
Playboy Rehab (Book 1)

Book 1: Playboy Rehab Book 2: Two Can Play That Game Recovering from a rough relationship and a week of ice cream, Leslie King has new priorities in place for herself. Being a publicist for the billionaire entrepreneur Garret Harrison, she figures she has more important things to worry about than a man clouding her thoughts. That is until Sebastian comes along. Arrogant, selfish and unbelievably gorgeous, Sebastian has his mind set on partying until the day is gone and sleeping with as many women he pleases. After all, being the son of Garret Harrison and the heir to the Harrison empire, who could blame him? But what if it is time for a new era to begin for Sebastian? An era of responsibility and morality, the two things he despises the most? To both of their misfortune, their opposite lives soon intertwine as Leslie is given the task to turn the tabloid plastered playboy into a man fit enough to take over an internationally successful company, and Garret figures three months at Sebastian's mother's manor in Tennessee will assist in the process. Leslie has everything planned out and is ready to tackle the task. However, there are more to the Harrison's than she sees in Forbes and hears from her boss, and staying with the Harrison's for such a long period of time will bring everything to light.


Can I Still Love You

"I can do anything just to get your forgiveness." Allen says with the pleading tune. He knows that he can't be forgiven for the mistake he has done, but still, he wants to get a second chance. "Do you think getting forgiveness is so easy? NO, IT IS NOT!! I can never forgive a man like you who hurt me to the point that I have to lose my unborn child. I will never forgive you!!" Anna shouts to Allen's face. Anna is so angry and at the same time, she wants revenge for the suffering she has gone through. Why does she hate him so much? Let's find out what will happen between Allen and Anna.


My Crazy Normal

Jackson D’Angelo, the most feared Mafia Boss in the state, is ruthless and a man you do not wish to get on your wrong side. His Mafia Family is his pride, and he shall do anything to keep what he fought so hard to earn. He might seem to be your typical playboy, but the one thing he craves will be the thing that catches him by surprise. Kayley is a girl that finds herself on the wrong side of town. Her whole life is a crazy rollercoaster ride. When her path crosses with Jackson one night, the last thing that she expected was to be claimed by this Mafia Boss. Together they set out to take on what is threatening to keep them apart. Death will rule their lives, as both Jackson and Kayley try to prove their love for each other. Kayley’s only desire is to become Jackson’s Mafia Queen. Will Jackson allow her to fall deep into the Mafia world?


Reaper's Word

"I promise to give you three days full immunity from me and my hell hounds. So long as you draw what I show you, and you kiss me." Her heart stopped beating in her chest. Oh god she couldn't do that. She could barely take him touching her without freaking out. His hand moved to the side of her neck his thumb by her ear. He didn't force her to look up just waited for her decision. Isaiah had no idea if she would accept his offer or not. If she didn't then he was going to have her body right here and now. If she did then she'd get her three days, and he'd have to wait for that pleasure. More than likely he'd have to hunt her down again. That was the fun of it, either way he doubted he'd be disappointed. "What happens if I don't?" She asked. "I'm waiting for an answer." He replied and that very clearly told her that she wouldn't enjoy what he planned to do if she said no. ***** Clair's life is turned upside down when she signs what she thinks is a simple release form. What it turns out to be is binding contract that she and others were tricked into signing. She is now at the mercy of a man who is not human and his hell hounds. Trapped in a sprawling mansion that is alive with magic of its own, Clair must make every move count. Especially when she survives longer than any other. When Isaiah sets his sights on her, and decides he wants Clair for more than an entertaining game, she doesn't know if she should run or give in.


Love Conquers Every Odds

*previous known as You Conquered This Heart "Can't you stop mentioning his name again and again? I hate hearing his name from your mouth." Abhi lashed out at Siya. "Why can't I mention him? He is my true friend, I know everything about him, unlike my so called husband who hides things from me." Siya left with teary eyes. Get ready for a bit of misunderstandings between Siya and Abhi. But at the end love conquers every odds.


Mysterious CEO's Last Surrogate

Danica wakes up beside a strange man in the morning. The next day, she finds herself becoming the surrogate to a mysterious man, in the bid to save her twin sister Daniella from a ruthless mafia boss. But what she doesn't understand is, why did he change the rules? He wants her body once every month till she conceives yet, she can’t see him face to face...


Despised at First Sight

Maya is a 23 year old orphan girl who has lived in multiple homes since the death of her parents. She had one passion. To reach the highest height in her career. A few years after reaching the mid-height of her career, she comes in contact with Mark, a well known billionaire betrothed to the heir of the largest shipping and logistics company. Mark is arrogant, wealthy and yet, breathtakingly handsome. These two fall in love but Maya hides her feelings, fearing rejection whiles Mark hides his, because of pride. He calls Maya a low life girl who is not worthy of his love. As the tables turn, Maya meets Tom who is a perfect embodiment of her description of a dream man but will she be able to let go of her feelings for Mark? Will Mark be able to love her and give up the heir of the largest shipping company? Will Maya be able to reciprocate Tom's love or will she forgive Mark for how he despised her? Let's find out as the story unfolds....


Seducing The Billionaire Boss

Warning: Mature Content "You should never feel shy around me Céline..." He trailed off as his eyes moved from her face to the mound of soft skin peeking out from atop her shirt. His fingers moved dangerously low, creating a path from her neck to her cleavage. Goosebumps formed on her skin, wherever his cold fingers traced. Céline held her breathe, her folds getting wet. *** Innocent, beautiful but heartbroken Celine Fayet is out for revenge. Unable to find peace until her parent's death is avenged, she chooses one wickedly enticing option to get the money she so desperately needs, marry Damien Culhane, sexy multi-millionaire. Except that Damien, drop dead gorgeous with his panty dropping smile, has no plans of getting married. Content with his playboy ways, he cruises among the elites, leaving a trail of aching hearts wherever he goes. Until he meets stunning Celine who makes him want to have a rethink. In a clash of stunning attraction, these two begin to play wicked sensual games and even as Celine knows that the deal between them is businesslike, she finds herself falling head over heels for Damien. But when she discovers a deadly secret, something that makes her choose between vengeance and Damien, devastated Celine is stuck between her head and her heart. Who should her loyalty lie with? Damien? Or her dead parents? A thrilling tale of love, lust and revenge.


The Wedding Night

A wedding night that was supposed to be memorable for a couple turned to a sorrowful night. Melody and Franklin were happy to be married and on the night of their wedding, a terrible event occurred which leads to their separation. Now, 5 years later, they met again, and this time Franklin is now Giovanni, a ruthless billionaire who doesn't give a damn about other people's feelings. The shocking fact is that Giovanni has no memory of what happened 5 years ago and the first time they met, Giovanni couldn't recognize Melody. What happened on the wedding night that led to their separation? What happened in the past? How come Giovanni didn't recognize Melody? Read and find out in this story.



Mr.Stone is a great businessman. He is the CEO of Stone corporations in Mumbai. He earned this position with a lot of hard work. It is life for him. Actually, Mr.Stone is not his real name. He is not named like that after his company’s name. He is named like that after his personality. Ms.Pari is a loving and caring person who is kind to everyone. Being an only child, she is quite pampered by her parents. She always wants to be independent, so she starts to job hunt. It results in her moving to Mumbai, leaving her hometown. So, like we all know that melting stone is quite difficult. But is it?


My Billionaire Husband

Chase, who was poor and powerless, married Bella, the prettiest woman in the city. Therefore, he was regarded as a worthless husband. On the day Bella divorced him, Chase got an unexpected call, informing him of his grandfather's death. Chase's grandfather had left a legend book of talented medical skills and top martial arts, which brought endless killers. To keep the book, he had been tortured cruelly to death. According his grandfather's testament, Chase had to accomplish two almost impossible conditions before avenging him. One of them was to earn a hundred billion dollars. On the way to earn a hundred billion dollars, Chase met again his soulmate, Bella. In his way, he showed his talented medical skills, regained Bella's respect and affection, and started his legendary life.



He is popular, charming, and rich. She is obscurity, radiant and adorable . They say when you meet the love of your life time stops but what I say is it's not the day's that count but the moments,Because every beginning has an ending, I thought it would last forever but turns out my guess was wrong ! Moving away from Zambia to the united states of America in unfamiliar New town Amelia gets a scholarship to the most prestigious school in the state or must I say world ,she's been through a lot of hectic things in life after her parents divorcing and her moving to another country. Going to crown lake high academy changed her life up side down because she never thought she'd meet Holden Andrews the richest boy in school the boy with all the charisma also known as her once Instagram social media crush. ווו What happens when she befriends his Bestfriend Xavier Orlando and in the process he falls for her radiant Adorable nature, And also finding out that Holden isn't as charming as he is on social media.


Love Meet - Feelings of Heart and Emotions

This story is about Diya and Advik, their meet was drastic in situation. Ashi was young, beautiful and smart girl, but she works as administrative assistant at his 7 star hotel. She was working with his friend Raj, he likes her working skills and dedication with honest towards work. Raj thinks she is smart in work and capable of being Advik's assistant too. Some situation and problem in life make them near to each other and they fall in love. What was the drastic situation that they meet? Something happens which make them separate. How will they get together and what was the reason behind their separation? Let's read it further in the story. Don't forget to like, support and share.


The Billionaire's Unwanted Bride

"How about I kiss you just to prove that you aren't attracted to me?" "What?!" She exclaims and scoffs. "Do I look like some cheap slut to you?" "No. You look decent but I just want to be sure you aren't attracted to me as you claimed." I can see she lied. She finds me attractive. I know I am the most handsome man she has ever seen in her entire life. But she doesn't want me to know that. She has not recovered from the shock of my question when I place my hand on her waist and the next minute, my lips are on hers. She gasps as I kissed her softly. Her eyes are wide open in surprise, and I can hear her heart beating twice it's normal rate. My eyes are also open because I want to see her expression. I can sense her thoughts. She can't believe she is kissing another man just a day after breaking up with her first boyfriend. She feels she is cheating on him. She has never kissed anyone else but her first boyfriend. Kissing another man who is me feels different. I know all of this from her expression. I am gentle with her. When I bite her lower lips, she releases a moan and closes her eyes to enjoy the moment, forgetting the fact that she is trying to hide her emotions from the man standing before her. I close my eyes too and trail my hand down her thigh, I raise her left leg. She gasps again. Still kissing her, I carried her with the left leg to the slab, placing her back to the large mirror. I didn't stop kissing her as I found my way out of my trousers and shorts. I guided her out of her dress too and stop kissing her. "Should I go....." She nods in anticipation, breathing hard.


Babysitting His Baby

Book 1: Babysitting His Baby KABIR SHAN is a billionaire who finds himself driven by a lady he calls not his type after his wife left him. He tends to fight for his love for her, his child, and the religious backgrounds between them. Can he be able to or will everything fall apart? Book 2: Sister's Trouble Both sisters fight to get the attention of a young bachelor that just arrived in town. Doing all they can to outrun each other. Will they see the handwriting on the wall and rephrase their steps?


The emotionless genius




She’s a beauty, but he’s just a geek. The world might think billionaire Xavier Gaines has it all, but he’s got a big problem. His successful software company is about to sign a government contract that’ll land him smack in the glare of the public limelight, and his lifelong battle with social anxiety has marked him as a cold, uncaring bastard in the eyes of the press. To dispel the unflattering image, he needs help, and there’s only one person he trusts with the job, Peyton Smoke. Gorgeous, kind, and funny, she agrees to be his media relations director and soon imbeds herself so deeply in his life, his world will crumble if anything upsets the balance. He cannot screw up their solid unit. No matter how achingly he desires her. Yet, how is he supposed to resist when she tugs emotions from him he didn’t think he was capable of experiencing? Especially since it appears he’s not the only one fighting their undeniable attraction. Ever-after just might be possible...if he can convince her to believe in love again. Peyton Smoke is looking for a change, and working at Gaines Industries has given her the boost she needs to fill the empty void in her life. Xavier is the perfect boss. Under his seemingly callous, frigid demeanor lies a compassionate man who cares about causes and those precious few he lets into his inner circle. What she wasn’t prepared for is the smoldering passion suddenly flaring between them, nor the hot-as-sin alpha side beneath the layer of sexy nerd. Getting involved with him puts more than her job at risk. She’s been trampled one too many times, and she vowed never to leave herself vulnerable again. But the heart wants what the heart wants. If only she can figure out whether his feelings are genuine or if this is a mistaken case of gratitude wrapped in lust, then their shot at forever may not seem like such a fruitless hope.



*A stand-alone novel with a happily ever after* Billionaire photographer Noah Caldwell has spent 10 years biding his time for the chance to tell his best friend Raven Crowne the truth. He wants her. With the threat that brought him to her in the first place finally behind him, they begin a hot affair he's only dreamed about. And reality is far better than fantasy. Yet beautiful Raven has her own dark history which he's trying desperately to release from her. But as their passion deepens and turns into more, his past rises up from the shadows to claim one last victim and he could lose the only person he can't live without. ****** "A sexy, emotional romance that tears up the pages." ---KIM KARR, New York Times Bestselling Author "The erotic aspect of Exposure is overwhelmingly adventurous, intense, and emotional, and the suspense adds an edginess that steadily amplifies reader anticipation. Once again, Moran delivers a poignant and passionate must-read." ---USA Today's HEA Blog


Heart Won (Book 2)

Book2:Heart Won! After being betrayed by the two people Marilí loved, she decided to go to Italy. In her country of origin, she manages to meet again and be happy again with the help of third parties, but it is as they say "He who leaves without being thrown out, returns without being called" and she does just that. After an unexpected visit ... Daughter's love makes her return to the same place where one day she left with her broken heart, but she will not return alone, with her come new problems, new dramas, and many uncomfortable situations. Can Marilí pass what they will say? Or will she simply be indifferent to everything and leave it as it is? Book1:Virginity Sold! Marilí Cook is a girl of just 18 years old, her life with her mother is not easy, she was abandoned by her father before she was born, she struggles every day to get ahead, but her mother's illness will lead her to make a decision that for some it is frowned upon to "sell your virginity to the highest bidder" and thereby help your mother. An ambitious man, wealthy, tyrant and with dark desires who always gets what he wants, crosses Marilí's path. A contract that seemed easy turns into an odyssey or maybe a pleasure? This arrangement will take you both through a world of desire and pleasure.


His Mysterious Love

MATURE CONTENTS Irene hates that she needs to accept the mysterious man's offer to her—to be intimate with him—in order to pay for her father's medication. She hates that she needs to endure his intimidating, ruthless and dangerous aura. She hates that she needs to be with him to pay the debt. Later on, she realized that she's actually hating the fact that she needs to be frustrated and confused... to his mysterious way of loving.

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