The Two Who Met
As Garcia grabbed her two arms, pushing her back against the bathroom wall with her hands above her head, he started kissing her neck, groping her breasts, she couldn't breathe.
"Stop! Please!"
"Darling, stop being so difficult, you brat."
Images flashed through her mind as she screamed for help. Her throat hurt and her face were covered in tears. Stefano, Tyler, Anyone...Please...Help Me...
It was as if they heard her thoughts and screams over the loud music and chattering. Stefano tore Garcia off her, and immediately she started to crumble onto the ground.
As Stefano was hugging her trying to calm her down, Tyler was punching Garcia in the face.
"Who the hell do you think you are touching Ms.Ricci like that."
"That bitch wanted it." Garcia said bitterly as blood dripped from his nose and mouth.
Stefano was fuming with anger, but he could get his anger out later. Comforting Calla was not a matter that could be handled later.
Stefano picked up Calla's hand with the ring he put on a couple of hours ago, "You look right here Garcia. Do you see this ring? That's right, she's mine and I don't share what's mine. Ever."
With a look of shock covering Garcia's entire face, "Take this bastard out of here, Tyler."
As long as she wanted to be his, he will always be by her side one way or another.