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So You Think Your Sister's a Vampire?: The Chronicles of Cassidy Book 1

Don’t trust anyone, not even yourself….You think you know someone pretty well, until you’re awoken in the middle of the night to the sound of unfamiliar voices and realize your sister’s being swept away by some supernatural creatures who climb in and out of windows and leap from two-story houses like it’s nothing.My parents tried to tell me everything was fine, but when Cadence finally did come back from wherever they’d taken her, I knew there was something unusual about my older sister.Now, her best friend is dead.Her ex-boyfriend is acting bizarre.And I’m afraid I might be next.My name is Cassidy Findley, and I’m pretty sure my sister is a vampire, despite her “co-worker” making every effort to brainwash me into believing otherwise. With the help of my two best friends, we vow to get to the bottom of this before it’s too late, and my sister starts to claim other victims. I love her, but I won’t be turned, nor will I just sit by without doing everything I can to stop her. I can only hope that I’m not too late and that I can trust my own memories.Because I’m pretty sure my sister’s friends are coming for me next.


How Not to Be a Vampire Hunter: The Chronicles of Cassidy Book 3

There are some mistakes in life you can never recover from….Have you ever wanted something so badly, you’d do almost anything to get it? That’s how I feel about becoming a Vampire Hunter. It’s in my blood. And even though I’m technically not old enough to go through the transformation process, I am ready to fulfill my destiny—one way or another.Unfortunately, going behind my sister and her established team of Vampire Hunters’ backs and inserting myself into a dangerous situation doesn’t go as planned, and before I know it, I’m no longer a would-be hunter; I’m the prey.Now, all I can do is hope that my sister and her teammates can get to me in time or else my career as a Vampire Hunter will be over before it’s even started.And so will my life.My name is Cassidy Findley, and I’m about to find out the hard way how NOT to be a Vampire Hunter.The Chronicles of Cassidy is a retelling of The Clandestine Saga specifically for young adult/teen readers told from the perspective of high schooler Cassidy Findley.


My Life as a Teenage Vampire Hunter: The Chronicles of Cassidy Book 4

Sometimes following your dreams isn’t all it’s cracked up to be….When I decided I’d stop at nothing to become a Vampire Hunter, even though my older sister and her teammates knew I wasn’t ready, I got myself into trouble—a whole lot of trouble. Now, I’ll never be exactly what I wanted to be—and I’ll never be the same as I was before either.There’s a dangerous Vampire on the loose, and I know I’m the only one who can stop him from continuing to prey on the innocent. But since I’ve already broken my sister’s trust, how can I prove to her that I’m more than just her little sister? I’m a weapon.We both know there’s no one else in the world like me, but I’ll have to show her I can follow her orders before she’ll let me move forward with my plan. And that’s a problem. Because we also both know following directions is no longer my strong suit. Will I be able to stick to my training long enough to demonstrate my value or will the Vampire continue his destruction?My name is Cassidy Findley, and this is my life as a teenage Vampire Hunter.The Chronicles of Cassidy is a retelling of The Clandestine Saga specifically for young adult/teen readers told from the perspective of high schooler Cassidy Findley.


Death Does Not Become Her: The Chronicles of Cassidy Book 8

Death is a stalker, preying on the ones I love, and even my superpowers aren't strong enough to stop it.All I wanted was to help the people suffering in Eastern Europe. With the Vampire Queen gone, Daunator was laying claim to the area, taking as many people as he could get. Unfortunately, the Leaders were still on their honeymoon, and no one else on the team wanted to do anything about it.Except for Christian--my nemesis. But when he found himself in a really bad situation, it was up to me to save him--before it was too late. I had no idea trying to save someone I hate would jeopardize the ones I love most.This is the last installment of my story, the last chapter, the last pages. It ends when death finally catches up to its prey, and someone I love is dead.I'm Cassidy Findley, and this is my life as a teenage Vampire Hunter.The Chronicles of Cassidy is a retelling of The Clandestine Saga specifically for middle grade through high school readers told from the perspective of high schooler Cassidy Findley.


Cordia's Will: Forever Love Book 1

Torn between the man she loves, and the man who loves her....Cordia Pike has always been strong-willed, but she knows her family expects her to accept the hand of her childhood friend, Jaris Adams, in marriage. As the conflict between the states continues to escalate, Cordia hopes it will last long enough for her to find a way to free herself without breaking her friend’s heart.On the eve of war, as the men prepare to ride off to battle, Cordia meets a mysterious newcomer. There’s just something about Will Tucker that she finds both intriguing and dangerous. Under the guise of caring for his sister, she makes a plan to write to him. Perhaps by the time the war is over, Will’s feelings for Cordia will have blossomed into the love she is starting to feel for the Union soldier.But war is evil and complex, and by the time it begins to wind its way through Southwest Missouri, one of these men will be dead, and Cordia will find herself betrothed to a man she loathes. Will she have the courage to follow her heart and stand up for what she believes in like so many others, or will she do as she is told and acquiesce to a loveless marriage to a heartless traitor?

RomanceHistoryTrue Love

Cordia's Hope: Forever Love Book 2

Forbidden love on the frontier....Hope Tucker is content staying in her hometown of Lamar, Missouri, focusing on her life as a schoolteacher instead of finding love. But when she hears the truth about her parents' romance during the Civil War, how her mother Cordia set out to find her father Will after a deadly battle, Hope is determined to have that sort of adventure as well.Accepting a teaching position in a frontier town in Texas isn't quite what she was expecting--there are no marauders or gunslingers--but there is one man with a shady past, and when the entire town tells her to stay away from Judah Lawless, Hope finds herself drawn to him.Is Judah dangerous, or will Hope finally find the romance she's been looking for?Cordia's Hope: A Story of Love on the Frontier is a standalone clean romance novel. You don't have to have already read Cordia's Will: A Civil War Story of Love and Loss to enjoy Cordia's Hope.

RomanceHistoryTrue Love

Prelude: A Prequel: Ghosts of Southampton Book Zero

An arranged marriage, an abusive family, a dream of freedom in America just out of reach....After Meg Westmoreland’s father mysteriously dies when she’s a small child, her life quickly spirals out of control. Her mother is mean and manipulative, her uncle abusive in a way Meg won’t even speak of. Getting away from them becomes an obsession. When she discovers she’s been promised to a wealthy American, she’ll do whatever she must to flee the only home she’s ever known in Southampton, hoping for a new life in America and a chance to start over, even if it means leaving behind the wealthy, high-society life she’s grown accustomed to.For most of his life, Charles Ashton has known that his father arranged for him to marry Meg. Even though the temptations of being young and rich beckon him, he believes in keeping promises. However, his attempts at meeting Meg are thwarted at every turn, and eventually, Charlie begins to wonder if Meg even exists at all. Ultimately, destiny’s plan will be revealed and their worlds will collide aboard a passenger liner named Titanic. Prelude reveals how Meg and Charlie came to find themselves aboard the most famous ship in history and asks the question--can you control your own fate?Prelude is a prequel to Titanic (Ghosts of Southampton Book 1).

HistoryRomanceNew Adult

Titanic: Ghosts of Southampton Book One

You can't outrun your past, not even aboard the Ship of Dreams....Meg never dreamt she would find herself aboard Titanic, dressed in the borrowed clothes of her lady-in-waiting, hiding from her family, running from her haunting past. Now that she finally has the opportunity to escape it all, she realizes the man she has been engaged to for three years is also aboard the ship. Their marriage was arranged by their fathers long ago, and since they've always had the Atlantic Ocean between them, Meg is able to continue her charade. However, if Charlie discovers her true identity, she will end up breaking his heart all over again. And the more time Meg spends with Charlie, the more she realizes she's made a terrible mistake; she never should have ran away from him to begin with. Will Meg find a way to reveal her true identity without destroying their blossoming relationship, or will her last chance at true love end up in the abyss?This is a stand-alone novel, but the prequel, Prelude, is now available. Read how Meg and Charlie came to find themselves aboard Titanic on that fateful night.

HistoryRomanceArranged marriage

Residuum: Ghosts of Southampton Book 2

Nothing drowns out the sound of drowning....The survivors of Titanic arrive in New York City on a rainy April morning, but being back on dry land doesn't end the terror, and for some of the passengers, the nightmares are just beginning.Having escaped her haunting past in Southampton, Meg Westmoreland knows she should be excited to start her new life in New York City as millionaire Charlie Ashton's fiancée. However, Titanic has scarred both of them, and part of her wants to escape into the night, to start her new life all over again. Meg knows she must find the strength to help Charlie recover from Titanic and face the demons of her past, which includes going back to Southampton to face her mother and uncle. Will she stay by Charlie's side or look for another way to dissolve their arranged marriage?The voices in Charlie's head are ever-present, and after a while, he begins to think he's losing his mind. How can he give his new fiancee the attention she deserves when thoughts of Titanic are constantly replaying? Will he end up losing Meg all over again?Residuum is the final installment in the Ghosts of Southampton series, following Meg and Charlie as they attempt to return to their lives after the Titanic disaster.

RomanceHistoryArranged marriage

Jamie: A Vampire Hunter's Tale Book 2

He never wanted to become a vampire hunter….Dr. Jamie Joplin has always had a fear of the dark and the creatures that crawl forth from the shadows after the sun goes down. His parents speak of immortal beings capable of destroying vampires, but Jamie decides at an early age that is not the life for him. He’s perfectly content to stay a human surgeon, fixing human afflictions.When his sister is seriously injured pursuing a vampire, Jamie is the only one that can save her. Healing Marjorie requires him to go through the transformation process and become a Guardian, a specific type of vampire hunter that can potentially live forever.Forced to leave his life as a surgeon behind, Jamie embarks on a new journey, one that will bring him face to face with the bloodsuckers he’s feared his entire life including Jack the Ripper, Dracula, and a very different kind of villain at Pearl Harbor.Based on a favorite character in The Clandestine Saga series, Jamie explores how the guardian who can heal anyone with a touch of his hand came to join the LIGHTS team. This book can be read as a standalone novel or as a complement to The Clandestine Saga. You do not have to have read Aaron, book 1 in A Vampire Hunter’s Tale, in order to enjoy Jamie.


Rain's Run: The Motherhood Book 2

Rain is a wanted woman, and it’s apparent the Mothers will stop at nothing to track her down.Escaping her home country wasn’t easy. Even though Rain and her friends have reached temporary safety, they are a long way from the Nation of Quebec. Recovering from a gunshot wound and tired from days of running, Rain would like nothing more than to stay hidden in the mountains with the family that’s taken them in.But that’s not an option. Rain’s presence has put these peaceful people’s lives in jeopardy, and when a tracker is accidentally tripped, it’s clear she has no choice but to start running all over again.This time, when she sets out, her party won’t be the same. One of her companions will be replaced by a handsome stranger, a man who not only promises to keep Rain safe, he has her questioning her feelings for Adam. Does she really love Adam or is it all infatuation with the only man she’s ever really known?Rain’s still a long way from safety, with Mother White and the others breathing down her neck. There’s no guarantee the government she’s so desperately trying to reach will even help, but she has to try. The men of her homeland’s lives certainly depend upon it—and maybe the lives of her generation of women do, too, because rebellions are like a smoldering ember—they’re catching.Continue Rain’s journey in this thrilling dystopian romance!

UrbanRomanceNew Adult

Christmas Memory

Can a Christmas angel fix a meet-cute gone wrong?Memory Wilson is supposed to meet Dakota Brooks and fall in love. When a sudden gust of wind from a startled angel prevents that from happening, their paths never intersect. Can Memory's recently departed, beloved Grandma Helen come back to Christmas Falls, Indiana, in disguise and bring Memory and Dak together? Or will Memory's assumption that Dak is just a money-greedy real estate developer keep her from falling in love?If you enjoy sweet Christmas romances with heavenly themes, then you'll love Christmas Memory!

RomanceFantasyTrue Love

Dragon Moon

Find the jewel, save the kingdom--and the dragons.Princess Nya Gould fears the Dragon Moon, the night each year when one young person in their kingdom is sacrificed to a dragon to keep him from destroying their lands. When it is her friend who is taken, she creates a plan to get him back.But when Nya discovers the dragon isn't feasting on the sacrifices and is actually using them to retrieve a missing jewel, one that can save his kind and restore his kingdom, she is torn between helping him and using this knowledge to the advantage of her own kingdom.It doesn't make things easier when she finds herself attracted to the dragon shifter when he's in his human form. Slate is a sexy beast of a man, with dark smoldering eyes and rippling muscles. Can he see her as anything more than the annoying, spoiled human princess who has infiltrated his lair?As Nya and Slate work together to find the jewel, their relationship grows, and Nya is left with a choice:Find the jewel and save the kingdom--or the dragon?


Melody's Christmas

Can Christmas magic help her hear the music again?Melody Murphy shared her love of music with her father, but after tragically loosing him on Christmas Eve two years ago, she no longer has any interest in music or Christmas. She returns to her hometown of Charles Town, West Virginia, to help her mother save the family antique business, content to stay focused on her work. However, when a chance encounter with an adorable five-year-old leads her to befriend an attractive single dad, Melody begins to realize she's been putting her life on hold, something her father would've never wished for her. Will she learn to hear the song in the falling snow again?Reid has recently moved to Charles Town to start over after his wife walked out, leaving him alone to raise their son, Michael. When Michael decides he needs Melody Murphy in his life, Reid needs to find out what it is that has his son drawn to the young woman like a magnet. The closer he gets to Melody, the more he begins to believe he might get a second chance at love after all. This is a sweet contemporary romance with Christian themes, perfect for holiday reading.

RomanceTrue LoveNew Adult

Illumination: The Clandestine Saga Book 5

Death isn't always what it seems....Cadence Findley would do anything in the world to bring back her friend, the one who was killed when a band of rogue Vampire Hunters ambushed her team six months ago. When her grandmother reveals the existence of a the Blue Moon Portal, a pathway that might provide a bridge for the lost Guardian to cross back over, Cadence is determined to use it.Despite the fact that her fiancé, Aaron, warns her the portal is too dangerous and insists she never open it, Cadence develops a plan to do just that. Will she successfully access the Blue Moon Portal to open a door to the beyond, and if she does so, will Aaron walk away from her forever?In the meantime, the savage Vampire created to destroy Cadence stalks the streets of Philadelphia. The LIGHTS team must work together to find him and bring his reign to an end. How many more innocent lives will this monster claim before he can be stopped? In the confrontation, will Cadence lose someone else she cannot live without? The Clandestine Saga follows the story of Cadence Findley, Vampire Hunter extraordinaire, as she embarks on a quest to rid the world of Vampires. She is part of an elite team of Hunters and Guardians know as LIGHTS whose sole purpose is to protect humans from the creatures that lurk in the shadows.Please read the first four books in the series before reading Illumination.


Obliteration: The Clandestine Saga Book 8

What would you do if the person you loved most in the world suddenly disappeared?Cadence has trepidations about attending an Eidolon Festival a few days before her wedding, but Aaron insists it will be fine. The Vampire Queen has other plans, however, and when six Guardians go missing--including Aaron--Cadence has to fight to get them back. Will she figure out what Holland has done with her friends in time to rescue them, or have the bloodsuckers finally figured out how to stop LIGHTS once and for all?The Clandestine Saga follows the story of Cadence Findley, Vampire Hunter extraordinaire, as she embarks on a quest to rid the world of Vampires once and for all. She is part of an elite team of Hunters and Guardians known as LIGHTS whose sole purpose is to protect humans from the creatures that lurk in the shadows.Please read the first seven books in The Clandestine Saga before you read this one.


Girl From the Tomb: Ashes and Rose Petals Book 2

Ella Verona wouldn't let her own death keep her from her husband, and she won't let anything else prevent them from being together either.After Ella and Rome overcome all of the obstacles keeping them from being together, their struggle to start a new life together begins. Rome's father won't stop in his pursuit of finding his son and bringing him home where he can be controlled. The pair journeys across Europe, determined not to fall victim to Monty Verona ever again. Along the way, they'll rely on luck and a few new friends to help them stay together and away from Verona's thugs.Ella's family has no idea she's alive. Keeping that secret continues to weigh on her mind, and she's tempted to tell her family the truth. But if her father learns she's alive, she knows he'll send his men after them as well. Once again, she could be torn from Rome's arms and faced with the possibility of marrying a man from Paris.The odds are stacked against these star-crossed lovers, but they've already proved they'll do whatever it takes to stay together--even face death itself. As Ella and Rome run from those who would tear them apart, will she face the tomb again, or will they find their freedom, once and for all?If you like high-paced drama with lots of twists and turns and plenty of opportunities to suspend reality, then you'll love Ashes and Rose Petals! A contemporary retelling/mash up of Cinderella and Romeo and Juliet.

RomanceTrue LoveNew Adult

Girl On the Beach: Ashes and Rose Petals Book 3

She’s escaped the attic and returned from the tomb. Now, Ella Verona’s taking the world by storm.Since Ella’s new company, Montage, has taken off, she has two goals she won’t let anyone stop her from reaching:① Establish herself in the art world under her new name and persona, Juliet Montague.② Make Henry Caron pay for trying to come between her and Rome.With the help of her fairy godmother, Fae, Ella knows she can be successful at taking Montage to the top of the LA art scene. Getting Henry to trust her so she can reclaim the production company he’s holding over Rome’s head will be much more difficult—but that won’t stop Ella from trying. After all, if she can conquer death, she can do anything, can’t she?Read the dramatic conclusion to the exciting mash-up of Cinderella and Romeo and Juliet and find out if star-crossed lovers ever really have a chance or if destiny always has the final say in this face-paced, page-turning romance.

RomanceTrue LoveNew Adult

Ruin's Promise: Reaper's Hollow Book 2

To prove herself to the other Keepers, Ru must close three portals to Hell….Ruin Roberts is just coming to grips with the idea that she is actually a Keeper, a half-angel charged with keeping Grim Reapers from claiming unmarked souls, when she is tasked with closing the remaining portals to Hell. She’s made a promise to her friend Cutter that she’ll complete her mission, no matter the cost.Luckily, she has a team of experienced Keepers to help her. If she can find her missing mother, who may hold the map to the portals, in time, Ru may be able to complete her task before Thanatos hunts her down.Will Ru find her mom and the portals before Thanatos finds her, or will Ru lose everything to the half-demons stalking the citizens of Reaper’s Hollow?This is book 2 in the Reaper's Hollow series. Please read Ruin's Lot: Reaper's Hollow Book 1 before you read Ruin's Promise.


Ruin's Legacy: Reaper's Hollow Book 3

The time has come, and Ru must fulfill her destiny.Now that Ru Roberts has come to accept that she’s a Keeper, a half-angel charged with sending Grim Reapers back to Hell, she’s been charged with a difficult task: close the remaining three portals to Hell, trapping the Reapers on Earth where they can be destroyed.But first, she has to find the portals. And then—she’ll have to actually close them, a task that takes incredible power, and she has no idea if she’s up to the challenge.Not only is Ruin uncertain how to locate the portals, she also knows she must defeat Thanatos, the most powerful Reaper of all. When he tells her he also has a mission—and that involves killing her—Ru’s task becomes even more complicated. She knows the son of Azrael, the demon who commands all the Reapers, will stop at nothing when it comes to hunting her down and putting an end to Ru’s undertaking—and her life.Will Ru locate the portals and close them before Thanatos finds her?Ruin’s Legacy is the final installment of the Reaper’s Hollow three book series. Please read books 1 and 2 first, Ruin's Lot and Ruin's Promise.


Absolution: The Clandestine Saga Book 4

Nothing can absolve her from this burden….Death changes everything, something Cadence Findley knows all too well, and this time she holds herself personally responsible for the mistakes that cost her team dearly.Following the death of her friend at the hands of rogue Vampire Hunters, Cadence and her team must find the leader of the renegades and bring him to justice. Only then will she begin to forgive herself for surviving the surprise attack that took someone they can never replace.In the meantime, Giovani, the Vampire Cadence holds responsible for the death of her ex-boyfriend, is hatching a diabolical scheme of his own. Can he concoct a plan that will enable him to take Cadence out once and for all? Or will the LIGHTS team find a way to rid the world of Giovani and his maniacal group of Vampires?The Clandestine Saga follows the story of Cadence Findley, Vampire Hunter extraordinaire, as she embarks on a quest to rid the world of Vampires. She is part of an elite team of Hunters and Guardians know as LIGHTS whose sole purpose is to protect humans from the creatures that lurk in the shadows.It is best if this series is read in order.


Repercussion: The Clandestine Saga Book 3

Life is made up of choices. Sometimes the wrong ones will get you killed....Killing her ex-boyfriend Jack wasn't Cadence Findley's decision, but she'd done it just the same. Heartbroken over losing him and struggling to comprehend her break up with the only other man she's ever loved, Cadence Findley has made the difficult choice to leave her team of Vampire Hunters and strike out on her own.As she seeks out and destroys some of the most villainous bloodsuckers in existence, she proves she is a force to be reckoned with. She's just begun to adjust to this new life, even finding herself tempted by love again, when a call from her former team changes everything.A band of renegade Vampire Hunters requests assistance in tracking down the one Cadence holds responsible for Jack's death. However, the hunt goes terribly wrong, and her team of Vampire Hunters becomes the prey. In the aftermath, Cadence realizes she's not only lost one of her best friends, her team is in shambles, and she's faced with a reality where there is no Guardian Leader.Can Cadence overcome insurmountable odds and pull her team back together in order to avenge the death of her friend? The Clandestine Saga follows the story of Cadence Findley, Vampire Hunter extraordinaire, as she embarks on a quest to rid the world of Vampires. She is part of an elite team of Hunters and Guardians know as LIGHTS whose sole purpose is to protect humans from the creatures that lurk in the shadows.It is suggested that you read Transformation: The Clandestine Saga Book One and Resurrection: The Clandestine Saga Book Two before you read Repercussion: The Clandestine Saga Book Three


Resurrection: The Clandestine Saga Book 2

Love cries out from beyond the grave….Cadence Findley is devastated to learn that her ex-boyfriend, Jack, has died of a mysterious illness. When his body goes missing from the morgue, the situation becomes even more complicated. Is he really dead, or could Jack Cook be un-dead?Adjusting to her new life as a Vampire Hunter is complex. Already distracted by her growing feelings for sexy Guardian Leader, Aaron, Cadence is unsure what to make of the situation with Jack. When her ex begins to break the rules and claim innocent lives, Aaron insists Cadence is the only one who can destroy Jack once and for all. Faced with the unfathomable, can Cadence bring Jack's terrifying reign to an end, or will her refusal create a chasm that forces her to give up her team of Vampire Hunters forever?The Clandestine Saga follows the story of Cadence Findley, Vampire Hunter extraordinaire, as she embarks on a quest to rid the world of Vampires. She is part of an elite team of Hunters and Guardians know as LIGHTS whose sole purpose is to protect humans from the creatures that lurk in the shadows.Please read Transformation: The Clandestine Saga Book 1 before reading Resurrection: The Clandestine Saga Book 2

FantasyVampireFemale lead

Girl In the Attic: Ashes and Rose Petals Book 1

A contemporary mash-up retelling of Cinderella and Romeo and Juliet.Ella Sinders is content to toil away as a graphic designer for the company owned by her absent father. She spends all her time in the attic of his large home, taking orders from her stepmother, fear of what lies outside of her own front door keeping her from wandering afar—until an accidental phone call opens her eyes to the lies she’s been told. Now, she’s desperate to reach the man on the other end of the line to see if they can build a life together. However, the discovery that the one she’s falling for is the son of her father’s sworn enemy complicates the situation even more so than her stepmother’s deception.Rome Verona wants nothing more than to make a name for himself amidst the glitter and gold of LA’s elite. His father might be a big name movie producer, but Rome wants to build his own legacy. When an accidental phone call leads him to the daughter of his father’s nemesis, Rome will do whatever it takes to find Ella and set her free, even if it means giving up everything he’s worked so hard for.Can these star-crossed lovers overcome the obstacles and find the happily-ever-after they deserve?This is book 1 in a three part series.

RomanceTrue LoveFemale lead

Ruin's Lot: Reaper's Hollow Book One

Someone is killing unmarked souls, and Ru Roberts is the only one that can stop them. That's a bit of a problem, though, since she has no idea she's a Keeper.Adopted as a small child, Ru knows next to nothing about her birth parents. Her new mom insists she was given up because she "ruins everything." Hence, her name-Ruin. Yet, Ru has managed to make a life for herself in the small town of Reaper's Hollow, working as a fourth grade teacher, which she loves. If it wasn't for her inability to touch anything electrical without starting a fire, she'd be the happiest girl in Upstate New York.That is, until the charming and devastatingly handsome Cutter Michaels moves into the classroom across the hallway and starts filling her head with all sorts of unbelievable fantasies. He claims she is the lost Keeper, the daughter of a half-angel and a half-demon, and she is the only one who can help him locate three portals the Reapers, as in Grim Reaper, are using to ferry souls away to the Underworld. Ru knows he's lost his mind, and yet she finds herself being sucked into his delusions more and more each day. The fact that he can shoot blue fire out of his hands might have something to do with that.Once she begins having strange dreams where she comes face to face with Thanatos, the most powerful Reaper of all, Ru begins to think there might be more to Cutter's story than she's been giving him credit for. Will joining Cutter lead her to find her biological parents and discover the powers coursing through her veins, or will Thanatos claim her for his own?Ruin's Lot is the first book in the Reaper's Hollow series which follows the metamorphosis of Ru Roberts as she discovers who she really is, where she comes from, and how to wield the power within her. Will the Keepers successfully close the three portals, or will the Reaper's continue to claim unmarked souls whose names are not yet written in The Book of the Dead?


Transformation: The Clandestine Saga Book1

If vampires aren't real, what did she just kill?Cadence Findley never gave much thought to vampires until one night when a dark encounter changed her life forever.When her friend is lured into the woods by a stranger with steel-gray eyes and pale skin, Cadence instinctively knows he is dangerous, so she follows at a distance. Moments later, she finds herself all alone with his decapitated head--and her friend's body at her feet.Except she's not really alone. A mysterious man appears out of nowhere and insists she runs. The monster has friends--the blood sucking kind. And now, they are coming for her.Swept into a world full of creatures she never dreamed existed, Cadence is left with a choice. Can she outrun the clan of vampires who've marked her for death, or should she follow the advice of the sexy man in black who warned her in the woods and now insists she transform into a vampire hunter?Will Cadence escape the bloodsuckers on her tail as she enters the secret world of vampires and guardians, hunters and hybrids?This is book one in a nine book series.

UrbanVampireFemale lead

You Are the Reason: Nashville Country Dreams Part 3

Will a ghost from their past ruin their future?Bree and Trent have been through so much since they realized they are meant to be together. As Bree recovers from her injuries and attempts to get her band back to their touring plan, Trent's ex-fiancee reappears on the scene. Even though Monica claims her intentions are good, Trent suspects she's back to cause trouble.When Monica invites Bree's band to play at a local music show, it becomes clear what it is Trent's ex is really looking for. Will Bree see her true colors in time to keep disaster from striking all over again?You Are the Reason is the final installment in the Nashville Country Dreams trilogy. You'll want to read Meant to Marry Me and Lead Me Home before reading You Are the Reason.

RomanceTrue LovePopstar

Lead Me Home: Nashville Country Dreams Book 2

Can a love that’s meant to be overcome all obstacles, or are some circumstances just too much to overcome?Bree and Trent are together at last, and she couldn’t be happier. Her career is taking off, her record label is helping her form a band, and Trent’s starting a new business in Nashville. For Bree, everything in the world seems perfect.But with the formation of the band comes hidden threats. A hot guitarist who let’s Bree know how he feels, a keyboardist who seems to crave the spotlight for herself, and a series of unfortunate events that land Bree in the hospital fighting for her life.Through the chaos, will Trent stay by her side, or will he be tempted by an admirer of his own?Maybe everything that seems meant to be doesn’t always lead to a happy ending.This is part two of the series. Please read Meant to Marry Me: Nashville Country Dreams Part 1 first.

RomanceTrue LoveFemale lead

Meant to Marry Me: Nashville Country Dreams Part 1

Bree Matthews has always had two dreams:① To become a famous country singer② To marry Trent Walker. Bree and Trent grew up together as good friends. College, life, and a million other things come between them, and even though they’ve come close to giving love a try, by the time Bree’s on the brink of musical success in Nashville, she’s lost track of the man she once dreamed would be the one.When an old friend begs Bree to sing at her sister’s wedding, Bree’s in for a huge surprise. The groom is none other than her first love—Trent!Convinced she’s capable of sticking it out, Bree decides to follow through with her obligations and sing at Trent’s wedding, but as secrets come to light, she begins to realize the bride isn’t good enough for him. Will Bree tell Trent the truth in time to stop the wedding? Will he believe her?Is Trent truly meant to marry Bree?If you love romances with lots of twists and turns and plenty of opportunities to suspend belief, then you’ll love this new series. Part 1 of a finished 3 part series.

RomanceFemale leadStudent
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