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The Mistress Temptation

Erin was pleased with Syd's attention. But as time passed, she became aware of her husband's unusual behavior. She gradually realized that she might be having another woman besides herself. She also didn't hesitate to spy on her husband because she knew her friend Nadia was crazy about him. Erin can't afford to have a child for Syd, which is one of the reasons she's afraid to leave and trade places with someone else. He followed it one night to a quiet and secluded location. It was then that she realized what everyone was saying was correct. Her husband was a jerk. It's a Mafia boss with a large crew. Because of what happened, he chose Syd, and luckily, she chose him. They were about to leave when Nadia took a step back. Syd is upset with Erin because she misidentified her in the sex video with her friend Nicholai. It was an accident that Syd left. It had lost its memory as a result of the accident. Erin did not give up, despite the fact that it was extremely painful for her. Syd has no recollection of her as a result of the accident. She fought the husband despite the fact that her adversary was the pain Syd was causing her. Syd and Nadia were in a relationship, but she couldn't do anything because every time she fought with Syd, he asked to break up with her. Until one day she caught the two having sex. Erin could only cry and accept what was happening. She ran into Nadia and her friend as they were talking one afternoon. She could hear what the two storms were talking about that had completely destroyed her world. Nadia is expecting a child with her husband. She also learned from that woman that Syd did not have amnesia and was only acting to exact revenge on him. Because of what she discovered, he abandoned his love for her husband. Syd tried to console her, but it was too late. It is appropriate for a pregnant woman. She went further away to forget. After a few years, she came to terms with everything that had happened. She has also moved on from his ex-husband.

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