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The Mafia's Slave

*************** " Let me go ....! ....I'd sh**t you smart pants I'm not joking ...!" She screamed as she tried to pull out her Gun from her geans but I slamm`ed her back on the wall as she winced Angrily. " I'd be a good little girl if I were you Cupcake ..." I whispered in her ears as my fingers trailed her legs Dirtly. " Shhhhhhhh Neomi ...you know you want this " He whispered and she tried to winced but mo"ned as he slammed his lips on hers . She pulled away like she'd just been burned . " Kissing me doesn't change a thing Sergio ...you better watch your back because the more you want me ...the more I'd lead you to your Death ..." She spat as I ran my fingers in my hair . " Kill me if you can " I spat angrily and she pointed her gun at me which made me smirk . " This is what I like ...Cupcake ...this feisty nature ...it just makes it more interesting when I'd have you on my bed .... Crying my name like your life depends on it ...." " Begging for more " " I will break you Neomi ...untill you have no Power to fight me Anymore ..."


Burning Desires

" The Boss does not allow anyone to get in his personal space , do not breath in his presence ...avoid him " The head maid said and I raised my eyebrows . " You heard me Avoid him ...And make sure you are not anywhere close to him unless he asks for your presence " she said and I gave a nod pulling my wig properly to make sure the Make up was thick Enough to give wrinkles to my face . No one should know I'm not Old . No one should know who I am and where I'm coming from " I thought as I hugged myself close ..... No one Not even Dragon . ********* Emelio Calm , Sensitive , Gentleman ,Sweet , Calculative and Quiet are the perfect words to Describe Emelio De Luca . He's an Artist a Vocalist a songwriter Grammy award winner and has numerous Awards to back his Successful Career . Girls roam around him and Guys want to be him , but Emelio is just a hurt soul that hides behind the facade of a successful Musician with the money fame and glamour . He's the son to one of Richest And most powerful Crime families ,the De Luca's . Having lost his fiancee to the troubles that comes with the mafia ,he wants nothing to do with the mafia . After watching four of his brothers tie the knot and live with their families . He Doesn't want to find love , neither Does he want to move on from his late lover . But what happens when the strings of love starts connecting him to love again ...that too a love that leads all the way to the mafia ? HARMONY MARCELO /VALENTINO AGE : 26 Beautiful , Mysterious , Wise and Smart are the perfect words to Describe Harmony . Growing up with an Abusive mother and Sold out to a Childtrafficker is not the life anyone wants ,yet Harmony is pulled into that life and has to live under the wings of the one man who's Obsession runs so deep he would kill to have her . She Does one thing she believes Would save her and help her find her lost sister . Run For months Harmony has been on the run ,but what happens when she gets into Emelio's Space ? . Young women are not allowed in his mansion . So what if young women are not aloud ? Old women are right ? Right ?


Married to a Star (Mr Grumpy)

Ever been in a situation where you feel like you have no choice? Where you feel like the world is against you? She's Hailey Bratt. She's the daughter of a nobody. or maybe somebody. She had lived the whole of her life in California. What happens when she goes to Australia? She's 22 years of age, elegant, beautiful, humble but bad-mouthed. She lived the whole of her life making few friends, but Jasmine was her closest friend. Meet Asha Dawson. A 24-year-old famous musician, known all over Australia for his crazy but talented singing. As you guess Asha was a huge playboy, uses girls and dumps them without the slightest care in the world. You can call him a demi-god, because his handsomeness was part of the things that made him popular. But Asha never sticks to a girl. He happened to be in a hotel screwing a girl when Hailey walked in accidentally. What becomes their fate? When Hailey asked him for monetary assistant? When was she forced to marry him? Or.. When their love blossomed? . . .


One Night Stand with My Boss

".. You smell the same way you did 3 years back." Bradley whispered and placed a light kiss on her perky nipples. Iris froze. What does he mean? she'd never met him until she started working for him. How does he know her then? "W..What are you saying Brad? she asked pushing his head away from her chest. He grinned. "I'm him, the guy you had a nightstand with three years back." . . Iris Ollie, a 24-year-old college dropout who had a nightstand with a strange man because she needed funds. Her stepfather and brothers weren't helping matters as they pushed her out of the house when they found out she's pregnant for a total stranger. 3 years passed by and Iris got a job with SHINY GLAMOURS as a secretary to the grumpy boss Bradley Jordan-... Bradley Jordan, CEO of the biggest company in Texas, a fashion designer and a popular demigod. A 27-year-old billionaire, who was searching for the lady whom he had a nightstand with 3 years back. His seductress in black, her scent was the only thing he remembered about her that night, he'd never seen her face. but it was already three years gone. . What happens when she is employed to work as his secretary?


The survivor

Don't let anyone escape, kill them all, young and old, elite or poor, no one must survive, the general command the army as they keep slaying the people of Chan Che Du. Cries of agony fill the atmosphere and with the the sound of swords as the people were slain. A little distance from the war zone, a woman was seen running with her five years old son and warriors chasing them as they ran. Getting to a corner the woman pull her son and drop a pill into her mouth. Swallow it my son, she said panicking Mom, why should I swallow this pill? Why are we running away from those men, the son asked. Son, what happened today is what you must remember forever and fight for our people's freedom, and remember don't fall in love or trust anyone, the woman said as she magically force the pill down the son throat. Now go, I've transferred all my power unto you she said. Mom what about you? What about Dad and my siblings? They are all dead, just remember what I told you, now goooooo she yelled as a whirlwind descend on the son and carried him away. Now my son is gone, I can now face the battle, the woman said as she moved out of her hidden and ran speedily towards the warrior. . With a speed of lightning she slew all the warriors.. She keep fighting until a lady appear behind her. Your highness save your strength, it's of no use, the lady said smirking. You BETRAYAL!!! How dare you show your filthy face to me, I'll surely send you to where you send my people to, with that she flew towards the lady but before she could reach her a sacred arrow that could only kill immortal was threw to her and it pierce through her chest as she fell down. SULIN, I cursed you today, the blood.of he people will surely hunt you and you'll live a miserable life throughout your life, she cursed as she turned to ashes. You've done a great job SU, a man in a royal attire said from behind. Your highness, I'm forever loyal to you, she said smiling as she bow to the man. Long may you live your MAJESTY she said and the warriors also bow saluting him. Now that my stupid brother with his family is wiped out, I can now ascend the throne he said victoriously Yes your majesty, no one can be compared to you your majesty. SULIN replied as they walked into the court chamber. I am CHENG DI and this is my story.

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