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Obsession {Tonight we are young}

Her nipples tuck at the slim silk as she bounced close to him.    Wrong move!!    He didn't try to move back, he just stood still as he felt something growing rapidly in his zipper area. He swore softly as she angrily tuck her stray hair behind her ears breathing heavily.    "Are you fucking listening?" She yelled, "Oh! You gat to be kidding me, you break into my apartment, went to my kitchen, maybe went through my stuff, and now! YOU.ARE. FUCKING. LOOKING. LIKE. I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL I'M SAYING!".    Williams didn't flinch, he moved closer swiftly, it almost look supernatural. If they had a third party the person would have vouch Melissa was the person who moved.    Weird!   Seconds ago she was a few meters away yelling at him, but there she stood, wrapped in his strong arms. For what felt like an eternity she didn't want to move, there was no possible reason why she felt safe and super wet but she still prefer to be a bitch for a second or more.    It wasn't until Williams smashed his lips on hers in a devouring kiss! He smiled on her lips as she flinched and struggled to pull out but he held her firm, kissing her passionately, kissing her as he had never kissed before.


The Billionaire's One Night Stand

Four years ago, I decided to act out of point and that lead me to have the two most wonderful beings in my life.     I thought I could keep them alone forever until their father offered me a contract.    Worst, he had no idea I was the one-night stand he had four years ago. He had no idea I had produced cute secrets for him.         I have to work to take care of my babies, but on the contrary, what would their father do when he realize his contract had been backed by our secrets.

contemporaryOne-night standSecond Chance

Sex with My Mafia Stepbrother

The tiny sound. That low vibrating sound!    I kept hoping Luciano would walk out now instead of looking around like he is trying to get something right. It better not be that he is listening to the noise.      I bit my lower lips to subdue the shameless moan about escaping. My breath became uneven as I tried to slowly lower my left hand into the duvet but it wasn't working, that hot asshole had his gaze fixed on me.     His lips curved into a sly smirk as he shrugged, moved his hair behind his ears and walked away.     "I don't want to know what the heck you were doing, Tiff, next time, just lock the goddam doooooor!". ****************** It was supposed to be a normal siblings bond. Doing the forbidden wasn't part of the idea but Tiffany had other plans. Especially when all she wanted was get fvcked by her hot step brother.


Stuck between two bad boys

I heaved a sigh of relief as soon as he left, it was like I let out the air I didn't realize I was holding until he turn to look at my red face. Since I didn't want him to know I had been awake, I closed my eyes immediately.    "I know you are Awake," Xavier said "Your red chins can tell more than they should" he went silent for a while then sigh aloud "About what happened earlier, it was a mistake and I am sorry"   WHAT!!!   My heart stopped beating for a few seconds before resuming. I refuse to believe what I just heard until my lame brain began to play it again    'About what happened earlier, it was a mistake and I am sorry      Did he just classify my first kiss as a mistake?


Love, Lust, Revenge

"Suck it" Lu ordered.   It was more like pleading because his voice was faint. His eyes look dark, ready for pleasure as he shut them again. "Do it now" He said a little loud this time "It's all yours, just suck it" ********** From saving her as a kid, to making her his sex toy, Luciano never thought about revenge. He only worry about how she would cry if she realizes that he was the blue eyed kids that shit her father 12 years ago.

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