell since her parents dumped her off on a strange territory when she was a child. They told her that she would be safe in this new pack and that they would come back for her when they could. She was six years old then. It’s been fourteen years since then with no sign of them. She’s holding onto her life by a thread when the alpha king finds her.


The promise of marriage

Aidan Flint Waldorf was the luckiest man on earth. He was getting married to a wonderful woman Katherine Iris Thornton. The one who had loved and waited for him for a very long time. Life couldn’t get better. That was what he believed until his bride did not show up for the wedding. And the only explanation was that she was gone ! Gone where ? Gone when ? Gone why ? There were so many questions unanswered and he wanted to resolve them as quickly as possible. His heart knew his Katie would never leave unless she had some valid reasons. And it was up to him to find out what those were. Was she in some kind of danger ? He vowed to himself he would find his Kate back even if it meant going to hell and back.


A powerful Alpha and a powerful girl

« You like games Maddison ? » Jay asked with a wicked smirk. « Games are for children. » I spat with venom. Jay raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow at me. « No, games are not for children if the results are life and death. » I narrow my eyes at his threat. « I won’t be a player in your sick games. » « No darling, you are the game and I have every intention of winning. » /// Maddison Holt is the youngest and only female alpha in North America. Due to the loss of her father, her mother becoming ill from the loss of her mate, Maddison took over the role as alpha. Maddison always believed that a mate would drag her down and simply cause nothing but destruction, which just so happen to be correct. Maddison’s mate, is the killer who ruthlessly slaughtered her father. Jay Pierce is the most feared, known and ruthless alpha in history. He’s the devil in disguise as an angel with his handsome looks. Don’t let his façade fool you for being merciless. Maddison never wanted a mate in the first place, and now she certainly doesn’t want the man who killed her father. This vicious alpha is the cause behind her nightmares, her painful cries, her mothers pain, her short childhood. This male is the reason she was destroyed. Maddison finds herself challenging her mate time and time again, after all Jay loves games. But there is one certain game Jay is planning to win. Her submission. A powerful girl and a powerful alpha but only one can win. Join Maddison through her story that is filled with a difficult mate, an identity transformation, a complicated best-friend, a daughter that isn’t hers, and a title that can be lost instantly.


Living with a bad boy

Bronte Davis is Worthington High’s sweetheart. With a charismatic and loveable personality and a drive to help anyone and everyone, it’s easy to understand just why everyone loves her. That is, everyone except Blake Parker ; the school’s rude and arrogant bad boy. But even that’s not hard to understand why. While Blake is mean, cruel and egotistical, Bronte is kind, helpful and humble. So what happens when Bronte is forced to stay at Blake’s house since her parents are off on a work trip around Africa ? Well, with Bronte’s sudden determination to befriend the arrogant Bad Boy, you can only imagine all the different possibilities. Yes, all the possibilities that involve the two ripping each other’s throats out, that is. With late night conversations, ruthless pranks, constant bickering and secrets that are yet to unfold, its a miracle the two haven’t killed each other… yet. Then again, opposites do attract.


You and me till eternity

She loved her husband more than her last breath. She was blinded, deafened and suffocated in his love. She gave him everything but he was a receiver, never a giver. The only things he gave was confusion. He gave manipulation and he gave her mind the masqueraded ideals of his « undeniable love » when the only person he loved was himself. He had plagued her mind, so much so that when he suggested an open relationship he made her believe it was her idea but she never wanted that. She wanted him and only him. He wanted her and everyone else he could get. But that all changed when Tobias Wrexler walked in…


My sexy girlfriend

« I could nibble at your nose… or at your ear… or at your lips… or… » • • • It’s December, and Jack Frost has just come to town. Literally. Summer is one of those people who hates winter. Not just because she was named after the opposite season, but because she hated the cold with a burning passion. But when a stunning man with silver hair, frosty blue eyes and a jovial charm walks into her coffee shop, ordering an iced caramel macchiato with extra ice, she suddenly finds it hard to hate the cold. Especially when (despite his constant cold hands) he always seems to burn her with his touch. Something seems off about him, and Summer is not mistaken. Jack Frost is known for bringing on the cold, but Summer is about to learn that he sure as hell knows how to turn on the heat, too.


Sex And Writing

He swiped my sweat-soaked hair off my neck, resting his lips against my ear. His fiery breaths blew across my earlobe. My body shuddered once again, craving more of him. « You’re not the first woman to think she could seduce me into bed because of who I am, what I write. And you won’t be the last. » He gave a small chuckle, pulling down my dress, so it covered me. « But, » he said in a low growl, « so far…… you’re my favorite. » Breaths poured from my lips at those words. My heart fluttered inside my pounding chest. His favorite, my brain stuck to his words like glue. Clinging to the small hope we’d continue this somewhere else, more than once. We stayed in that position for a moment before his body heat disappeared from my back. He lit a cigarette in front of me, the flash of the lighter illuminating his flushed, sweat-soaked face. I leaned against the brick wall, finding comfort in the coolness against my heated skin. His eyes met mine again. I didn’t think I could move from the spot, but he forced me to when he held up a red, lacy thong in between his fingers. My red lacy thong. Fucking panty thief ! Their worlds collided in a heated, passion-filled hook-up behind a bar, bringing their broken pieces together. And now ? Mercy finds herself as C.J. Cole’s intern. The very Mr. Cole who wrote the most romantic, erotic books she had ever laid eyes on. How could she manage to keep her panties on around him ? Or control herself ? Hint : she won’t. Mature warning.


The billionaire in full glory

Zachary Danvers had everything he could ever have. He was successful, he had fame, money, women except for a family. A family that he watched and wanted to be a part of. Karina Hart was the best diagnostician or so everybody said. Karina had a past. A past that she had tried her level best to put behind her. Kari and Zach are at a party where happiness was all around when a mysterious message makes her want to run away. A message that can resurface her past and affect her future. Zach helps Kari and they couldn’t help but act on their feelings for each other. But what will happen when Kari’s past puts a target on Zachary’s back ?


The billionaire’s misfortune

Kayla Summers was in love after a long time. Or so she kept telling herself. She loved her new boyfriend, the sous chef, enough to go ahead and marry him. But the application for marriage license is rejected for she’s already married. Daniel Hunt hadn’t been there for his family for a long time. On his short vacation in Vegas, he’d married a beautiful, strong woman who had escaped his room long before the sun rose. So when he comes back and finds her at his doorstep asking for a divorce, he puts forth an ultimatum. Spend six months with him after which he’d sign the divorce or stay married to him for a life time. What will Kayla Summers do when sparks start flying between them and she’s torn between her gentlemen fiancé and the Inconvenient Billionaire.


Arranged marriage : Disposing of love

24-year-old Sasha Hamilton loves her life as the daughter of billionaire businessman and her carefree lifestyle. However, when her ruthless father forces her to be an asset in his bid to take control over of a rival company, Sasha’s world is turned upside down… 27-year-old playboy Christian Matheson’s father’s company is falling to the ground. Nearing bankruptcy Christian sees no hope for the once billion-dollar business he dreamt of leading. However, when rival Garret Hamilton offers to aid Christian’s family he is elated. But there is a cost… Thrown together in an arranged marriage, despite secrets and lies, Sasha and Christian must put on the show of their lives in order to help their families. However, what if their unfortunate circumstances can lead to something more.


Living alone in marriage

There stood the most gorgeous man in Erica Ferguston’s eyes, her groom, Arnold Binder. But, her world crushed when she found out her husband never love her like he claimed to before they got married. He just married her to please his grandmother. Since the revelation, she was devastated. She lived the hell by her own, where her husband never care about her. She was strong but it’s took short time for her to start falling apart.


Arranged marriage : Loving away

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Theora Botsaris and Nicholas Markopoulos. The marriage marks the union of two elite Greek American families. It meets all the necessary requirements according to tradition. Greek, check. Rich, check. Status check. Love ? Eh not so much. So please come to see how two strangers forced together by their respective families deal with each other…


Arranged marriage : My multi-billionaire husband

I was 18 when my father arranged a marriage with a young multibillionaire man to make peace between our families, I didn’t want this. Isaac Miller is a multimillionaire, he owns thousands of companies across the world and I’m just Claudia Richardson ; 18 years old, kind, innocent and caring. ~~ This is it, the moment everyone’s been waiting for. Everyone but me. « Do you Isaac Stone Miller, take Claudia Rose Richardson to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold in sickness and in health. To love and to care ? » The priest asks. « I do, » he responds. « Now, do you Claudia Rose Richardson take Isaac Stone Miller to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold in sickness and in health. To love and to care ? » So many thoughts are swarming around in my head, I want to shout NO ! But I can’t, I look out at the crowd. Everyone is looking at me, mother is smiling, father is leaning forward in his seat. The ones you love the most hurt you the most. I will always question why I made this choice, why I said yes, it was my fathers fault. But my own heart stopped as I softly said to the man that I don’t and will never love ; « Yes. »


Werewolves and the Witch

I was eating my favourite- sticky chicken wings, when I heard a fierce possessive growl. I thought it was my stomach, possessive over the food, but it wasn’t. I knew it wasn’t because I heard « you’re mine chicken » now at first I was going to shout at him for wanting to steal my chicken but I realise, he was talking to me. I was looking into the eyes of my mate with a piece of chicken in my mouth, how embarrassing. I’m Lainey knight, daughter of Damien and Angel Knight ; King and queen of demons. My mate is Izaiha Luciano, son of Alessio and Christine Luciano ; King and queen of werewolves. I need a bucket of chicken


The billionaire’s fiancée

Alexandra Family oriented Alexandra Stewart is in desperate need of money for her dad’s surgery. She is stoked when gorgeous billionaire Jayden unexpectedly barges into her life and offers to help. On one condition. She must pretend to be his girlfriend. One look at Jayden tells her to run in the opposite direction. The man is too good-looking, successful, and wealthy. He’s way out of her league. Then again, the proposal is too enticing and desperate Alexandra agrees. Now, the only problem is how does she prevent herself from falling in love with Jayden when the way he looks at her makes her heart tremble and his touches set her body on fire ? Jayden Recently single Jayden McCartney has to bring his girlfriend to his sister’s wedding in order to stop the matchmaking his grandmother has planned for him. Not in the mood for dating or a new woman after the discovery of his cheating ex, he hires a perfect candidate as his girlfriend in Alexandra. Suddenly, a new problem presented itself. Jayden finds that he’s falling in love with the geeky turns sexy Alex, and he wants her, and what Jayden wants, he’d get.


Contractual marriage : A false relationship

« Wait let me get this straight, you want me to get fat ? » Cara does not know if she should be offended or threatened. Was this his grand plan to make her pay for the scene she caused ? It’s nuts. « Pregnant, so yeah, » « You are going cuckoo, I am leaving. » « A million dollars which you can use for payment of your mum’s treatment and the rest, I don’t care what you do with it. » Cara stops to she process his words. What happens when the billionaire meets one of the craziest girl on the planet ? Well, for sure there’s gonna be ; Publicity stunts, hilarious arguments, living together Fake relationship, surrogacy, sex and many more. But is there gonna be love ? There’s only one way to find out….. I assure you 100% humor,100% romance,100% crazy.


The heart of a billionaire

This is a beautiful love story of Eternity Granger and Aaron Knight Meet Aaron Knight a hardworking CEO of Knight Industries one of the biggest and most successful youngest Billionaire, but he thinks that life is just a business arrangement He is a very arrogant and dominating man thing he entirely loves is his success and Knight Empire. Now meet sunshine, who can brighten your day just by her positive nature Eternity Granger is a very lively and bubbly innocent but highly Virtuous girl but with a tormented past. He is a Burning Sun She is a running river Come, Let’s see will Eternity ever cause Aaron to recognize the value of love, that not money and business is everything love is the most beautiful part of this realm.


Marrying a dangerous man

PROLOGUE : Don Seth Salvatore was the most dangerous man in London. Living two successful lives both normal and underworld, he was unstoppable. Alana Carsten’s world was turned upside down the moment she said her ‘ I do ‘ to the vows that tied her entire life to the Don himself, thrown into a dangerous mafia world the fearless spicy twenty five years old was ready for any challenges coming her way.

EmotionSuspenseTrue Love

Arranged marriage to her boss’s son

PROLOGUE : Cassandra Draper was abandoned by her father at age nine. For nine years her family has struggled, Tanner her brother was taken away and hasn’t seen him for years. Her mom, sister, and herself live a poor life struggling everyday to stay together. Then One day her so called father shows up telling her she has an arranged marriage with his boss’ son. With no choice Cassandra goes, meeting her future husband, turns out he’s a major jerk. Thinking her life is totally ruined she gives up hope….until she meets the guy of her dreams.

EmotionTrue LoveArranged marriage

My Alpha’s companion

PROLOGUE : Young werewolf, Evangeline, can do something no other can, hold communication with someone far beyond her realm. Always at her side, the Goddess of the moon has guided her through the toughest of times, but when the truth starts to bleed out, when an Alpha claims Evangeline as his own, and when the most dangerous come seeking revenge, Evangeline may have to face it all alone.

EmotionFantasyTrue Love

Relationship of a bad girl

PROLOGUE : You’ve heard of when bad boy meets good girl….but have you heard of when bad girl meets good boy ? When Nolan met Danielle he expected nothing. Little did he know this one girl would change his perfect five year plan. She was bad. Sexy and tattooed. She was everything Nolan was not. Nolan was a virgin while she was a sex goddess. He was afraid of needles while she was heavily tattooed. Coming from rich backgrounds Nolan was living life according to his parents. Also coming from a rich background Danielle was living life the way she wanted. Defying the rules. She ignored her socialite mother and did what she wanted when she wanted. She was going to live life with no rules. That was until she met Nolan. She’s attracted to the shy cute man, nothing like what she’s usually attracted to. He seems to captivate her. He changes the way she thinks. But will she change the way he thinks ?


The billionaire’s girlfriend

PROLOGUE : Alexandra Family oriented Alexandra Stewart is in desperate need of money for her dad’s surgery. She is stoked when gorgeous billionaire Jayden unexpectedly barges into her life and offers to help. On one condition. She must pretend to be his girlfriend. One look at Jayden tells her to run in the opposite direction. The man is too good-looking, successful, and wealthy. He’s way out of her league. Then again, the proposal is too enticing and desperate Alexandra agrees. Now, the only problem is how does she prevent herself from falling in love with Jayden when the way he looks at her makes her heart tremble and his touches set her body on fire ? Jayden Recently single Jayden McCartney has to bring his girlfriend to his sister’s wedding in order to stop the matchmaking his grandmother has planned for him. Not in the mood for dating or a new woman after the discovery of his cheating ex, he hires a perfect candidate as his girlfriend in Alexandra. Suddenly, a new problem presented itself. Jayden finds that he’s falling in love with the geeky turns sexy Alex, and he wants her, and what Jayden wants, he’d get.


Unknown daughter of Alphas

PROLOGUE : Two teenagers, a party and the unmistakeable mate pull, but what happens when it follows with a steamy night and a rejection the next day ? Then only a month later, you discover a surprise which would change your life forever ? In Lara’s case, she decides to keep her baby a secret only to accidentally bump into her mate four years later.


Wedding by law

PROLOGUE : What happens when two are summoned together by a long remembered deal between two enemies to force their alliance in the industry business. Heartbroken, angry and confused Ivory says yes to the first thing she hears as she barges throgh the door. Perhaps she should have stopped and listened, but then again they had no choice. Married away to the handsome but cold Darius Quartz Ivory hopes for a somewhat happy life but finds herself in boredom and the same ritual she had been doing for the past 6 months, that’s till her husband finally returns from his training. And soon after returns the one man she never hoped to see again. First come marriage but then comes love ? I think not. Married at a young age of 20 they both are lost and unsure of what to expect. But only moments after their marriage Darius is summoned of to finish his work abroad for 6 months. When he returns things are no different. Neither talk and neither know how to accept their new relation. That is of course, till Ivory’s ex comes back in.

EmotionUrbanTrue Love

More beautiful for Alpha

PROLOGUE : Rae East has always cast herself off as a girl not worthy of a Mate. With a past of self-doubt and expectations of a hopeless future, her theory crumbles when she discovers she is mated to an Alpha. Not expecting anything from it, Rae finds herself in a confusing situation. Giving no clarity, her Alpha Mate brings her back to his pack with no purpose. She sinks into herself, lost, alone, and in pain. With a Mate who has no interest in her whatsoever, Rae struggles to find her purpose in the pack and in her own world. Not knowing if she has a future with the Alpha she can’t help but want, Rae must search elsewhere for happiness like she had once planned. But with a taste of the bond she can’t help but share, it becomes difficult to move on from the Alpha who holds her heart captive.


Alpha’s daughter

PROLOGUE : « I, Cole Greystone, reject you, Morgan Mayor, as my mate. » As soon as those words left his mouth, I felt my whole world, shatter into a million pieces. He left the room without a second glance, and I watched his back as he retreated, and wiped away the stray tears. Why would the person, who I was destined to be with forever, do that to me ? Morgan Mayor recently turned 17. And in the werewolf world, that’s when you first shift, but there’s one catch, she has to find her mate first. And when she does, he rejects her and leaves her completely heartbroken, with her world shattered. Not to mention the small life form growing inside her, the alpha’s daughter.

EmotionFantasySad love

A Mafia princess

PROLOGUE : Princess A’Nae Smith is a Girl from a Ghetto and Dangerous neighbor hood, Kinji. She attends a High school that is ran by the Mafia King, 5. His son attends also and is very popular. Princess doesn’t like him though. What happens when Princess find out that he has a secret crush on her ? Read to find out.


The princess named by King Alpha

PROLOGUE : When eighteen year old Josephine Evans is out in the woods with her pack, they didn’t expect to stumble across the biggest, baddest pack terrorizing another pack. Just when they’re about to assist the terrorized pack, the alpha of the infamous pack approaches them. Theo Lupine is not known for his mercy, so when he walks right past her alpha and straight towards her, Josephine isn’t sure what to do. But Theo knows exactly what to do with Josephine. « You are not allowed to run away. » He growls at me and I glare up at him. « Keep in mind that you belong to me. You can hate me, but you can’t leave. You are mine. »

FantasyEmotionSad love

The Luna d’alpha was murdered

PROLOGUE : What happens when you have two ruthless alphas right next to each other ? Well let’s just say that it can’t be good. Alpha Ace Winter has been an alpha ever since she was 16 when her pack, The Luna Pack, was brutally attacked by rogues. Her parents along with her bestfriends, Zylen’s and Colby’s, parents were murdered. After the attack, these three had to build up the pack from scratch. Successfully becoming one of the strongest packs in the United States. Alpha Deacon had the same dilemma. His pack was attacked by the same group of rogues. When Alpha Deacon decides that he wants to expand his land, he attacks the pack next to him. The Luna Pack. Let’s just say that he gets more than what he bargained for.


Alpha’s most powerful luna

PROLOGUE : After hearing about the brutal murder of a child in the neighbouring pack, Lucia is forced to attend a gathering with her father and Alpha with the enemy pack. The Dark Moon pack is one of the strongest packs to exist. Lucia has heard rumours of the cruel and cold hearted crimes that they have committed. When she went to the pack, the last thing she expected was to find her soul mate. The Alpha. Shock. That’s what Lucia felt as she locked eyes with the dark cold ones of the enemy Alpha. He is said to be ruthless, cruel and vicious but Lucia knows that deep down underneath the merciless face, Tristan is good. That there is more to Tristan. And Lucia will stop at nothing until she finds out.


The kidnappers of the sexy Greek gods

PROLOGUE : Being cheated on is the worst feeling ever. When I called my best friend Kyrn and told her what happened between me and Brett, she came over straight away. I always told her that I wished I would find a person that would love me and not just want sex all the time like most guys do. It turns out, that I would be getting my wish tonight. Tonight was the night that my best friend and I were kidnapped from my house by sexy Greek god kidnappers.

EmotionFantasyNew Adult

Kidnapped by my companion

PROLOGUE : I gasped in pain as my back hit the ground, my head bouncing off the floor right after it. The door slammed shut and footsteps echoed through the room towards where I was laying. Once the dots of lights left my eyes I saw the ceiling, but it wasn’t of the room I was normally in, this one wasn’t textured like the other one. I felt his hands grip my arms, pulling me up. I snapped my eyes shut as he pressed me against the wall. I started to shake, afraid of what he was going to do. « You tried to leave. » ~~ Cheyenne is a 21-year-old college student who works part time as a bartender. Markus is a 23-year-old who is Alpha of the Shadow Moon Pack. What happens when Cheyenne, also known as Chey, runs into Markus, who just so happens to be her mate ? Will she leave her current boyfriend to be with him or will Markus have to go to the extremes to get his soul mate ?


kidnapping the billionaire’s daughter

PROLOGUE : Emma van der Bilt is clever, snarky, and spoiled rotten. William Knight is cocky, impatient, and slightly dimwitted. So how exactly did Will manage to kidnap Emma and her best friend twice and live to talk about it ? « What the hell-«  I screeched. « Good morning, sunshine. » I looked up in alarm and saw the smirking face of my kidnapper. His face would have made me a lot angrier had it not been terribly swollen, thanks to yours truly. « I’d say good morning, but judging by the boner on your face, I’d say you weren’t having such a good morning. » His self-satisfied smirk fell almost instantly, and his partner-in-crime laughed out loud from the driver’s seat. « Actually, » he said, « I’m having a pretty good morning. My luck’s about to change. You wanna know why ? » I didn’t answer. « I’ll tell you why. I’ve successfully kidnapped the daughter of one of the richest men in the country. » « Don’t start counting your lucky stars just yet. This isn’t over yet, » I snapped. « Isn’t it ? » he asked, raising the eyebrow above his good eye. His other one remained in a permanent squint, and it made it kind of hard to take him seriously. « I’m not the one who’s naked and tied up in a stranger’s back seat. » I glanced down at myself and noticed for the first time that I was in my bra and panties. Honestly, I was kind of relieved. When he’d said « naked, » I’d assumed he meant birthday-suit naked, not half-naked.


To be the billionaire’s husband

PROLOGUE : After the death of Peter McKinley, the fate of the McKinley Inns was left in the hands of Peter’s firstborn son, Alexander. But when Alexander finds out about the company’s seemingly unending debts, he was desperate in finding ways to pay the debts and keep the company. Scrambling to save his family’s company, Alexander McKinley was shocked when the young billionaire hotel magnate George Garrison approached him with a deal. It was to buy his company, call off his company’s creditors and let him lead it in exchange for his sister’s hand in marriage. Furious of the deal, Alex was worried about his sister having a long-time boyfriend and tried to find another way to fight bankruptcy. Following his grandfather’s request about being married, the billionaire George Garrison was set to find a perfect wife…or groom. He was gay, and that was the problem. Upon seeing the opportunity on the youngest daughter of Peter McKinley, he thought that he could finally be at peace and get married even though it was against his own will. But then everything changed when the oldest son of Peter McKinley barges into his office and leads him to discover a better deal.


Abandoned Deity

PROLOGUE : Thea Gibson lives a normal life. She waitresses at her local bar, pays her bills on time, has a secret crush on Detective Josh Cooper and let’s her friend Shae drag her to parties when she’d rather be curled up at home buried in the latest paranormal fantasy. In one night though, her life becomes a paranormal fantasy when she is attacked by Titans and saved by a man claiming to be Hermes, Messenger of the Gods. Hermes tells her she is a reincarnated deity, with latent powers she must remember so she can return the recently escaped Cronos back to Tartarus. Thea refuses to believe such nonsense but with the strange things happening around her, Thea begins to discover that fantasy is more closer to reality than she once thought…


My sex god roommate

PROLOGUE : Keagan is the definition of bad boy. College man with a body that could make even God moan and an attitude to put the devil to shame. Between classes and drinking parties , sex and boys, Keagan had it all. Until Jamison. Small, skinny , anti-social. Will he be able to tame the sex god or be eaten alive ?


Werewolves : Haven of peace

PROLOGUE : Aspiring writer Norah Jacobs needs an escape. In the span of two weeks, her corrupt brother has been jailed for murder and his partner has been hovering on her doorstep, threatening to ruin what little peace she has left. Packing her car, Norah flees the city and goes off the grid, finding refuge in the small coastal town of Bellvale. However, Norah’s newfound refuge lands her right in the middle of a power struggle between creatures she thought only existed in fairy tales, and she begins to see that no matter how hard you try to run from your troubles, they seem to have a way of catching up with you…

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