Soul Mate
Enchanted love Tales
Sentmar rested long ago. Aeons before Cauldaran and Covenan. The Wizard Twins and their Consorts governed the land and Magick alone. Wizard Twins and Sorceress Consorts ignored the hierarchy's most crucial duty in their pursuit of power, rank, and forgetting. That love triumphs, strength and weakness can unite, and the heart is the final battleground. Reason cannot determine power. The strongest men have limits. Power will fade without love to stoke patience and kindness above lust. It happened. When union strength mattered. From Wizard Twins to Sorceress Consort, these unions are about getting what you want. Joy is now pain. The merger of two souls and brains becomes a test of will, fuel for hatred, and frost. Years passed until Wizards and Sorceresses forgot why they had worked so hard to settle in the same lands or where their internal turmoil had begun. Sorceresses reported love in the air. Wizards craved power. Daughters were legally forced to join before birth, but sons were told to base their decision on money rather than personal beliefs. Witchcraft failed, and castles grew violent. In a last-ditch effort to cure the blind, the Sentinel Select snatched their children. The Sorceress Select's daughters, powerful, compassionate, and intuitive, were lured to Covenan. The Wizard Select gave the Wizard Twins Cauldaran's war-torn kingdoms. Because Select parents assumed their kids were smart, kind, and would eventually come around. Instead, the Cauldaran attacked the Covenan, further dividing their peoples and making it difficult to unite their magical traditions. As Secular population grew, the planet calmed, crying out for its lost children. The Select's two moons were projected to weaken. Conflict is inevitable. A wicked combination would destroy witchcraft, causing war and death.

Reno,s Chance
It wasn’t a party she wanted to go to, but Raven had promised her best friend Morganna that she would be there. Being there meant she would, of course, run into Reno. Reno, with the softest gray eyes she had ever seen, the most luscious buff body God had ever given a man. As she left the bathroom, her body washed, scrubbed, lotioned, and perfumed, she assured herself it wasn’t for Reno. But she knew better. Her body knew better. She wanted to come up with an excuse to stay home, but she knew she wouldn’t. It had been weeks since she had seen him, and she missed him.

Hidden Agendas
DIEGO FUENTES STARED INTO THE vast panorama of cliffs and ocean outside his borrowed home, and reflected on destiny. The destiny of a man and what he builds through his life, and how his legacy would be carried on. The destiny of a man born to power, but whose greatness is often diminished by those he loves. The destiny of a man determined to protect and nurture the last resource that would guide his empire into the future. At his side lay the report smuggled from the United States offices of Homeland Security. The detailed pages of reports on the men he sought. Their strengths and weaknesses, code names and locations. Their operational status and the fact that each man was part of the highly organized strike that had killed his youngest son and whore of a wife eighteen months previously.

Dangerous Games
Clint had been standing there for over an hour, hiding in the dark corner, watching her, trying to watch those around her, and wondering how the hell he was going to manage to convince her to lay low for a while. Morganna was stubborn as hell, and Reno had warned him that it wouldn’t be easy to convince her to give up her nightlife. He frowned as he remembered his friend’s words. The subtle warning in Reno’s voice, the feeling that the other man suspected more than he was saying as he gave Clint the names of the clubs she frequented.

Shattered Legacy
The battle had been harder than most. The field, littered with the dead and dying of both sides, was enough to bring turmoil to even the strongest stomach. The warriors who walked through it now had stronger constitutions than most and still, the bile rose heavily within them. So many broken bodies. Warriors and knights, earls and lords, the scourge of death marked them all. For what cause, Devlin wondered. For greed, for power, to usurp and plunder, rape and pillage a land already suffering from the tyranny of one who should protect rather than destroy. Here was the proof of man’s cruelty and disregard, one to another. This was the sum total of a king’s vow to protect and cherish life. To lead, guide, and rule his throne in justice and compassion. It was a vow the king had made to the warriors and this was the proof of his deception.

The One
Brenna’s love for Jase has grown from a crush to a soul-searing need, a painful hunger…and an unrequited ache, because the savagely sexy Texan doesn’t feel the same. A bequest and stipulation in his father’s will have hardened Jase, it seems. Now she must endure three months of living under his roof. Three torturous, tension-filled months and Brenna will have fulfilled the stipulation; will be free to attempt to regain the heart lost to Jase so long ago. Since the age of eighteen, Jase has protected Brenna—from himself, as much as anyone else. Living with her proves too rousing even for his iron will. He’ll claim what’s his, take Brenna in ways he’d previously only dreamed, sink so deeply inside her luscious body he’ll never find his way out. And be damned if he’ll let her go. A scorching Texas summer can’t compete with blazing lust as Brenna gives in, gives over, gives all that she is to Jase, to the only man she’s every loved…to the one.

Broken Wings
It was Dania’s screams that brought Mera awake. Shrill and resonant with pain and terror, the child’s cries had her out of the bed and rushing ahead of her husband into the family room of the aerie. She came to an abrupt, disbelieving halt just inside the doorway. Her blood thickened, congealing in terror as she saw the creatures awaiting her. In the middle of the room, grinning evilly in the flickering light of the thick candle on the small altar where the statues of the gods were displayed, stood the nightmares of the past, the vilest creatures ever known to the Winged Clans. Ralnd, who had rushed in behind her with sword raised, lowered it as the daggers pressed dangerously into the throats of their three babes. Their daughter cried out in desperation, her tiny wings fluttering in terror against the black-garbed chest of the human who held her. The twins, Aaroen and Gable, were silent, desperate to appear brave. She saw their fear, but also their belief that Papa would save them. With the humans were the Vultures. They were the vilest of the Clans, nightmares thought extinct. Their black wings were dull, as though dirt and oil coated their feathers, large stocky bodies with their thick muscular arms pinning her sons against their chests. They watched her with narrowed, leering eyes, their evil grins tight and promising long-nourished retribution.

Menage a Magick
The soft glow from the aura of magick that surrounded the twin moons of Sentmar was slowly dissipating. The twin rings were thinner than they had been in the entire written history of the planet. Once, thick luminous rings surrounded the moons, like pillowy circles of thick, rich cream. They were now wispy, and more transparent than ever before. The magick of the land was growing weaker by the year now, instead of by the decade. They would have to move quickly, or it would be too late. The humans would once again rule the land and they would have no mercy for their magick counterparts. Lasan stood on the upper balcony of the Veraga castle and stared into the night sky, frowning as he observed the phenomena. All that was Sentmar and magick was now threatened. All that had balanced justice and peace within their world was at stake. “We must move quickly.” Drago, his twin, stood behind him, staring at the moons as well, his voice soft, concerned. “She will not see reason, Lasan. Not until after the Joining. We can no longer afford to hesitate.”

Dragon Prime
“Alyx. I am dying.” Alyx fought within the dream, unwilling to experience the aching regret that filled his soul each time it came to him. “I cannot save you, Lady Lynn.” He brushed her tangled hair back from her face, his heart clenching, the Dragon stone at his chest heating with the sorrow of his clan. He had fought like a demon to reach the battle, to be by her side, to protect her from the dark forces he knew would go through her to reach the one she protected. She was his warrioress, his bond mate, and he would lose her now, possibly forever. On his planet his powers would have saved her. He could have drawn on the Dragon stone to heal her, to energize her life force. But this was not his planet. This was an alien world, light years away from his home. He had no power over such matters on this place called Earth. The Fates and Destiny guiding the souls here had refused him the power to act in their name. Yet, still he had tried. He had fought to make it to her side, to ride the dimensional wave to her rescue. If he could have arrived.

Moving Violations
Jericho, Tennessee. The hick town still held so many bittersweet memories. Rebecca Taylor had only visited once since she’d left and she wouldn’t be back now if Aunt Josie hadn’t died. Rebecca frowned as she searched the cabinet for more plates. The house was full of people. Some she knew from her childhood, some she didn’t know. Rebecca had few memories of her father’s reclusive sister, but she knew she didn’t have friends. She hardly ever left her house. Aunt Josie had been such a private woman. Rebecca never expected this many people would attend her funeral, much less come by the house to offer condolences. She walked into the dining room and set the plates at the end of the highly polished mahogany table, looking it over. Covered dishes, casseroles and cakes were plentiful and there was one lone bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken. She couldn’t help but smile at that. The doorbell rang and Rebecca sighed. At least maybe with all these people all the food would be eaten. She’d hate to have to throw it away. Rebecca made her way through the crowd occasionally nodding and saying, “Thank you,” as folks laid sympathetic hands on her arm and whispered their condolences.

Sheilas passion
Vengeance. It had been so long coming. So many years waiting, searching. Hating. Ah God, the hatred. It was like a wound festering deep within the soul, growing more tender by the year, refusing to release the acrid bitterness that filled it. And it all centered on one man. On a monster who had destroyed countless friends and family. Who had, with a single, thoughtless decision, caused centuries of traditions to be wiped out. Destroyed as though they had never been. And there had been no price extracted for the betrayal. There had been no punishment, no atonement; there hadn’t been so much as an “I’m sorry” or a sprig of flowers on the gravesites of those who had died because of the choices he had made. And many had died. A son had begun the slaughter as his father, the one so many followed, stood by, helpless, his loyalty centered on the daughter he had adored. The daughter’s life had meant more to that father than the traditions that had sustained a people for so long.

He had caused her to break the heel on her brand-new white heels. He had ripped the strap of her sundress, left scratches on her leg and he had made her cry. Anna ran her fingers through her long-tangled hair, grimacing at the shape the once neat locks had been brushed into. Her hair fell down her shoulders to the middle of her back now, the clip that had once held it at the nape of her neck long gone. The sundress was held on one side by the snug fit over her breasts, but the midnight blue linen dress would never be the same again. Her feet were scratched and sore, and she hated the dark. She had always hated the dark. She sniffed as more tears fell from her eyes, and she hated herself for being so frightened that they fell. Anna prided herself on never crying. But here she was, walking down a deserted country road, barefoot, pissed and crying. Why she wasn't certain. It wasn't as though she really liked the little jerk. She had only gone out with him to satisfy her father who was becoming increasingly worried that his little girl didn't like guys at all. She sniffed miserably. She did like guys. Well, one guy. Besides, she had standards, and that pip squeak Charlie Austin didn't hardly measure.

Monica sipped from her glass while looking at Craig. "Why do you think Halliburton gave up the prospect on the straits? After all, that is proven ground!" "Yes, but the costs are much higher and with the fracking in the Dakotas, they're not justified. They must drill and extract where the costs are at most equal to the costs in fracking spots, minus ten percent." "But the Southern Slope is already taken up by BP!" "That's true and it is odd, but not too extravagantly odd. It is unusual, I admit and it is out of the ordinary. My concern is how they'd get the license for the Southern Slope from the Feds, since they've already gave their thumbs up to BP. They don't usually double up on licenses, not even to one company, much less two! That is the oddest thing to me! In any case, I am happy. It means work for us!" "What do you mean?"

Lethal Nights
Son of the Dragon. She thought she’d heard somewhere that that was the literal translation of his surname. If so, it fit him from head to toe. Emma Jane stared back at the tall, dark vision of pure danger and dark, carnal sex appeal and wondered why she wasn’t shaking in her size 6 sneakers. A normal, everyday woman should never be forced to face such men. Just being in their presence drove home the fact that there might be pleasures, experiences, and hungers that would always be denied. His sunbronzed face was covered on one side by a menacing tattoo of a dragon, red eyes glaring at her from just above his left brow. Rough-hewn features were arranged with a hint of aristocracy, but for the evidence of a once-broken nose and the shadow of scars beneath the dragon. The icy stoicism in his pale green eyes and expression called to her and made her heart ache as he stood before her, made her want to reach out and touch him. She wanted to stroke him. There was something about him that was just so primal, elemental. He was a force of nature. He made her heart race.

Secret Sins
She couldn’t stand it. She couldn’t stand being around him. Watching him, wanting to rub against the hard corded strength of his body, desperate to taste a kiss from the controlled line of his sensual lips. He looked like a pirate. Like a desperado pretending to be a sheriff, and he made her want to run even as he made her want to cling to him. She couldn’t stand it.

Sarahs Seduction
Sarah was everything he wanted, everything he had dreamed of for over a year now. He had waited, put aside any thought of her until she turned eighteen, ignored his rising lust each time she smiled at him. Just as he now ignored the little voice in his head that said she was still too young. Much too young for what he needed from her. But how could he resist her any longer? His body ached for her, his cock throbbed with a constant erection, his hands itched to stroke her silken skin. He was starving for the touch, the taste of her, and could no longer deny himself the pleasure he knew he would find in it. So, he watched and he waited, planning just the right time, just the right way to draw her to him. She wanted him; he could see it in the soft golden brown eyes, the flush that mounted her cheeks when she looked at him. The way her hands trembled and her breasts rose and fell with her quickened breathing. And he knew when she left the party after receiving his note to search the shadows of the house for him, that she needed him, too. “Sarah?” He moved from where he hid as she stepped hesitantly toward him. “Where’s your shadow?” Mark Tate had been damned near impossible for him to get rid of. “Mark?” She bit her lip nervously, glancing back at the corner of the house as though afraid the other man would suddenly appear. “He went off to the barn with some of his friends.” She turned back to him, watching him intently in the dim light of the full moon. “He’s just a friend, Brock.”

“Easy, Red. Fuck yes, baby, there we go, take it all.” Red, or Kimberly Madison, lay back on the walnut table, her hands tied to the straps attached to the sides of it, her legs elevated by Sax as he slowly fed his cock up her tight, well-lubricated ass. Her head thrashed on the hard surface; beads of perspiration dotted her face, her full luscious breasts and peaked nipples. It ran in rivulets down her waist, a small amount pooled in the tiny indention of her bellybutton and her thighs glistened with it and the added mixture of thick juice that accumulated from her bare, flushed pussy. Sax had her thighs spread wide, bracing them with his muscular arms as he slowly fucked the petite little redhead while she screamed and bucked against him, begging for release. It was a sight Jared Raddington was certain would be burned in his mind forever.

Only Pleasure
Kia Rutherford-Stanton opened the door to her penthouse suite and stared at the man on the other side. Dressed in dark slacks and a gray dress shirt, he appeared far more dangerous than the clothing and the handsome, quiet features would suggest. Thick black hair was pulled back from the honed, strong features of his face and secured at his nape. He looked wicked, forbidden, and dangerous. And, unfortunately, he was the very man she had hoped wouldn't be knocking at her door despite the fantasies she'd often had of him in the past. She knew him. Everyone knew who Chase Falladay was, and those who didn't soon learned. According to her bastard husband, he was also the one man she didn't want standing on her doorstep. As though she should be frightened of him. Perhaps that was her mistake. It was never fear that filled her whenever she was around Chase. Wariness at times. Uncertainty. And since her marriage, an awareness that she shouldn't be anywhere near him. But fear had never been one of those emotions. "What do you want?" She wondered if the bruises on her face were still apparent. She didn't think so. She'd spent forever on her makeup that morning. It seemed her husband, Carl "Drew" Stanton, hadn't been pleased when he found out that his wife had no intentions of taking him back, or of retracting the information spilling through their social set that he had not only attempted to rape her along with another man, but that he and that man were part of a club created for just such morally questionable acts. As though she wanted that to get out. As though it didn't humiliate her as much as it did him. That didn't mean she had to do anything to help him. And the backhanded blow he had given her in response had strengthened her resolve that she didn't care if he fried in society. She could weather any gossip because, frankly, she didn't give a damn.

Killer Secrets
Slopping into the ICU Unit of the private military hospital wasn't an easy task. It would be considered insane from most men's point of view. Even a SEAL's. But that was exactly what former Lieutenant Ian Richards of the Navy SEALs did. Under the cover of night, he managed to slip into the hospital, make his way to the ICU, and wait until the guard at Nathan Malone's door dozed off before he slipped in, in the guise of an orderly. His first sight of his friend nearly stole his breath. Sweet Jesus. Nathan was in so many damned casts and wrapped in so many bandages he looked more like a mummy than a man. But it was a far sight easier on the eyes than the naked, ravaged SEAL they had dragged out of Fuentes's compound four months before. Tortured, beaten, sliced and diced. His face had been so disfigured it was hard to tell he was human, let alone the friend Ian had known for the better part of his life. How the hell Nathan had survived the nineteen months in Fuentes's care, Ian couldn't even imagine. Drugged constantly on the powerful date rape drug known as whore's dust, and encouraged repeatedly to rape the women brought to him, Nathan had lived in hell. The reports they had gathered indicated he had never taken one of the women locked in the cells with him, but the doctors and psychologists working with him said he might never recover from the amount of drugs pumped into his system. Ian knew better. Nathan was strong. Too damned strong to let Fuentes win like this.

Marlys Choice
Marly’s eyes opened slowly, blinking in awareness that he watched her. Cade stood beside her bed, his body hard and aroused, his eyes nearly black as he stared at her naked body. Those eyes focused between her thighs, where her fingers moved slowly on her smooth flesh, the small bud of her clit clearly visible as she massaged it sensuously. Her breath halted in her throat. He stood naked, his erection long and thick, one hand massaging it with slow, even strokes, his lashes lowered over the lust filled look in his eyes. Breathing harshly, Marly watched him lower himself beside her. She shook, recognizing the dream, but needing him so badly, she could only pray that this time, this time it was real. He stretched out on his side, one arm going beneath her neck, bracing himself on his elbow, his other hand touching her cheek gently. His body was hot and vibrant, heating her blood, her passion.