
Where We Belong

Book 2 from the Where I belong series. ***** Ava Mendez..Smart, sweet and one of the most loyal girls you will ever meet. After just having graduated from medical school becoming a qualified doctor Ava was looking for a job.Living at home with her mom 23 year old Ava was bored. All her life Ava was always buried in a book, her school work always came first and now with her having made her dream come true she was moving onto bigger things. Ava always felt something was missing in her life, had been since she was 7 years old. Her father. Frances 'Franko' Mendez president of the infamous Devils Due motorcycle club (mother chapter). Franko is a powerful and dangerous man who ruled over all Devils Due worldwide. He is highly respected but mostly feared by other MCs.Follow Ava through her journey of being thrust into a world where she doesn't belong. Ava was in search for her father but what she didn't expect to find in a club full of criminals was love.


More Than Lust

This is More than lust series. Book 1: More Than lust Grace stepped back in fear when he stepped ahead. "Do it again and I will break your legs..." He warned. Her eyes filled with tears. "Chief, I am sorry... I didn't want to but it happened all of a sudden... I had no idea..." She sobbed. Dominick grabbed her chin harshly. "Open your mouth for only one thing in front of me..." He gritted. She whimpered and sobbed when he let it go with jerk. "Please don't punish me... I am sorry..." She pleaded but her words fell on deaf ears. "I don't want to do it... Chief, please... I am scared of this... Please... Please..." She cried. "Strip..." He ordered while walking towards the wall. Her eyes widened when he did that. She couldn't think properly. Out of fear she ran towards the door but poor girl didn't know that she can't open it. ***** Grace is a nice and intelligent girl but her kindness is her enemy. She was living happy and peaceful life until mob boss knocked on her door. Grace had to sacrifice herself to the devil for her father's mistakes. But does this devil have heart? How long she can do it for her father? How will Grace deal with this silent and cruel man who doesn't even talk to her? After all, it's not easy to have sex with mob boss. Book 2: More than lust (sequel) It's been six months since he forced her to marry him. Grace has learned to stay with Dominick or we can say that she has learn to let him dominate her life. But is she really in love with him or is it just because of his fear?


Entrapped To Alien Lords

After she turned 18, Ciara finally got out of an abusive home and life for her was just beginning to make sense. Her little world wasn't very exciting and perfect, but it was hers until late one night. After noticing a faint glowing light coming from around her back, she dropped her groceries and went to investigate and that was the last time she saw earth. She woke up suddenly in a new environment and realized she was naked. She fought for her consciousness and sanity, but it was already late. Who would save this earth woman sold into intergalactic slavery from her ruthless alien masters? Having been coerced. Betrayed, Abused and taken, will there be any hope left for Ciara? ********* Excerpt.... The men stood at my pedestal talking and occasionally looking up at me. The questions plagued my mind. Had Dark hair bought me? What would they want me to do? Were they going to eat me or beat me? This book is a 37-part steamy series. Enjoy ....


DEIMOS (Alpha of Alphas)

"Do not run, my female. Face my fire. I promise it won't burn you but bring pleasure of... all kinds." He whispers hoarsely his pink tongue sensually caressing his moist plump lower lip, he is hungry for my flesh for my body. "Please let me go." I plead with him a faint whine leaving my lips. He shakes his head in denial a wicked devil's grin on his face. "If you run, I will take it that you want me to hunt you. If I find you after, I will gobble you up." He speaks with a deep aroused growl his eyes keenly studying my bouncy breasts and my exposed trembling thighs. "Have mercy." I whimper knowing I will be mercilessly eaten by him. "Come here, mate." His tone is innocent as if he promises he wouldn't do anything to me. But I know the beast that hides behind in disguise. Deimos opens his arms wide taking a big step forward to capture me and that is all it takes for me to ignore his sinful warning and run. ~~~ DEIMOS is neither man nor wolf. He is a God, the Alpha of Alphas. They say he has no soul for his eyes hold coldness that no heat can melt, his heart unyielding and emotionless scarred from his battles guarded by high walls. He is ruthless, injecting horror within others and striving off it. Slaughter is his pleasure. He does not understand the true meaning of love or mates, but he is mine. How can I make a male like this call me his? How can I make him want me? Opposites attract they say but is it worth bleeding for your mate? Tell me, is it possible to bring a God to his knees all in the name of love?


Betrothed To The Mafia Lord

"Don’t make me repeat myself twice, part those legs for me, Bunny." His deep voice which always sends my brain reeling due to how silky it sounds, washed over me slowly as he murmured quietly against my throat. ——— Forced to marry the ruthless mafia lord whom everyone was afraid of, at the age of 18, Sofia had no other choice but to follow her father’s wishes like a dutiful daughter was supposed to. Luca Ricci needed a wife, because he wasn’t getting any younger at the age of 33. He wanted to protect her, since the moment he locked eyes with hers on their wedding day and saw the amount of fright brewing in it. He wanted to mark her as his, with his handprints on her ass and his cum dripping off her face, to own her completely, to wrap his hand around her throat and do so many sinful things to her body. But he was the mafia lord, and danger just seems to be lurking around him, wherever he goes, and in whatever he does. He must protect his wife at all costs.



TRIGGER WARNING!! Sexual content. Slavery. 18+. Abuse & Violence at the beginning. Read at own risk. ~ ALPHA IAN ~ I have a sexy wife who I let everyone f**k, I feel nothing for her, to me she's my means of release and pride. My pack not only shares everything, they share everyone. Conquering packs for fun is our hobby. To us there is no such thing as a mate, because of the curse that the moon goddess bestowed upon us. But ever since I conquered the blood moon pack, I'm beginning to wonder what I feel for the filthy runt of the pack. I want no one to touch her. And what's worse is that I want to spread her legs apart and thrust my c**k into her tight, sweet p***y violently just so I could satisfy my urge and desires.


Love Slave to the Mafia Boss's Passion 18

[WARNING: MATURE CONTENT] "Each time you break a rule; I'll claim a part of your body as mine" Forced to marry the heir of the largest mafia syndicate to pay for her parent's debt and her grandmother's hospital bills. "Live with my son for 30 days, if you don't fall in love with him, I'll cancel this contract." Can Malissa live with the handsome, hot and dominating Hayden for 30 days without falling for his charms? However, there are rules to living with this lusty monster and as Malissa breaks them, she learns of pleasures that she never knew existed. As his touches set her on fire, her heart starts to melt. But does the two have a future together when Hayden is in love with someone else and Malissa cannot get over her ex-boyfriend? READ NOW to find out!


My Mafia Man

Artemy Loskutov... Known for his icy demeanor, merciless nature, and lethal skills, I command respect and instill fear in everyone who crosses my path. Love and affection have no place in my existence; my sole purpose is to exact vengeance upon the detestable Cavalieri mafia, responsible for my mother's untimely demise. When I stumble upon a young woman, battered and hiding beneath my bed, I spare her not out of kindness, but view her as a mere possession, a toy to be manipulated. Rebecca Cavalieri... I had grown accustomed to men who sought to exploit, harm, and discard me. Trust is an elusive concept, and my heart remains hidden beneath layers of anguish. Artemy, however, managed to unearth and rekindle the flickering flame within me. He awakened my dormant emotions. But if he uncovers the true extent of the danger I pose to him, I risk losing not only his affection but also my very life.


Horny Drips Sex Cravings

Warning: Mature Content "How do you feel?" He asked as he played with my breast. " I feel... I feel like I'm addicted to you...." I hissed in pleasure as he bit on my nipple. "Go on I want to hear it." He said in a low tone that made my skin heat up again. "You're a sin I can't fight against. You make me want more of you even when it's not right and it's toxic." I said almost whispering still trying to catch my breath. "And you love it even if it feels forbidden." " S-scott we shouldn't...." " Shhh...." He ordered as he stroked my wet clit with his fingers making me moan. "I don't want to hear more of your guilty confessions, I want you..." He paused and drew his face closer to my ears to whisper to it. " I want you to forget everything and just think about you and I and the feelings that comes with our body bonding in each other's heat." She is a stripper, entangled in the men's world. All she ever wanted was to have lots of money, a successful career and lots of men to satisfy her sinful desires. Her name is Thea, flip through the pages of this book to find out how she lives out her erotic fantasies and the lifestyle of guns and men.


His Lovely Obsession

Nicholas Derick Alcantara is filthy rich, incredibly good-looking, arrogant and every woman's fantasy. Stacey Ledesma is sultry, extremely alluring and every man's desire. The real Stacey is very simple, a bit shy and never had a boyfriend. But because of her job, she has to act and look sexy. Because of his wrong impression of her, Nick planned to teach her a lesson. He hates her kind. She has a reputation of being a flirt. A virgin will be ravished by a sexy as hell Casanova who thinks the worst of her. She will fall hard for him and he will be completely obsessed with her.


The Billionaire's Unwanted Bride

"How about I kiss you just to prove that you aren't attracted to me?" "What?!" She exclaims and scoffs. "Do I look like some cheap slut to you?" "No. You look decent but I just want to be sure you aren't attracted to me as you claimed." I can see she lied. She finds me attractive. I know I am the most handsome man she has ever seen in her entire life. But she doesn't want me to know that. She has not recovered from the shock of my question when I place my hand on her waist and the next minute, my lips are on hers. She gasps as I kissed her softly. Her eyes are wide open in surprise, and I can hear her heart beating twice it's normal rate. My eyes are also open because I want to see her expression. I can sense her thoughts. She can't believe she is kissing another man just a day after breaking up with her first boyfriend. She feels she is cheating on him. She has never kissed anyone else but her first boyfriend. Kissing another man who is me feels different. I know all of this from her expression. I am gentle with her. When I bite her lower lips, she releases a moan and closes her eyes to enjoy the moment, forgetting the fact that she is trying to hide her emotions from the man standing before her. I close my eyes too and trail my hand down her thigh, I raise her left leg. She gasps again. Still kissing her, I carried her with the left leg to the slab, placing her back to the large mirror. I didn't stop kissing her as I found my way out of my trousers and shorts. I guided her out of her dress too and stop kissing her. "Should I go....." She nods in anticipation, breathing hard.


The Accountant

A Mafia Romance: All Beau Anderson wants is one night of passion. One night to forget what she had become. Dominic Vasiliy, King of the Underworld. Ruthless, fearless, dominating, and arrogant. He never expected that one night of passion will change him forever. He fell and he fell hard. Mature Content 18 Romance/Action


The Grateful Rejection

This rejection story is not the cliché one, where the rejected omega runs away for sanctuary in another pack and becomes the head warrior and is more beautiful.No. This story is not like the rest.Even though people say there is no limit in hatred.Truth to be told, there is.And they crossed it.Now they gotta pay for it.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Maybe sensing that I did something to his dislike he growled at me. I whimpered and coward back, which made him snap and pull me to him. I started struggling as he picked me up like a fucking puppy. My legs were dandling in the air.In anger I growled at him and clawed his face baring my teeth at him but he looked at me indifferently, he pulled me chest to chest. His snout buried in my neck, I was to stunned to comprehend his acts. I was frozen in my place, he licked my neck and did something that was never expected of any shape shifters."Mine" he said hoarsely. With that everything went blank and I fell limp in his arms.


The Alpha's Prize

A war broke out between the Harvest Moon pack and the Rogues, also known as the Dead pack. The Rogues are winning and are brutally defeating the Harvest Moon pack. The King of the Rogues Alpha Cain, decides to propose a treaty between the rival packs, in order to end the war. But in exchange for ending the war, he wants Alpha Vale’s Daughter, an outspoken 19-year-old woman, who has been fighting alongside her pack during the war. She caught the eye of the Alpha and now he wants her for his prize.


Bound to the Volkovs

Belle, 26 yeas old, innocent and kind-hearted, lives in New York City enjoying every bit of her freedom until she meets Nikolai and Alexei, the most sought-after brothers of the underground criminal world. Nikolai is the boss of the Russian Mafia, an organized criminal organization ran by the Volkov Crime Family. He took over the family business when his father was murdered. He owns different legitimate businesses and finance companies in New York City. Alexei is the underboss of the Mafia who takes charge of the mafia's manpower and underground dealings. Belle was swept off her feet the very moment she locked eyes with the man who has dark green eyes and an undeniable charm she finds hard to resist.


Damian's Rose

"I want your body Rose." He said leaning against his office chair. Her grey orbs widened at his blunt words. "I am not your whore Boss." She tried to keep her face straight not wanting to show him any kind of emotions. "I know, let's make a deal, you give me what I want and in return I will give you something which you desire the most. Tell me Rose. What do you want?" She just stared at his evil smirking face. "I want freedom." She replied and his smirking face turned into shocked one. ************************** Damian Knight, a cold and ruthless mafia boss who wants a strong-willed girl for himself, but when he found her, he realized that it's actually next to impossible to have her. What will he do to taste this forbidden fruit, will he be able to have her or will she refuse to become his? How would Damian react when her cold behavior will stomp on his ego again and again? Welcome to the journey of two dark souls... ************************** Warning: This story contains extremely mature and explicit content like fighting, killing, torture and sex scenes.


His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies (Book 1&2)

Getting pregnant after a one-night stand with her boss and suddenly leaving her job as stripper was the last thing Serena had hoped for. To make matters worse, he is the heir to the mafia. When Christian forces Serena to go through with a fake engagement, she tries her hardest to fit in the family and the luxurious life. Christian is fighting as hard as he can to keep his family safe, but everything takes a turn when the hidden truth about Serena and her birth parents comes out. Will Christian be able to protect Serena? Will they end up catching feelings for one another?


The Arranged Bride

The 30-year-old billionaire bachelor Nicholas Carter isn't really fond of the word 'love', owing to his past. What happens when he is arranged in marriage to the 27-year-old sweet and independent Sophia Jones who refuses to bow down in front of him and accept everything he throws her way unlike an usual arranged bride? Oh! Did I mention Nicholas Carter's 5-year-old son?


Forbidden Heat

"I'll fuck you so hard that you'll forget all about him" Natalia has been desiring her stepfather for the longest time after her mother passed away. Suddenly, her stepfather becomes engaged to another women while his younger brother found out about Natalia's secret... Trying to keep her affair with her step cousin a secret from her passionate bodyguard...


Married To My Sister's Husband

When a 24yrs old timid, shy and sweet heiress Olivia Luthel entered into an arranged marriage with 28yrs old egoistic, widowed billionaire Markian Winfrey with serious trust-issues, she begins to doubt if she really made the right decision getting married to her late sister's widowed husband.Read the thrills, suspense and drama that seems to accompany the lives of the members of the 2 Minnesota's most powerful and wealthy families.

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