
Secret Sins

She couldn’t stand it. She couldn’t stand being around him. Watching him, wanting to rub against the hard corded strength of his body, desperate to taste a kiss from the controlled line of his sensual lips. He looked like a pirate. Like a desperado pretending to be a sheriff, and he made her want to run even as he made her want to cling to him. She couldn’t stand it.


Sarahs Seduction

Sarah was everything he wanted, everything he had dreamed of for over a year now. He had waited, put aside any thought of her until she turned eighteen, ignored his rising lust each time she smiled at him. Just as he now ignored the little voice in his head that said she was still too young. Much too young for what he needed from her. But how could he resist her any longer? His body ached for her, his cock throbbed with a constant erection, his hands itched to stroke her silken skin. He was starving for the touch, the taste of her, and could no longer deny himself the pleasure he knew he would find in it. So, he watched and he waited, planning just the right time, just the right way to draw her to him. She wanted him; he could see it in the soft golden brown eyes, the flush that mounted her cheeks when she looked at him. The way her hands trembled and her breasts rose and fell with her quickened breathing. And he knew when she left the party after receiving his note to search the shadows of the house for him, that she needed him, too. “Sarah?” He moved from where he hid as she stepped hesitantly toward him. “Where’s your shadow?” Mark Tate had been damned near impossible for him to get rid of. “Mark?” She bit her lip nervously, glancing back at the corner of the house as though afraid the other man would suddenly appear. “He went off to the barn with some of his friends.” She turned back to him, watching him intently in the dim light of the full moon. “He’s just a friend, Brock.”



“Easy, Red. Fuck yes, baby, there we go, take it all.” Red, or Kimberly Madison, lay back on the walnut table, her hands tied to the straps attached to the sides of it, her legs elevated by Sax as he slowly fed his cock up her tight, well-lubricated ass. Her head thrashed on the hard surface; beads of perspiration dotted her face, her full luscious breasts and peaked nipples. It ran in rivulets down her waist, a small amount pooled in the tiny indention of her bellybutton and her thighs glistened with it and the added mixture of thick juice that accumulated from her bare, flushed pussy. Sax had her thighs spread wide, bracing them with his muscular arms as he slowly fucked the petite little redhead while she screamed and bucked against him, begging for release. It was a sight Jared Raddington was certain would be burned in his mind forever.


Only Pleasure

Kia Rutherford-Stanton opened the door to her penthouse suite and stared at the man on the other side. Dressed in dark slacks and a gray dress shirt, he appeared far more dangerous than the clothing and the handsome, quiet features would suggest. Thick black hair was pulled back from the honed, strong features of his face and secured at his nape. He looked wicked, forbidden, and dangerous. And, unfortunately, he was the very man she had hoped wouldn't be knocking at her door despite the fantasies she'd often had of him in the past. She knew him. Everyone knew who Chase Falladay was, and those who didn't soon learned. According to her bastard husband, he was also the one man she didn't want standing on her doorstep. As though she should be frightened of him. Perhaps that was her mistake. It was never fear that filled her whenever she was around Chase. Wariness at times. Uncertainty. And since her marriage, an awareness that she shouldn't be anywhere near him. But fear had never been one of those emotions. "What do you want?" She wondered if the bruises on her face were still apparent. She didn't think so. She'd spent forever on her makeup that morning. It seemed her husband, Carl "Drew" Stanton, hadn't been pleased when he found out that his wife had no intentions of taking him back, or of retracting the information spilling through their social set that he had not only attempted to rape her along with another man, but that he and that man were part of a club created for just such morally questionable acts. As though she wanted that to get out. As though it didn't humiliate her as much as it did him. That didn't mean she had to do anything to help him. And the backhanded blow he had given her in response had strengthened her resolve that she didn't care if he fried in society. She could weather any gossip because, frankly, she didn't give a damn.


Killer Secrets

Slopping into the ICU Unit of the private military hospital wasn't an easy task. It would be considered insane from most men's point of view. Even a SEAL's. But that was exactly what former Lieutenant Ian Richards of the Navy SEALs did. Under the cover of night, he managed to slip into the hospital, make his way to the ICU, and wait until the guard at Nathan Malone's door dozed off before he slipped in, in the guise of an orderly. His first sight of his friend nearly stole his breath. Sweet Jesus. Nathan was in so many damned casts and wrapped in so many bandages he looked more like a mummy than a man. But it was a far sight easier on the eyes than the naked, ravaged SEAL they had dragged out of Fuentes's compound four months before. Tortured, beaten, sliced and diced. His face had been so disfigured it was hard to tell he was human, let alone the friend Ian had known for the better part of his life. How the hell Nathan had survived the nineteen months in Fuentes's care, Ian couldn't even imagine. Drugged constantly on the powerful date rape drug known as whore's dust, and encouraged repeatedly to rape the women brought to him, Nathan had lived in hell. The reports they had gathered indicated he had never taken one of the women locked in the cells with him, but the doctors and psychologists working with him said he might never recover from the amount of drugs pumped into his system. Ian knew better. Nathan was strong. Too damned strong to let Fuentes win like this.


Marlys Choice

Marly’s eyes opened slowly, blinking in awareness that he watched her. Cade stood beside her bed, his body hard and aroused, his eyes nearly black as he stared at her naked body. Those eyes focused between her thighs, where her fingers moved slowly on her smooth flesh, the small bud of her clit clearly visible as she massaged it sensuously. Her breath halted in her throat. He stood naked, his erection long and thick, one hand massaging it with slow, even strokes, his lashes lowered over the lust filled look in his eyes. Breathing harshly, Marly watched him lower himself beside her. She shook, recognizing the dream, but needing him so badly, she could only pray that this time, this time it was real. He stretched out on his side, one arm going beneath her neck, bracing himself on his elbow, his other hand touching her cheek gently. His body was hot and vibrant, heating her blood, her passion.


Guilty Pleasure

"Traitorous fucking bastard!" Marty Mathews stared at her boss, division chief Vince Deerfield, with a hidden sense of surprise as he threw the thick file on Khalid el Hamid-Mustafa across the desk. The dull, yellow folder hit, slid, then fell from the desk to scatter loose sheets of information and pictures at her feet. Khalid el Hamid-Mustafa. The bastard son of a Saudi sheikh suspected of terrorism. His father, Azir Mustafa, was a religious hardliner, a man who ruled one of the more barren sections of Saudi Arabia, on the Iraq border. He had tarred his sons with his own brush and in doing so had subjected Khalid to years of suspicion by the United States. It was the reason Marty had been tailing Khalid for the past two years. As an FBI agent, one on the low end of the totem pole as far as her boss was concerned, Marty had been stuck playing babysitter and peeping Thomasina to one of the most sexually active men she had ever laid her eyes on. A dark, brooding, dangerous man. There was no doubt in her mind that Khalid Mustafa would be a very dangerous man to cross. If she had doubted it, then the information her godfather had given her over the past years would have confirmed it. There was a reason why she had never reported any of the more suspicious activities Khalid had engaged in. Quite simply, it was because he engaged in them at the orders of her godfather, the director of the FBI. "No comment?" Vince snarled, his heavy brows lowered, his hazel green eyes spitting fire and brimstone back at her. "I'm the agent who's followed him for the past two years," she replied politely. "As my reports state, there's no evidence to support the suspicion that Mr. Mustafa has any ties to a terrorist community." Vince threw himself back in his chair and glared at her now. That glare was nerve-racking. It boded ill to any agent on the receiving end of it. Unfortunately, she was the agent in question. "Two years," he snapped. "I gave you two years, Agent Mathews, to find just a shred of evidence to support the suspicions we have against him. Two years. I could have convicted a five-year-old with that amount of time on my hands."


Erins Kiss

The night had finally wound down, the last customer urged out the door, and the Broken Bar was closed up for the night. Standing next to the counter, Erin Masters surveyed the pristine area critically, ensuring everything was ready for the next night. The head bartender and club manager, Jake Manning, had left her in charge of cleaning and restocking the various bottles of drinks kept on hand. The large crowds known to descend on the nightclub on any given night left no time to replace bottles. And he was damned picky about making certain everything, down to the last speck of dust, was cleaned away and the serving area ready to go the next evening. Glancing to the mirrored wall behind the wide counter, she found the neon BROKEN BAR sign. Her gaze moved to the camera eye in the center of it, then gave it her customary wink. She knew the girl that worked the security recordings. The wink was a nightly salute. Gabby would roll her eyes, Erin knew, and remember the night they’d had one drink too many, and revealed how each of them had become fixated on one of the Broken Bar’s security agents. For Gabby, it was Iron. For Erin, it was the hard, tough Turk Rogan. Folding the damp bar towel she’d used to clean the wood bar, Erin pushed it into the small plastic bag of towels used that night and tied the bag closed. Picking it up she pushed through the swinging doors to the kitchen, finally relaxing at the thought of going home for the night.



She was a vision of beauty. Too fucking young, but her eyes weren’t those of a twenty-two-year-old. They were the eyes of a woman who had seen too much, who had known too much danger, too much pain. Jordan watched as she went through the strenuous training maneuvers the Elite Operations backup team was putting her through and wondered how the hell he was going to say no to her. She wasn’t strong enough to match the Elite Operations agents in physical strength or endurance, but she was more than a match for them in speed and ingenuity. “She has no place to go, Jordan. She’s spent her life running from her father and her brother. She doesn’t have the education or the job skills to step out of this life. This is all she has.” Kira Richards stood beside him, the former CIA asset somber, persuasive as she attempted to smooth over the anger Jordan knew he wasn’t hiding. He’d arrived at the training facility to check the status of his nephew, now known as Noah Blake, as well as the other operatives that were a part of his Elite Operations command. He hadn’t expected to find this tiny, sprite of a woman with masses of red hair, haunted green eyes and a too sad face sparring with the nephew in question. “Elite Operations isn’t an orphanage, Kira,” he reminded her, careful to keep his tone cold, emotionless. He couldn’t show the chink he knew this young woman had put in his defenses the first time he had met her two years before in Aruba during the Diego Fuentes operation. The operation involving Kira’s now husband, Ian, and his father Diego Fuentes, had been rife with danger. And there the girl had been, desperate to end the life of death and misery her father had waged to find her for nearly twenty years. Her eyes had been shattered then, filled with desperation and fear that the plot to bring down the terrorist, Sorrell, wouldn’t succeed.


Primal Kiss

“How do you know you can’t handle me?” A gentle, heated nip at her ear caused her to jerk against him, a breathy little moan leaving her lips as she stared at the wall across from them and fought to steal back just a few of her senses. But it wasn’t happening. He wasn’t going to let it happen. In the next instant, the snap of her jeans parted.



It was crazy. The worst possible idea imaginable. She had spent three years denying the desire, denying the truth of her own feelings. If she walked up to that room, then it would change things forever. Marey pulled her little car into the parking lot of the motel and stared at the exterior nervously. Was she brave enough to do it? Could she actually walk in there and give in to all the desires she had kept hidden all her life, and then walk away as though it had never happened? Her hands gripped the steering wheel, her fingers curling around it in a death grip as she fought the tremors that quaked through her body. She didn’t know if she could do it. She had spent too many years fighting it. Unlike her friends, the merry five who had entered into marriages with infamous Trojans, Marey knew she likely didn’t have what it took to carry this off. It was one night, her hormones screamed at her. One stupid night of wild, hot sex, stop philosophizing over it. She could do this. Couldn’t she?


Black Jack

a steady, rain-filled wind whipped around the dark helmet covering Travis Caine’s head, sang around the leather pants and jacket he wore, and whispered a caress over the full, face-shielding helmet he wore. Heavy boots covered his feet, protecting him against the elements as rain poured down from the skies, and lightning lit the darkness with jagged forks of power. The Harley he rode roared down the open highway, throbbing with the increased power it had been customized with. The display beneath the handlebars was lit with a muted glow indicating speed, time, and location. The embedded electronics in the night-vision shield of the helmet provided other readouts considered imperative in his line of work. According to that information, he was growing closer to his destination and a mission he still wasn’t certain he was prepared to be a part of, because of the woman he was partnered with, because of a night they shouldn’t have shared. He shouldn’t have loved her.


Wolfe's Hope

Hope believed Wolfe was dead, but he was only waiting for the right time to claim her. The scientist who created him, Hope's mother, has waited long enough. She wants her creation back, and she wants any children that may result from their bond. He is a man whose DNA was altered with the genetic code of the wolf. A male unlike any other. Now Hope must convince her mate she hasn't betrayed him, and they must defeat the plans of a scientist gone mad.


Twin Passions

Astra Al’madere, betrayed by all. All she loved. All she swore to protect. And all for the Dark Wizards whose passion and heat she could not turn away from. A Sorceress can sense her Twins, the men destined to join her in her power to strengthen the planet of Sentmar, and there was one thing she’d sensed for a while… the Demlari were hers. She could not turn her back on them, or deliver them to justice, even though they had turned from her many years ago. A pain that still ripped her heart in two. Torran and Rhydan knew the road to claiming their Sorceress would not be an easy one. After all, a painful lie had driven her away, causing her to believe they did not burn for her. Were not consumed by her. But when she chooses to save them rather than to honor her duty, these Wizards know they now have the chance to show her she has always been the only one they desire.


Wicked Lies

HE'S TEMPTING FATE Jazz Lancing is the stuff of legends. A mountain-bred ex-Navy SEAL with rugged dark looks, a tall muscled frame, and gorgeous blue eyes, he can have any woman he wants in the state of Tennessee. Except Annie Mayes. The beautiful, innocent teacher refuses to fall for Jazz because she's hiding a secret more powerful than her own temptation ... SHE'S IN TOO DEEP Jazz knows that Annie isn't who she says she is-that she's lying about her identity, her past, and her motives. But can she be trusted? Little does he know Annie has been craving his kiss for years, dreaming that Jazz would take her in his arms and save her from her demons. But telling Jazz the truth could put both of them in peril. In this deadly game of danger, deceit, and darkness, is desire worth the risk of losing...everything?


The Devil's Due

They have the power to hold you spellbound, to captivate your senses, to keep you forever in their control and forever enthralled… One stubborn Breed meets her match and can no longer deny her mate or the fierce desires of her own heart.


Tanner's Scheme

After the Feline Breeds' main base is attacked, Tanner desires revenge. So he kidnaps Scheme Tallant, the daughter of a one-time high-ranking member of the Genetics Council. But when Tanner discovers that Scheme herself is a target of her father's ruthless mission, his vengeance takes a back seat to saving the life of the woman he hopes to claim as his mate.


Nauti Angel

Angel Calloway is no saint. But when the rough and reckless mercenary shows up in Somerset, she makes a lasting impression on the young Mackay girls, especially Bliss. Their mother Chaya, on the other hand, plans on keeping a suspicious eye on Angel. As the wife of the notorious Natches Mackay, she can tell when her family is being played. Former Army investigator Reece “Duke” Duquaine can’t help but be curious about the mysterious and sexy new woman in town, and he’s determined to uncover Angel’s secrets. And though his desire for her threatens to consume him, when Duke has the truth about Angel in his sights, he’ll have to take his shot…


Jacob's Faith

Six years have passed since Wolf Breed Enforcer, Jacob left Faith, unaware she was his mate or of the agony of the mating heat she suffered. Now, together again, they must confront not just the unbreakable bond that exists between them, but a mission that could threaten both their lives. Love isn’t something Jacob has allowed himself to consider but it’s exactly what Faith needs to survive the monsters working to destroy any Breed or see them once again confined. And it’s exactly what she intends to have from her mate. If they can survive the forces slowly gathering around them, intent on destroying them instead...


Midnight Sins

Rafer Callahan was a kid from the wrong side of the tracks who fought through life the only way he knew how—with his fists. But Rafer never meant to bring any harm to Cambria Flannigan. Cami lost her sister in the brutal murders that rocked her hometown so many years ago. Some still believe that Rafe, along with his friends Logan and Crowe, were involved. But how could Rafe—who haunted her girlish dreams, then her adult fantasies—be a killer? That is the question that keeps her up at night. Now a prosperous ranch owner, Rafe is trying to build a new legacy for himself. It’s finally time to settle the score with Cami and make her his. But old wounds open up with a series of new murders and each of the victims has a connection to Rafe, Logan, and Crowe. With suspicion, fear, and loyalty tearing her apart, Cami is once again at risk of losing her heart—or her life.

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