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Contract With The Cold-Hearted Billionaire

The danger and difficulties in life, when a famous, arrogant and wealthy young man like Tristan, who appears like a gentleman, but a beast inside, how could one not use him for a good example for their kids, seeing the kind of humble and responsible life, he shows to people? Contract With The Cold-Hearted Billionaire is a romantic story for everyone, and also full of lessons to every teens, young and old men and women, who chooses their career and wealth, over the betterment of their kids, and also those who look down on the less privileged and poor people.


The Ruthless And Horny Billionaire

"You were flirting with my client right in front of me, I knew you were trying to get back at me, well you won! Because I'm so mad that I'm going to punish you for it!" He pushed me inside, grabbed my lips and kissed me roughly. "There will be no time for foreplay…" ------------------------------------------------------ I never thought I could meet Carl again, at my darkest moments. “GET OUT OF MY OFFICE OR SUCK MY DICK” He screamed at me. I flushed with embarrassment, how could the gentleman I had secretly in love with for years become this grumpy? Yet still, he is hot as hell and I want him so badly. The first time I saw Carl, he was the heir of Manson Empire, and I was nobody but a little intern. He was successful and respected, yet always being caring and gentle. I was clumsy and shy, yet full of dreams and ambition. He had never laid an eye on me, but he was always the beacon lighting up my world. Until my world collapsed. So I ran.


The Arrogant Billionaire And His Contract Wife

‘Three months Leonardo Giovanni Legend, you have an ultimatum of three months to present a wife, or else you lose everything’ Grandpa Alexandra ranted at him that morning. ‘You want me to get a wife? No problem, you’ll have my marriage certificate one month from now’ he said with a confidence that surprised even him. 'Don't think you can be tricky about this, you are my only heir and you've been reckless, if you don't get married in a month, I will donate all your inheritance to charity. And don't think you can get divorced immediately after marriage, for each year you stay married, you get half of your inheritance, so you will have to be married for not less than three years without divorce to be able to get all your inheritance, the last part of the inheritance will come when you have a legitimate child from the marriage.' *** Meet Leonardo Giovanni a Full time playboy, trap between love and inheritance. How was he going to get a wife in 30 days? Even though he got married within 30 days, Do you think he can find true love? What happened when a complicated Contract marriage become the sweetest love story ever? Grap your popcorn now and let’s go on a mission to watch the Romantic and emotional moment that’s about to be unraveled in this amazing story.

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