Everyone always says I am Lucky. No pun intended because that's my name as well or that's at least what people think I am called. I am living the dream of most boys and girls out there. At the age of six, I got my lucky break in a movie and I haven't stopped living in the spotlight. There comes a time in your life where you have to decide what's going to be best for you. To keep on living the dream or to finally escape. Fame can make or break you.
Sometimes all it takes is believing. One person can change the way you look at life. Dawn doesn't believe in true love or that it even exists, she takes life too seriously and with that, she doesn't see the beautiful things life can give to her. Hayden lives life to the fullest enjoying every moment of it. He is one of the most positive people ever put on planet earth. He sees the good in everything and everyone, no matter how you treat him. What will happen when faith brings Hayden and Dawn together?